Saturday, May 25, 2013

Mission Vermont

One of the most unchurched states in the US is the northern state of Vermont. Layndon Warren, one of my closest and dearest friends, serves as the North American Mission Boards church planting coordinator for the New England territory. 6.5 yrs. ago Lyandon informed me that he was moving his family to Vermont for a life-long investment of planting churches. His commitment to planting churches in the New England Territory has resulted in the planting of two functioning churches along with many others in the planning process. Click here  Would you pray about partnering with the Lyandon to reach Vermont with the gospel?

Here is the website:

Here is a copy of his newsletter:

May Highlights
Wow, what an exciting month May has been! For starters, our leadership at Founda-tion Church prayed and decided that two services were needed in order to accommodate our growing congregation. Therefore, on Mother's Day, we started a 9 and 11 o’clock ser-vice and it was indeed a success. We have been able to accommodate more people in the two services and as a result, we’ve noticed a rise in guest attendance. Our people are catch-ing a vision for reaching the un-churched and inviting their friends and family. We praise God for the new faces and look forward to seeing many more in the days to come. Also, we are planning to have our first Baptismal Service of the summer in June. Two people who have given their lives to Christ over the winter, are now ready and excited to move for-ward in Believer’s Baptism. Please pray for them. I know this act of obedience will en-courage their lives and be a witness to their friends and family who attend the celebration.
Church Planting Highlights
May has also been an exciting month for my work with NAMB. I, along with a few other of my colleagues were able to facilitate a Church Planting training in Nor-wich, CT. We had 35 men in attendance. Five of those men were from Vermont and are planning on starting new churches within the year. I am so excited to see God an-swering our prayers and raising up indigenous leaders from within our state. I had several great conversations with these men about their plans and helped them to see that they were not alone in this endeavor.
Special Prayer Requests & Needs
1)Please pray for our Church Planting Picnic on July 13th. We are planning on hav-ing a day of encouragement for our VT planters and really want this to be a great day for them. We are looking for some partners to help us raise at least $500 to help with food and recreation for the day. It would be a true blessing to have you help with this much needed ministry, so please pray about helping us bless our Front Line Kingdom Soldiers.
2)Awareness has been the biggest “Achilles Heel” for church planting in Vermont over the past several years. Therefore, God led me to create a Church Planting website to broadcast our needs, at a much more rapid pace. It has been working, but your help is still needed to continue to put our states needs before others. Would you please consider part-nering with us to raise $2000 to give our website a continued renewal of video and blog posts? The money raised will enable us to make more recent videos of current needs and
highlight places of opportunity from around the state. In addition, we will also be able to have someone post weekly blog articles about Church Planting that will keep people viewing our website often and sharing the articles that they find interesting. Please pray about partnering with us to support this vital avenue for church planting.
Donations for the planter picnic or the website can be made out to Foundation Church 153 Main St Poultney, VT 05764 and please indicate on the memo line what the gift is to be used for. Thank you.
3) Partnerships for two parsonage projects are needed in Vermont at the current time:
Jerry Frey in Pownal, VT is building the first GMBA parsonage. He was given money from the GMBA to buy the materials for the parsonage, but he needs ministry teams to help build the actual building. If you are interested please contact him and inquire about opportuni-ties for service. 802-236-9373
Also, Keith Bodwell, a church planter in East Hubbardton, VT could use some help with his parsonage project. Keith is new to VT and has a church building , but no house to live in. Currently, Keith, his wife and three kids live in a camper. We would like to see this circumstance change for Keith, so would you pray about coming to VT and helping Keith with his parsonage project? His number is 802-839-5735.
4) Last, we have several churches in Vermont that have Church Planting Intern positions open and ready to fill, but no one to fill them. Would you pray that God would raise up plant-ers to fill these ministry positions and that towns in Vermont that have no evangelical witness, would one day have a church planter move into them and begin to share the Word of God. We need willing people to move to Vermont with a vocational skill that will enable them to work and do ministry, so please pray that these people will say yes, when God presents them with an opportunity to serve Him here.
Thank all of you so much for your prayer and continued financial support. It is all mak-ing a noticeable difference in the country’s most un-religious and un-churched state. Little by little, we will see Vermont won for Christ, but it is going to take much prayer and many boots on the ground . So, keep that precious support coming and know that we appreciate it more than words can say. God bless you all.

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