Friday, December 27, 2013

My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways. For a prostitute is a deep pit; an adulteress is a narrow well. She lies in wait like a robber and increases the traitors among mankind. (Proverbs 23:26-28 ESV)
Finally, then, brothers, we ask and urge you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, just as you are doing, that you do so more and more. For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God; that no one transgress and wrong his brother in this matter, because the Lord is an avenger in all these things, as we told you beforehand and solemnly warned you. For God has not called us for impurity, but in holiness. Therefore whoever disregards this, disregards not man but God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you. (1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 ESV)

In a society enamored with sexual innuendoes, promiscuous lifestyles, homosexual agendas, pornographic images, and perverted pleasures, the Scriptures remind us of the destructive and deadly ways of sexual immorality. The believer must be vigilant to obstain from sexual immorality (any form of sexual pursuits or practices outside the marital covenant) while pursuing the will of God: holiness, honor, and sanctification. God desires us to experience supreme pleasure, which is only discovered and enjoyed in Him, by observing His ways. The above texts remind us and instruct us to pursue holiness and purity, a needed reminder and word of instruction in a world opposed to His perfect ways. May the God of all grace and mercy enable us to remain pure and holy while being surrounded by a society that praises sexual immorality. 

The Nut Cracker Adventure

Kimberly and I enjoyed some "culturization" this afternoon as we attended the "Nutcracker" at the Duke Energy Center of Arts in Raleigh, NC. We both agreed that our first adventure of attending a Ballet was enjoyable and educating. Thanks to Papa B (Dave Black) for sending us as well as April and Blaire Roberts for keeping the Fab Five (Nathan, Michael, Rachel, Abigail, and Caleb) that Kimberly and me may enjoy an evening of entertainment alone. Would I attend again? Most certainly! Though a few years ago I would have never gone :) This ol' country boy is learning to love the Arts as an expression of God's Creation. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas adoption

Christmas is always an exciting time for our families as we, together, celebrate the Incarnation of our King, Jesus Christ. The past 6 years have been filled with joy as we have added a child ever 2yrs since 2007 when Nathan, our oldest son, was born. The Father gave us Rachel in 2009 and then Caleb in 2011. All three brought us great pleasure and excitement was we experienced the beauty of life entering the world. This year we are excited, not about one addition, but rather two additions to the Bradsher nation as The Father has blessed us with Michael and Abigail, pictured in the the middle below. We are currently in the adoption process awaiting the final court date when, Lord willing, all will be finalized. I thank my God for such a wonderful, beautiful Christmas gift - having a part in exemplifying to the world the "reason for the season." Yes, the "Reason for the Season." How is adoption the reason for the Christmas season? Luke recorded Jesus stating the reason for His Incarnation (physically becoming a man), "for the Son of Man [Jesus Christ] has come to seek and to save the lost." Jesus was born to die for the redemption of man. Paul says such another way in Ephesians 1:5, "having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will," the Christ of God was born Jesus the man in Bethlehem so that we who once were not in God's family could become a member of God's family, a forever child of God. Thus, Jesus Christ was born, Christmas, for our eternal adoption. Though our adopting Michael and Abigail is not eternal, our willingly and joyfully embracing them into our family, making them our children, at least in part exemplifies the grace of God shown to us as He adopted us into His family. We celebrate Christmas this year in a whole different light as we are reminded of His willingly and joyfully adopting us into His family. From the Bradshere nation to you: Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas reminder

Wonderful Christmas reminder of the experience of the "Babe in a Manger" as The Christ of God, the eternal one, becoming man, the Incarnation, for the purpose of glorifying God by redeeming man. He encountered the supreme discomfort to provide the ultimate sacrifice for sin. Read this for greater detail: 

Translating the manger

Wondering how necessary it is to be accurate in translating the text of Scripture to the culture while maintaining the integrity of the message? I am reminded that each word translated from the original needs to reflect the context and the meaning of Scripture. Check out this post for a great interpretational reminder.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Investing in a young life for the Kingdom

Meet Abishek. A young man who lives at the Peniel Gospel Missionaries Children's home in Bagdogra, West Bengal, India. Seeking to provide the children of missionaries an education, the Peniel Gospel Team provides the children of missionaries sent out by the PTG lodging, food, and education while their parents are in the field. Travel is difficult, provisions are slim, and education is mostly unavailable in the villages the missionaries are reaching, thus PGT provides the basic needs of clothing, food, and education for the children while the parents are in the field, all for the futherance of the gospel in India. The overall planin of PGT is to utilize all their resources to train and send church planters out to reach the unreached villages. Their prayer and desire is that these missionary children will use their biblical and secular education to reach the nation of India with the gospel. Interested in partnering with them in this endeavor? You can provide for a student at the PGT missionary home for $35/month - about the cost of a McDonalds meal for 5. For some this would be a sacrifice. For others this would he 1/2 or less of your monthly cable/satellite bill. Nothing more eternally rewarding than investing in God's kingdom. Email me if you are interested.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Christian forgiveness exemplified

Go here: to hear the widow of Ronnie Smith, teacher martyred in Bengazi for the gospel, testify concerning the Spirit of God working in her to forgive the men who murdered her husband. Forgiveness such as she is experiencing only comes through the indwelling of the Spirit of God, it is a supernatural forgiveness only extended through the grace of God. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Feeding 5 kids, Kimberly and myself demands a lot of meat. Thankful for the Father supplying venison in abundance last night as I successfully bagged 2 does. The Family, biological and church, gathered to aid in cleaning the kill to refrigerate for the later feasting. Thanks Ed and Shannon for "helping a brother out" when going at it alone would have been overwhelming. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Married to a Jewel

The writer of Proverbs 31 was instructed, quite possibly by his mother, that a virtuous wife's worth is far above rubies, "Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies." I confess that I have found and married a Jewel; for, my wife, Kimberly Newton Bradsher, is indeed worth more than rubies. She faithfully trains 5 children daily, 3 biological and 2 adopted, while serving her husband and keeping the home. She works with her hands when sewing, cooking, cleaning, tending the horse farm, designing our future house, and then homeschooling our children. Her desire to faithfully serve the Kingdom of God excels far beyond mine in many ways. We share a passion to reach the nations with the gospel. She treasures Jesus above all else, rarely being distracted from the tasks at hand. I am thankful to my God for allowing me to marry a wife whose worth is "far above rubies!" I pray that if you have not found a Jewel to marry, that the Father will send one your way gentleman - though I am not so sure there are any quite like Kimberly :). 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Laying it all down

A Must Read!

