Monday, March 31, 2014

Stop going

Great reminder that we must "not go to church" but rather BE the church. 

Missions Conference Pics

Some pics from CBC's Missions Conference this past weekend. Thanks to Matthew Lawrence & Dave Black for teaching the Scriptures and challenging the church to "a life of Missionary living." I will post some more takeaways later. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Missions Conference session 1

Her are some takeaways from Matthew Lawrence (IMB Missionary to the Middle East) last night:

1) it is our responsibility to sow the seed both locally and globally, and because we do not know the soils, we must share often and broadly 
2) the work of the gospel is "blue collar" shared organically as we live we share and show with persistence. 
3) like the mustard seed, the message has to bring change; though it seems small, it has unimaginable, incomprehensible potential
4) "investments in international missions has unbelievable returns"

Matthew needed with four well know challenges:
1) Pray with a knowledge of the nations 
2) Give sacrificially 
3) Go to the nations (no better way to get a vision for the nations)
4) Personally involved with a missionary (contact them and pray for them)

Looking forward to this evening as we gather again to celebrate God's global plan to reach the nations! Come celebrate with us this evening - supper @ 6pm for everyone and service @ 7pm. 

Enjoying some time with Rachel while encouraging an older brother & sister in Christ. Rachel enjoyed her time with Mr. & Mrs. Davis. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I am anxiously looking forward to this weekend as our church family is hosting a Missions Conference. We desire for the Father to illuminate our hearts to His Global Plan of reaching the nations with His glory. We desire the Father to urge us to pursue His kingdom work with greater intensity, commitment, and resilience. Someone asked me, "Are we not having "revival" as we have always had? Will this replace our Spring revival?" Yes and No. This time of gathering to hear of God's Global purpose for His church is replacing our traditional revival services. However, such is not replacing a time of cultivating revival. I hold that revival occurs when God's people obey His word. If we will obey His purpose of utilizing all our resources (time, money, education, etc.) to proclaim the Gospel to the nations, we will experience an outpouring of God's goodness, mercy, and grace. By the way, I do hope that we do not have revival as we have always had, especially if such was limited to an emotional experience that did not lead to a "life change" which furthered the gospel and glorified God. I desire that we experience the presence of God in such a fashion that our lives are forever altered by His glorious presence! Will you join us this weekend? Will you come willing to join His Global Cause? By the way, if you do, we have a FREE BOOK for you! How is that for an invitation :) Details below.

Friday & Saturday Night: 6pm- supper for all; 7pm - Matthew & Amy Lawrence, missionaries to the Middle East, to teach and Share.
Sunday Morning: 11am - Dr. David Alan Black, Greek Professor @ Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Missionary to Ethiopia, Asia, and the US :)
Sunday Evening: Supper for all at 5pm; 6pm - Dr. David Alan Black

Questions: Email me at

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Gospel Giving Opportunity

Below is an email I read this morning from Brother Dave Black concerning a building project in India to further the gospel. I personally believe this to be a God-honoring, gospel opportunity to give to the building up of God's kingdom in highly unreached India. Having had feet on the ground there in Bagdogra numerous times, I testify that what you give will indeed be utilized to further the gospel. Kimberly and I are most definitely going to seek the Spirits direction on how we can give, Will you? If you have any questions over and above what is stated below, feel free to email me at: Thanks in advance for your graciously giving (2 Cor. 8-9).

Greetings, friends!

What is the Gospel? It is giving. The early church radically cared for each other. It wasn't a social club. They went without to meet the needs of others. I should be willing to live in a smaller house if that would help a brother or sister. I should be wiling to give away one of my cars if a fellow believer needs transportation to and from work. Christianity is not proven by the books I write but by the number of strangers I invite into my home to sit on my sofa and open my refrigerator. If we're going to display the beauty of the kingdom, we're going to have to rebel against the world's values. We should be people seeking to serve others just as our Master was willing to serve.

As you know, I am intensely devoted to missions and evangelism. It wasn't always that way, but it is now. As you may also know, my good friend Mammen Joseph is trying to complete an important Gospel-centered project in northern India. God appointed Becky and me to help the Peniel Gospel Team establish a large private (meaningtuition-based) school that will generate the income needed to sustain this ministry for many decades to come. There are many benefits to this plan:

1) The community gains a benefit through education; this endears the work to them and opens their hearts to the Gospel.
2) The 2,500 Muslim and Hindu students coming daily to learn their ABCs will also have exposure to the Lord who loves them.
3) The ministry gains a stable income source for its outreaches; in fact, we expect that the vast majority of the needs for the evangelists, orphans, and seminary will be met through the school tuition income.

The project is well underway but needs our assistance for it to be completed. It will take only $200,000 to finish the construction. I am writing to ask for your help. I am asking that God would lay on someone's heart a willingness to help me complete the funding for this project. With eyes of faith, I believe the time is now for us to come alongside brother Mammen.

If the Lord so directs you, you can send me a check for any amount at 2691 White House Rd. Nelson VA 24580. Make your check payable to "Bethel Hill Baptist Church." Please write "India School" in the subject line. You will eventually receive a tax-deductible receipt from Bethel Hill. I will personally match any gift up to $100,000. If a hundred people gave $1,000, the need would be fully met (your 100,000 plus my 100,000). Ditto if two hundred of you gave $500.

Please commit the matter to the Lord. He will show you what to do :)

I love all of you!

In the precious Lamb,