Jamie obviously saw his gift of teaching and his training, as a teacher, as an opportunity to proclaim Christ to a nation in desperate need of the Light of the Gospel. We should and must be willing to utilize all our gifts, talents, resources, and training as an opportunity to serve the King both here and abroad. However, I will say, that now more than ever we need occupationally trained teachers, mechanics, engineers, architects, electricians, etc. to trade in the supposed comforts and safety of the US to serve in a country, such as Lybia, for the greater purpose of the King. Are you willing? What hinders you? Why not spend your life glorifying the King in this manner. I pray, that God will raise up from the church young men and women who pursue their education for the purpose of laying it all down for the gospel. (Philippians 3:1-11).

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ram Mohan

Meet Ram Mohan and his family. Ram is a missionary/church planter with the Peniel Gospel Team who presently plants churches among the Santhal people of NE India as well as various other unreached people groups. He has recently began 8 "House Church" plants that will grow into Village churches. Our team had the privilege of interviewing Ram. He shared that one family recently professed Christ and broke their idols to show their allegiance to the King. Kimberly and I provide financial support for Ram to freely move from village to village planting churches. The cost to provide the basics for him and his family is $50/month. WOW! What a small investment that has eternal rewards. Will you consider supporting an indigenous missionary in NE India? If so, shoot me an email at 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Christmas Exhortation

Great exhortation and challenge for the intentional follower of Jesus this Christmas season. Let's invest in the eternal work of God's kingdom rather than hording up those things that only possess temporal value. Thanks Dave for the stark reminder of the need of the nations and the willingness of the indigenous Christians to plant churches.

"7:28 PM Shopping season is upon us. Perhaps this is a good time to remind my readers that the body of Christ in Asia and Africa is looking for Christians in the West to partner with them and link hands in this time of harvest. God has showered material blessings upon the church in America. I feel that God has called me to speak up for the brethren in Asia and Africa because many of them cannot speak for themselves. The day of the indigenous Christian movement has come. Foreign nationals can do the work of church planting much better than we can. Several hundred thousand native missionaries in the Two-Thirds World are awaiting our support. Paul teaches in 2 Cor. 8-9 that those who have are obligated to help those who do not have. Are you a wealthy or affluent Christian? Are you ready to follow Jesus' example into a sacrificial lifestyle? A lady once wrote a check for $100 and sent it to us at Christmas. She attached a note that said, "No longer will I be buying my grandchildren Christmas presents. They hardly need more things anyway. This year I am sending you a check for the needy in Ethiopia in the name of my grandchildren. They will receive a Christmas card from me telling them where 'their' Christmas money was spent."
DBO exists to remind affluent Americans that there is a needy world of people out there whom Jesus loves and for whom He died. Will you join Becky and me in ministering to them?" from

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Reaching New England with the Gospel

The endeavor to reach the nations with the gospel is NOT limited to crossing the great Seas, but encompasses the US as well. We, as followers of King Jesus, must have a "both and" vision for the Great Commission. Our efforts must include both the nations and our own nation. Thus being stated, I urge you to pray about intentionally involving you and your family in reaching the New England Territory of the United States with the gospel of Jesus Christ. God may very well invite you to be involved in His mission to plant Biblical churches in the New England Territory through financial giving or through your uprooting your family to plant a church. The gospel centered life calls us to willing and sacrificially give and go that the world may know and worship King Jesus. Below is a website that can help you get plugged in - check it out:

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Challenging thought about Kingdom priority and family

Below is a post by Dave Black concerning an article called "family values." I hope you enjoy and are challenged by the thought that the gospel demands all - not some, not half - but all that we are. 

8:44 AM Recently I had a conversation with someone about family pressure. You know, the kind of negative peer/familial pressure that tries to keep you from pursuing God's will for your life. This issue was recently addressed in an essay called "Family Values." I'll just offer my two drachmas.
Jesus is very clear about what it means to follow Him. Through His teachings, our eyes can be opened to see the divine balance that Christ Himself taught. Once we fully understand the Great Commission and the principles of kingdom living, we will find that life is one unbroken piece of cloth. Every activity, every project, every goal in our lives is to be evaluated in terms of how it contributes to the ultimate mission of God on earth -- global evangelization in our generation. Real faith doesn't come cheap. It cost Abraham everything to serve God. He left father and mother, homes and animals, not even knowing where he was going because he wanted to serve God more than anything the world had to offer. As believers, we are ambassadors sent to this world from another kingdom. We know from Scripture what this entails. It requires a submitted and surrendered will. It requires us to refuse to make any important decision in life without submitting it first for His approval. It requires us to get off the religious merry-go-round by making the kingdom the central passion of our lives. We must be willing to "let goods and kindred go." It means following in the steps of Jesus. We must be willing, as He was, to forsake everything, even family, for the sake of lost souls. The deceitfulness of sin -- often disguised as family "love" -- will keep us from achieving a committed life if we are not careful.
As the essay reminds us, the traditions and wisdom of our society -- including so-called "family values" -- can no longer dictate what we as Christians will do with our time, money, and energy. Many people are hindered in their walk with Christ because of peer/family pressure. But the Prince of Peace came with a sword. He insisted, "Unless you hate father and mother you cannot be My disciple." The American Civil War literally divided families. James Crittenden (whose famous "compromise" failed to avert the war) had one son who became a Union general and another son who became a Confederate general. Abraham Lincoln's wife Mary had seven bothers and brothers-in-law who fought for the South. Officers who fought side-by-side during the Mexican War of 1846 fought against each other during the war of 1861. Captain Robert E. Lee and Lieutenant James Longstreet became mortal enemies of Lieutenant Ulysses S. Grant and Lieutenant Winfield Scott Hancock a mere 16 years later.
Follow Jesus with your whole heart and many will think you are crazy, even perhaps your own family members. But you must obey the Master, remembering the words of Jesus, "He who is not with Me is against Me." Carnal Christians and unsaved loved ones simply cannot understand what Jesus is saying here. But what does God require? I challenge you to read the Gospels and mark every verse where Jesus talks about family. Seek to obey what He says, not merely talk about it.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

New SS Class

Christianity 101

Purpose: Christianity 101 seeks to introduce present and prospective members, as well as, new believers to Biblical Christianity. This class will provide introductory studies in Biblical Theology, Christian Living, and Baptist Life.

Class Outline:

Week 1 – Knowing God  (Doctrine of God)

Week 2 – Seeing & Savoring Jesus (Doctrine of Jesus)

Week 3 – Walking in the Spirit (Doctrine of the Spirit)

Week 4 – Designed for God (Doctrine of Man)

Week 5 – Redeemed by God (Doctrine of Salvation)

Week 6 – Doing Life together  (Doctrine of the Church)

Week 7 – Missio Dei (The Mission of God)

Week 8 – Solo Scriptura (Doctrine of Scripture)

Week 9 – Hearing from God (Understanding Scripture)

Week 10 – Hearing from God part 2 (Understanding Scripture)

Week 11 – Together for the Gospel part 1 (Baptist History)

Week 12 – Together for the Gospel part 2 (The Southern Baptist Endeavor)

Week 13 – Growing and Going Together (The Clement Church Family)

When: Starting Sept. 1st for approx. 13 weeks
Where: Clement Baptist Church, Upstairs of Family Life Center in Youth Room 
Who: Anyone 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Meet Peter Crisp. He has been serving King Jesus in Bennington, VT for 1.5 yrs specifically seeking to plant a church. In November we surveyed Bennington in an effort to provide information for Layndon Warren (pictured below on left). We encountered resistance coupled with very little info. This year we returned and met Peter serving alongside him in VBS. This year the Father blessed and 5 people from Bennington trusted the Savior. By the way, such is unheard of in VT :) Peters persistent loving ministry in Bennington is bearing fruit. Pray for the Father to send other church planters and partners to serve side by side with this brother in the gospel. 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Overcoming Temptation

Overcoming temptation is a daily battle for the follower of Jesus, trust me I have plundered and fallen on my face more than I care to discuss. However, God is faithful to provide for us a "way of escape" when the temptation arises. The question remains will we take the way of escape :) I have lately pondered Paul's words in Romans 13:14, "But put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill its lust." I find myself often making provision or providing a way for the flesh to indulge, do you? Here is a helpful article from a great preacher of the gospel, Adrian Rogers, that is helpful. Hope you and I will take heed.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Persistence in Parenting

Reminded this morning by a brother in Christ of the valuable and fruitful work of being persistent in daily teaching my children the gospel. The greatest missionary training facility in the world is the Christian home. God entranced parents provide the front lines of preparing men and women to fulfill the mission of God - glorifying Himself among all tongues, tribes, nations, and languages (Rev. 5:9). Distractions often draw us away from this lofty task, thus I/we must decide to persistently immerse our lives and the lives of our children in the Scriptures. I desire as a parent is that my children will enjoy the greatest pleasures that God's Creation has to offer. I desire for them to enjoy life to the fullest. God Himself is the source of the greatest pleasure - he Himself is the one that pleases - all else leads to unsatisfactory results and insatiable desires, but God fills man to the full with Himself satisfying Him forever. Let us lead our children to the fountain of pleasure that never runs dry nor never fails to satisfy. Give them Jesus (John 4). Thanks my brother for reminding me to be persistent in this most pleasing endeavor.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Here is a thought provoking post from Jason Engle, a close companion and brother in Jesus.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

You up for the Challenge?

The following is a blog post from Brother Dave Black, my Greek professor and dear brother. Such concerns the immediate financial need of the Peniel Gospel Team in India for the building of a Christian School. The Peniel Gospel Team serves King Jesus through planting churches, training pastors and missionaries, operating free schools, operating a Missionary school, and an orphanage near the border of Bhutan, a "closed" country. Will you pray about supporting their endeavor to build a Christian school in NE India that is in desperate need of an ongoing gospel witness? Will you "Step Up to the Challenge to give?" You can access Dave's blog here.

9:10 AM Today's quote? "The work goes on."
As you know, God has appointed Becky and me to help the Peniel Gospel Team in the far northeast "neck" of India. This location is strategic. It is not in the southern region, where most believers reside, where most ministry investment is done, and where outreach has been done since (literally) the days of the Apostle Thomas.
No, the Peniel Gospel Team is working in a region that is untouched with the Gospel, and it is right next to the "closed" countries of Nepal, Bhutan, and Bangladesh. This ministry was started by a pioneer, obedient man who left his comfortable home in south India. As the only believer in this region, he preached and preached and preached. Alone in the work for many years, God saw his faithfulness and has multiplied his work. Today the work of Peniel Gospel Team has 400 evangelists, 2 children's homes, a seminary, a low-income private school, and outreach to dozens of unreached mountain villages.
However, a big problem exists in the work: It is almost totally dependent upon gifts from USA. Why is this situation a problem?
  • The government (Hindu-based) is suspicious of money coming from abroad
  • The local community is suspicious of the work as being a "foreign" work
  • The ministry budget is dependent upon the faithfulness and goodwill of Americans
  • Fluctuating exchange rates, changing bank rules, and money transfer issues create challenges to financial stability.
God has appointed Becky and me to help the Peniel Gospel Team establish a large private (meaning, tuition-based) school that will generate the income needed to sustain this ministry for many decades to come.  There are many benefits to this plan:
  • The community gains a benefit through education; this endears the work to them and opens their hearts to the Gospel
  • The 2500 students coming daily to learn their A-B-Cs also have exposure to the Lord who loves them
  • The ministry gains a stable income source for its outreaches; in fact, we expect that the vast majority of the needs for the evangelists, orphans, and seminary will be met through the school tuition income.
As we have been praying about this project (and it is a BIG project), God has brought a donor who is placing before our DBO readers and ministry partners a challenge to give to this need. Here are the facts about this challenge:
  • For the first $10,000 given, there will be a 50% match. This means that if you give $500, the school will receive $750.
  • For the next $10,000 given, there will be a 100% match. This means that if you give $1000, the school will receive $2,000.
  • For the following $10,000 given, there will be a 150% match. This means that if you give $2,000, the school will receive $3,500.
The deadline for giving is Dec 31, 2013.
When you give, make your check payable to Bethel Hill Baptist Church, and write in the memo "India School Matching." Mail the check to Becky Black, 2691 White House Rd., Nelson, VA 24580. You will receive a tax-deductible receipt from Bethel Hill in Jan, 2014.
Caution: do not delay until we reach the 150% matching level; the need for funds is NOW.  If God is appointing you to help in this work, be among the first to "launch" the matching. The construction has already begun!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Resilience in the gospel

For a challenging and exhortative article on resilience in the Christian life that you will find most helpful go: here. The one who desires to live life to the glory of God, thus pleasing his/her Master, must be maintain a resilient heart.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

James 1:27 & India

Here is an article post that describes how you and I can partner with the Peniel Gospel Team in relieving the fatherless and the widows in India for the furtherance of the gospel. Contact information as to how to invest in this gospel endeavor is in the article.

India Mission Endeavor

Here is a great article describing the mission endeavor of the Peniel Gospel Team in India. November 9th I, along with 5 others, will be traveling to India in order to serve side-by-side with them in the gospel. The Peniel Gospel Team is a church planting ministry which strives to be self-supporting in a low economy and Hinduistic culture. Would you pray about making a Kingdom investment detailed in this article? Would you pray about partnering with our team in November by supporting us financially or by beseeching God for His grace to be manifested through us while there?

If you wish to join the efforts to build a Christian school in a Hinduitstic culture, contact Dave and Becky Lynn Black @

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Overcoming SOME injustice through Adoption

            Kimberly and I have been convinced for nearly a year that adopting a child is one way to “Live out the Gospel” in a world that devalues life, primarily through abortion, but also through child neglect or abuse. Little prayer was needed in order to understand that believers must be involved in caring for the poor and the afflicted. The Psalmist writes in Psalm 140:12, I know that the LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted and justice for the poor.” Children are amongst the most afflicted in our society as such pursues selfish endeavors by living out an individualistic, materialistic, and consumeristic philosophy of life. David Platt described our cultural landscape by stating that it is “marked by materialism, characterized by consumerism, and engulfed in individualism.” Abortion, Sex Trafficking, and Child abuse/neglect, among many, are injustices resulting from this ungodly philosophy of life. The love of Christ compels believers to wage war against such injustices that Christ might be magnified and glorified throughout the entire world.
            Such being said, followers of Jesus seek, like their Lord, to overcome the injustices of society by engaging in the warfare. As ambassadors of Christ and ministers of reconciliation, our dutiful pleasure involves participating in combating the injustices of the world through Gospel Living. How, you might ask, can we engage in this warfare? How can we take part, as the church, in overcoming the injustices of society? Prayer serves as our first line of defense; however, in praying, we must be willing to personally be engaged in the warfare. We must pursue Spirit led practical ways to combat the injustices. In doing so we represent the heart of our King by overcoming evil with good.
            One avenue of defense involves Christian families adopting abused and/or neglected children. James writes, A religion that is pure and stainless in the sight of God the Father is this: to take care of orphans and widows in their suffering, and to keep oneself unstained by the world” (James 1:27). Adoption provides believers with an opportunity to manifest the beauty of the gospel as an “adoptive” gospel. The Scriptures describe children of God as being “predestined to adoption to Himself through Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 1:5). God the Father adopted us into His family as an act of love and grace. Christian families adopting children reflect this God-like love and grace as they lavish their love on children who are not biologically their own.
            Kimberly and I, being convinced that adoption afforded us the opportunity to “Live out the Gospel,” thought it would be a few years before we began the adoption process; however, God in His sovereign plan knew otherwise. In recent days the opportunity has arisen for us to adopt two children ages five and two. Michael (5) and Abby (2) have lived in an unstable home since their birth. Knowing the circumstances, because we know the birth parents, we knew that the Father had provided us the opportunity to lavish our love upon them as He has lavished His love upon us. We understand there are financial, emotional, mental, and physical sacrifices that must be made to facilitate the adoption; however, we also understand that these are the demands of the gospel. Loving others in the manner that Christ has loved us is costly and sacrificial. Though we cannot adopt every abused or neglected child, we can participate in providing a stable, gospel-centered environment for Michael and Abby. The Father does not ask us to “Do It All,” but rather, willing participation in His kingdom work. His kingdom work involves seeking to overcome the injustices of the world. How are you engaging in the warfare between righteousness and unrighteousness? How are you actively participating in manifesting the glorious beauty of the gospel to the world? My prayer for the Bradsher family and you is that we would be actively involved, through sacrificial and costly love, in overcoming the injustices of the world. O that the gospel would rule us in such a manner that our very lives reflect its power and glory.

Your Fellow Servant in the gospel,

Joel Bradsher


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Enjoying Freedom in the midst of Suffering

For to the just all the evils imposed on them by unjust rulers are not the punishment of crime, but the test of virtue. Therefore the good man, although he is a slave, is free; but the bad man, even if he reigns, is a slave, and that not of one man, but, what is far more grievous, of as many masters as he has vices; of which vices when the divine Scripture treats, it says, “For of whom any man is overcome, to the same he is also the bond-slave.”

Augustine of Hippo. (1887). The City of God M. Dods, Trans.). In P. Schaff (Ed.), A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, First Series, Volume II: St. Augustin’s City of God and Christian Doctrine (P. Schaff, Ed.) (66). Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Company.

St. Augustine made this statement in his famous City of God. Upon reading this statement I could not help but consider the life of the Apostle Paul. Though he was bound in chains often, he lived freely. Though seen as a prisoner in his culture, he was a free man. How could such be? How could he live "freely" while being "imprisoned?" The greatest imprisonment known to mankind is the imprisonment of sin - the bondage of sin. Sin renders man incapable of serving God freely and pleasureably. God created, designed man to live unto Him, thus only in "living for Him" are we free. Paul experienced freedom in the real sense, he experienced freedom from sin through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The gospel had set him free! The Truth (Jesus Christ) had set him free from the great bondage of sin; therefore, when he suffered persecution for righteousness sake, for doing good or being a good man (as Augustin said), he experienced true freedom while being bound. The soul set free from sin is FREE indeed regardless of the physical suffering or imprisonment one may experience. The righteous man, the one set free through the gospel, knows the punishment he faces is a "test of virtue" rather than punishment for sin. He who lives righteously resulting in persecution enjoys the greatest freedom and pleasure known to man, that of living to God. Paul experienced Freedom while in prison because he understood that true freedom, freedom from sin, was obtained and experienced in Christ and not in the lack of physical suffering. Want to live freely? Want to enjoy freedom and pleasure even in suffering? Such a life is only obtained through faith in the one who conquered death - the Lord Jesus Christ. "And you shall know the Truth (a person, not a mere proposition), and the Truth shall make you free." John 8:32 By the way, such is conditional upon our abiding in His Word - John 8:31.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Mission Vermont

One of the most unchurched states in the US is the northern state of Vermont. Layndon Warren, one of my closest and dearest friends, serves as the North American Mission Boards church planting coordinator for the New England territory. 6.5 yrs. ago Lyandon informed me that he was moving his family to Vermont for a life-long investment of planting churches. His commitment to planting churches in the New England Territory has resulted in the planting of two functioning churches along with many others in the planning process. Click here  Would you pray about partnering with the Lyandon to reach Vermont with the gospel?

Here is the website:

Here is a copy of his newsletter:

May Highlights
Wow, what an exciting month May has been! For starters, our leadership at Founda-tion Church prayed and decided that two services were needed in order to accommodate our growing congregation. Therefore, on Mother's Day, we started a 9 and 11 o’clock ser-vice and it was indeed a success. We have been able to accommodate more people in the two services and as a result, we’ve noticed a rise in guest attendance. Our people are catch-ing a vision for reaching the un-churched and inviting their friends and family. We praise God for the new faces and look forward to seeing many more in the days to come. Also, we are planning to have our first Baptismal Service of the summer in June. Two people who have given their lives to Christ over the winter, are now ready and excited to move for-ward in Believer’s Baptism. Please pray for them. I know this act of obedience will en-courage their lives and be a witness to their friends and family who attend the celebration.
Church Planting Highlights
May has also been an exciting month for my work with NAMB. I, along with a few other of my colleagues were able to facilitate a Church Planting training in Nor-wich, CT. We had 35 men in attendance. Five of those men were from Vermont and are planning on starting new churches within the year. I am so excited to see God an-swering our prayers and raising up indigenous leaders from within our state. I had several great conversations with these men about their plans and helped them to see that they were not alone in this endeavor.
Special Prayer Requests & Needs
1)Please pray for our Church Planting Picnic on July 13th. We are planning on hav-ing a day of encouragement for our VT planters and really want this to be a great day for them. We are looking for some partners to help us raise at least $500 to help with food and recreation for the day. It would be a true blessing to have you help with this much needed ministry, so please pray about helping us bless our Front Line Kingdom Soldiers.
2)Awareness has been the biggest “Achilles Heel” for church planting in Vermont over the past several years. Therefore, God led me to create a Church Planting website to broadcast our needs, at a much more rapid pace. It has been working, but your help is still needed to continue to put our states needs before others. Would you please consider part-nering with us to raise $2000 to give our website a continued renewal of video and blog posts? The money raised will enable us to make more recent videos of current needs and
highlight places of opportunity from around the state. In addition, we will also be able to have someone post weekly blog articles about Church Planting that will keep people viewing our website often and sharing the articles that they find interesting. Please pray about partnering with us to support this vital avenue for church planting.
Donations for the planter picnic or the website can be made out to Foundation Church 153 Main St Poultney, VT 05764 and please indicate on the memo line what the gift is to be used for. Thank you.
3) Partnerships for two parsonage projects are needed in Vermont at the current time:
Jerry Frey in Pownal, VT is building the first GMBA parsonage. He was given money from the GMBA to buy the materials for the parsonage, but he needs ministry teams to help build the actual building. If you are interested please contact him and inquire about opportuni-ties for service. 802-236-9373
Also, Keith Bodwell, a church planter in East Hubbardton, VT could use some help with his parsonage project. Keith is new to VT and has a church building , but no house to live in. Currently, Keith, his wife and three kids live in a camper. We would like to see this circumstance change for Keith, so would you pray about coming to VT and helping Keith with his parsonage project? His number is 802-839-5735.
4) Last, we have several churches in Vermont that have Church Planting Intern positions open and ready to fill, but no one to fill them. Would you pray that God would raise up plant-ers to fill these ministry positions and that towns in Vermont that have no evangelical witness, would one day have a church planter move into them and begin to share the Word of God. We need willing people to move to Vermont with a vocational skill that will enable them to work and do ministry, so please pray that these people will say yes, when God presents them with an opportunity to serve Him here.
Thank all of you so much for your prayer and continued financial support. It is all mak-ing a noticeable difference in the country’s most un-religious and un-churched state. Little by little, we will see Vermont won for Christ, but it is going to take much prayer and many boots on the ground . So, keep that precious support coming and know that we appreciate it more than words can say. God bless you all.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Zoo Time

Last week was super busy for the Bradsher nation. Kimberly and I had to travel to Wilmington, NC to meet the two young children: Michael and Abby, that we are adopting along with their foster parents. Prior to our leaving on Saturday, I had planned a Zoo trip for my family in order for us to have some educational and entertaining family time. Below are a few pictures from our adventure.

Here are My monkeys hanging with The Monkeys! 

The fastest, flightless bird on the planet! We were amazed at his height!God's creatures are amazing to see as they display His creative brilliance. 

The super-tall giraffes were hanging with the Ostrich. Nathan and Rachel were wowed by their height and "spotty" beauty.

The Harbor Seal and the Polar Bear were both enticing attractions. I found it fascinating that the Polar Bear can "sniff out" his prey (the Harbor Seal) 20 miles away. This poor fellow has to  smell the Harbor Seal daily within about 100yds of where he is; yet, he can never reach them Talk about torture :) 

Hopefully this will entice you and your family to visit the NC Zoo in order to see God's magnificent animals. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Source of Christian Joy

The foundation of Christian joy is not circumstantial, but rather the character and nature of God Himself. The personhood of God provides the follower of Jesus with indominable, eternal joy that surpasses the circumstances of the day. O the rejoicing that arises when one recognizes the source of the Christian joy is God Himself. "If I cannot so behold the excellencies and perfections of God as to cause  to rejoice in Him for what He is in Himself, I have no solid foundation of joy." - David Brainerd 

"Swan Song" of a Godly leader

     Incumbent upon every leader is the responsibility of preparing for his departure. He can rest assured that there will come a time that he will no longer be able to lead in the capacity which he at present is enjoying. All men are mortal beings whose earthly lives, at least the present one, one day will end; thus, a good leader must invest and instruct another to serve in his stead. Reading 1 Chronicles 28-29 reminded me of the necessity as a leader in my home and church to be proactive preparing for my departure. Is that soon? Well hopefully not :) However, I hold that leaders must be visionaries which leads to proactive preparation. Furthermore as a father my children will one day leave my home to build a home of their own. In 1 Chronicles 28-29 the reader encounters King David's "Swan Song." David recognizes that his time as King is coming to an end, thus he prepares Solomon to reign in his stead. Therefore, he instructs Solomon to "know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind; for the Lord searches the heart and understands all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek, He will be found by you; but, if you forsake Him, He will forsake you forever." David in so many words reminds Solomon of the primary Law, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength" (Duet. 6:5). David desired Solomon to know that all decisions have consequences: the decision to love and obey God have fruitful consequences and the decision to disregard and disobey God has destructive consequences. King David had experienced both in a major way during his reign. He desired better for Solomon, thus he instructed him to love and obey God.
     After having instructed him to "love and obey God," David instructed the arising new King to courageously do what God placed in his heart to do - build the Temple. David had planned to build the temple, yet God revealed that Solomon was destined to perform this task. Therefore, knowing what God desired Solomon to perform, David exhorted Solomon to courageously accomplish the task of building the Temple, reminding him that God would be with him. Solomon's courage would arise from the presence and power of God, not Solomon's position. David desired Solomon to know that godly leadership which sought to fulfill God's mission rested on the presence and power of the Lord and not the mere political position of king.
     David proactively prepared Solomon to reign in his stead. David instructed him to "love and obey God," as well as, "rest in His power and presence" in order to accomplish His mission for the King. What conclusion can we draw? How can we learn from this text? 1) Kingdom leadership involves proactively preparing others to carry on obedient kingdom leadership upon our departure. 2) Kingdom leadership always, always, always is founded upon obedience to the Lord and His abiding presence and power.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Meet Charley Dalebout, a young lady who is passionate about serving King Jesus in her home state of Utah. I had the distinct pleasure of Charley and her mom, Gloria, stopping by my office last week so I could ask them some questions about Christianity in a primarily Mormon context. Charley recently finished a year of studies at Bob Jones University, and is now moving home in order to pursue training in Education. Charley has a desire to be a Public School Teacher in her home state of Utah. She models what I would consider to be the Christian endeavor, "living out the gospel wherever I am in order to influence my culture with the gospel." Every believer is a missionary, one who is on Mission for God, regardless of your location or occupation. Our mission is to Make disciples of Jesus Christ, thus we are on mission. Charley and I discussed how Matthew 28:19 states, "While you are going, you make disciples..." She stated that though being in the "Southern Bible Belt" was comfortable, she desired to be back home influencing her family and friends with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Charley provided me with much insight into the Mormon faith and how growing up in a Mormon context resulted in a deepening of her faith in Christ. I asked Charley how we as followers of Jesus Christ can best influence Mormons with the gospel. Here are a few take aways:

1) Build relationships. Charley has friendships that began as a young child that exist to this day in which they converse about the diversity of beliefs between Christians and Mormons.

2) Know and understand the difference in terminology. Though terms like "grace," "salvation," "redemption," etc. may sound the same they do not carry the same meanings. She strongly encouraged followers of Christ to understand the difference when conversing with Mormons.

3) Live out the gospel wherever you are. Charley reminded me by her decision to purposely move home to Teach school that we as followers of Christ must recognize our DNA as missionaries. Did Charley see or describe herself as a missionary? No. But has she and is she living out the missionary life? Yes! I call her a missionary to Utah because she is seeking to make followers of Jesus Christ in her home state amongst her peers.

Thanks Charley for stopping by to encourage and exhort a fellow follower of the King!!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Just had a crying spell after reading an email from a "mother in the faith" to Kimberly and I. She has been battling stage 4 cancer for quite sometime now; however, her attention and energy has been focused like a laser on God's kingdom work in the world. Though various treatments have been used with some success resulting in the extension of her life, her hope is not in the science of overcoming cancer nor in the mere extension of her days; but rather, her hope and prayer has been that God would keep her faithful to the task of "Making Disciples" until her last day. The Mission of God consumes her time, efforts, and energies. I have seen days that she was weak and weary from treatments, yet not one word of complaint while endeavoring to be obedient to her calling. She recently received a bad report from a Pet Scan and she stated the following:

 "We've finished processing the latest PET scan results, and can now fully report to you.  The 'good news' is that one bone spot has 'died' and the cancer has not spread to my abdomen.

The 'other news' is that there are new spots in my lungs, and the old spots are bigger, and 2 chest lymph nodes have it, and there are now 4 bone spots.  And I now have some pleural effusion (a collection of fluid between the right lung and the rib cage), with a new cancer spot in the midst of that area.

As my oncologist says "This is significant progression of the disease."

Is the electro-medicine working?  Maybe.  But it's obviously not working enough.

The only thing medically available to me is a return to the Gemzar chemo that I was taking last Fall.  Radiation cannot offer anything except pain control.

So that's for the PET report.    But I forgot to tell you the bottom line in the report (legible only to Christ-followers): "God is still on His Throne ordering the affairs of man in love & goodness."

I'm feeling good..only a little dull discomfort from the pleural effusion.   Looking at me,  you'd never guess the PET results.

We've discussed & prayed about things....and feel that we will continue onward with the electro-medicine.  But we will increase the exposure & change the settings.   The next scan will be the mid/end of July.

In other news, our Ethiopia Team continues to be prepared for its July trip.  Maple Ridge (a shelter for those in ministry) is almost ready for service.  The India work moves forward; we are really looking forward to our trip there in October!

Keep on praying for us, that we will faithfully use each day and each speck of energy for His service.  He is worthy of such!"

Such has been her mindset from the beginning. Do I cry this morning due to her bad health, maybe some, but what really caused me to weep this morning is my lack of resilience in the gospel. I am challenged by her insistence upon living every moment, with every ounce of energy for the gospel. What a reminder that our life here is brief and purposeful; thus, we must use every moment and utilize every effort to further His kingdom. Will you pray that I will be resilient in the gospel? Will you pray that I will not be distracted or discouraged by trivial, temporary matters but rather consumed with Him and His kingdom work? 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Addiction of Porn

Internet Porn has led and is leading to the demise of many a follower of Christ. The ease of access coupled with the perversion of natural attraction creates a situation in which many have become and are becoming addicted to pornography. The question arises as to why is such so addicting? What about us scientifically causes the addiction? Here is an informational blog post that aids in answering that question. I urge all men to read such.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Eye opening blog post from the Gospel Coalition - great resource you can find here - concerning Planned Parenthood. The atrocious, murderous act of abortion should repulse every follower of Christ due to its devaluing and destruction of human life. Read it, be repulsed, then be moved to action in an effort to defend the God-given right for all babies to live and glorify God.

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also may love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." - Jesus 
"I Love you" are mere empty words on fleshly lips if actions do not follow. From simple acts of kindness to sacrificial service, the love of Christ compels us to serve others. Men from our Clement church family said they loved a fellow family member today as they spent most of the day building a handicap ramp for Kathy Whitfield's mother. I thank God for allowing my family to serve alongside a body of believers who love one another in word and deed. 

 Cecil White and others watch on as HL Newton prepares for the final landing board.

 Gene Moore, HL Newton, Ted Bradsher (my pops) and Cecil White look on as Randy Reed cuts the post for the top hand boards.

 Nathan and Rachel "cheese it" as they watch the men work (though they aided later in the final touches).

 Randy Reed, our fearless leader and safety conscious carpenter. You da man!!!
The final product, minus a few boards that will come later. Thanks men for your diligent care of a family member.
Kimberly, my beautiful wife, decided to cut her hair this week and donate to "Locks of Love". Below are the before and after pics. What do you think? Either way, she is beautiful in my book and on my blog :)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

3rd Sermon of Spring bible Conference

My brother, fellow-servant, and fellow-soldier of Christ Tim Bowes challenges us Sunday to recognize "Missions Between Our Feet" - "where every believer stands there missions is being done." The mission field exists wherever an obedient follower of Jesus stands, works, lives, and plays. Active involvement in Missions is necessary in order to protect the follower of Jesus from growing stagnant and worldly. Tim stated that "everything turns to the natural without work." Old cars will rust, old houses and structures will be overtaken by weeds and trees if someone does not work to keep them up. In like manner, "where missions is not vibrant, worldly ideas and philosophies will take over to such an extent that where once a bright light for the gospel shown, now only a flicker of light exist." Tim argued that Jesus has given us a mission to which all believers are called - preaching/proclaiming the gospel to the world. God's method is "flinging His followers out into the unreached regions of the world." Sound familiar? Sounds like the Early Church described in Acts to me. In fact, we find there that God used persecution to "fling" His followers beyond their comfort zone to propel the gospel out into the world. Tim summed up our mission by stating, "Our mission in life is not to build our own castles but to serve our King." Where is missions happening? Wherever the obedient follower of Jesus is standing, sitting, or serving.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

the Furtherance of the gospel by technological development

Here is a video reminder of how the advancement of technology has enabled Christians to reach millions around the world. I am reminded that technology is not evil, but rather many who use such are evil and sinful using such for their wicked and ungodly purposes. One of the elements of being human is developing culture for the glory of God. All of Creation is His. Technological advancement displays some of what it means for mankind to be created in God's image; for, we are "creators," thus discovering, designing, and developing is in our DNA. Therefore, it behooves us to utilize the developments of culture to advance His kingdom. You can view the video here and the helpful Christ centered website from which it originates from here.

Great parenting advice from a John Witherspoon, Scottish Presbyterian Pastor (1768-1794). Thanks Kevin DeYoung for pointing these statements out.

2nd Night of Spring bible Conference

During our second night of Spring Bible Conference, Jason Engle from Westwood Baptist Church, Roxboro, NC, taught concerning: "Christian Growth & the Knowledge of God's Will." Christians often seem confused concerning the will of God for their lives, when in essence we make trivial what is clear in Scripture. Furthermore we Christians highlight the lesser (occupational decisions, living conditions, etc.) while ignoring the greater (making disciples of all nations). Jason taught that God's will and agenda is clear: we are "to speak the word of God to others, in prayerful dependence on God's Spirit in prayer" for then "lives are changed." God's will is for His people to proclaim His Word which results in 1) that unbelievers are delivered out of the kingdom of darkness and transferred into the kingdom of the Son of God, the kingdom of light, 2) that believers are transformed into the image of Jesus Christ, they mature. Thus, "God's agenda is to tranfer & transform." Regardless of where the believer lives, works, etc. God's agenda remains the same, speak the Word in prayerful dependence on the Spirit. God's mission is to redeem the world to Himself using the church as the vehicle for the gospel to move forward. Do you/we recognize God's mission? Are we living for His mission? Have we surrendered to His agenda? Here are a few "take away" quotes: ""It is not so much that God's Church has a mission, but that God's mission has a Church." "It's not so much that I have a mission, but rather that God's mission has me." Jason closed with this question in mind, "How can I continually and intentionally move myself & others further toward the Kingdom of the Son by word and prayer in the places God has sovereignly placed me? (1:28-29)." Thanks bro. for your straighforward preaching of the Word.


My brother and fellow reader, Tim Bowes, noticed a mistake in my latest post, which I have corrected. I had stated that David Brainerd traveled 3,000 miles on horse back to preach the to India. I have corrected such to say, "to preach the gospel to the Indians." Sorry for the confusion and thanks Timbo for the critique.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

David Brainerd was a missionary to the North American Indians in the mid to late 1700's. His passion for the gospel led him to a life of selfless and sacrificial living that God may be glorified among them through their embracing Christ. He endured through physical and mental ailments that often hinder or restrict us from serving. I read in his journal this morning a very challenging description of his travels, "I have now ridden more than three thousand miles [on horseback] that I have kept an exact amount of, since the beginning of March last [now October/November of same year]. Almost the whole of it has been in my own proper business as a missionary, upon the design (either immediately or more remotely) of propagating Christian knowledge among the Indians." The love of Christ compelled Brainerd to ride horseback 3,000 miles in 6 months to preach the gospel to the Indians. How far are we willing to go? How uncomfortable are we willing to be? In order for the nations to know Christ.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

One more thing on India for now. If you desire to read some good articles on the Peniel Gospel Teams ministry in India and their present and future work, you can go here. Thanks brother Dave for your making the need and work known around the world.
Looking anxiously forward to returning to Bagdogra, West Bengal, India in November. The Peniel Gospel Team (, stationed in Bagdogra, works diligently to plant churches in the NE Region of India. I am astonished at the amount of unreached tribes in this Hinduistic land. The two times I have visited the Father has placed in my heart to equip the missionaries and pastors of the area to proclaim His name and plant churches. Each visit I am challenged by their faithfulness to the gospel in their social poverty and religious oppression. Though I may teach them the Scriptures, they teach me to live the Scriptures. I am grateful that the Father has granted me the opportunity to travel to "the ends of the earth" with His message of Redemption. Here is a brief description of the governmental, societal, and culture landscape of India.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

1st night of Spring Bible Conference

My brother and fellow-worker, Ben Durand, pastor of North Roxboro Baptist Church, opened our Bible Conference last night with the text 2 Corinthians 5:11-15. Ben exhorted us to be "missionary Christians" who are persuading men to believe as a result of two motives: 1) the coming judgment of Christ where all will be held accountable as to the work done in the body, 2) the love of Christ which constrains us, compels us to be like Christ - inviting others to be reconciled to God. As Ben taught, God spoke to me concerning my motives and passions. I often lack the passion to be "poured out as a drink offering" on the sacrifice and service of the faith others. The love of Christ must consume me in such a manner that I, like Jesus, expend my energies, finances, intelligence, education, emotions, etc. that others may be reconciled to God. Earlier in 2 Corinthians Paul states, "For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal." Living to reconcile others to God is an eternal work, while living for earthly gain and recognition (what is seen) is temporary. O that each believer will live having the end in mind, the judgement seat of Christ, and the gospel at heart, compelled by the love of Christ, that others may be reconciled to God. Thanks Ben for preaching a much needed Word.

The stealth of pride

I would encourage every believer at sometime in their life to read the devotional "My Utmost for His Highest," written by Oswald Chambers. Chambers wrote intellectually and poignantly to the Christian thinker. As my family prepared to depart for our Spring Bible Conference I "snuck" away to read today's devotional thought, "Is It Not in the Least Likely." Chambers argues in this devotional to be weary of the "least likely" areas of life. The "least likely" areas of life are the areas where we are superficially confident that we will not "sin" or fall to temptation. Following a great victory over temptation we often become vulnerable in the "least likely" areas due to the pride of our hearts. Be cautious! As Solomon states in Proverbs 16:18, "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." Chambers further states that "the Bible characters fell on their strong points, never on their weak ones." Never assume from whence comes the temptation, but always be on guard finding your security in God alone. Pride lurks in our hearts stealthily awaiting an opportunity to overtake our motives. Do not be overtaken by the stealth of pride, rather be certain that on God Himself can deliver us from temptation.

Friday, April 19, 2013

When Wartime enemies become Gospel partners

War stories from all periods of history intrigue me due to their show of loyalty and valiance. Men who willingly suffer and die to defend their countries land or "namesake" inspire me to loyalty and valiance. However, I am intrigued most when I read a war-time story that manifest the magnificence grace of God. The story of Japenese war pilot Mitsuo Fuchida and American war pilot Jacob DeShazer reveals how the grace of God reconciles enemies making them brothers. The short of the story is that Fuchida was an American hating Japanese who served as a leader in the attack on Pearl Harbor. Jacob DeShazer was an American pilot who, while bombing Japan, was captured, imprisoned, and tortured for approximately 40 months. Jacob despised and hated the Japanese, but while imprisoned by them, someone gave him a copy of the Scriptures. Upon his reading the Word He was converted which led to his heart being warmed and softened to the enemy. Jacobs inordinate hatred had been converted to gospel love in such a manner that, having been released, he returned to Japan as a Christian missionary to plant churches. Fuchida, in like manner, hated America/Americans in such a manner that he took pleasure in bombing Pearl Harbor. However, following the War he to encountered the Word of God which led to his conversion from Buddhism to Christianity. Fuchida had also read and been inspired by DeShazer's testimony, which inspired his reading and acceptance of the gospel. In 1950, DeShazer the missionary met Fuchida the new convert at which time DeSahzer spent some time discipling Fuchida in the faith. According to the Christianity Today article, Fuchida became an evangelist who spent the rest of his days preaching the gospel in his homeland of Japan. Christianity Today quoted Fuchida as saying, ""That morning [December 7] … I lifted the curtain of warfare by dispatching that cursed order, and I put my whole effort into the war that followed. … [But] after buying and reading the Bible, my mind was strongly impressed and captivated. I think I can say today without hesitation that God's grace has been set upon me."The grace of God dispensed through the gospel reconciled enemies making them brothers who both spent their last days proclaiming the message of peace in Jesus. Has the grace of God been "set upon you?" Has your heart been warmed and softened to your enemies? How inspiring to read of how God took such a tragic event in history and used such for the manifestation of His glorious grace.

You can find the Christianity Today article here