Saturday, October 25, 2014

The case of Ayahuasca and True satisfaction

Stories such as these burden my heart for todays generation. I often engage in conversations with young adults who wonder what they are to do with their life. Sometimes this question, left unanswered, leads to anxiety and can lead to depression. In the case of Kyle Nolan it led to his seeking direction in a drug found in Peru which seemingly resulted in his death, though such has not been proven. Can a drug provide the answer? No. Can marriage provide the answer? No. Can the pursuit of the "American Dream" provide the answer? No. What then can provide meaning, purpose, and direction to ones life? In short, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God created us for Himself and in Him can we find satisfaction and fulfillment. Jesus once told a Samaritan woman that He is the Living Water that, if believed in, will be a well of water springing up into everlasting life (John 4). She was seeking satisfaction and meaning through relationships with many men; however, such never provided the meaning and satisfaction she sought. Jesus invited her to drink of the well that forever satisfied. I once asked a young man what his goals in life are. His response was nothing short of worldly passions and pursuits that lead to no real satisfaction. I exhorted him to pursue the Kingdom of God as his primary passion, then he could be, by trade, anything he desired. The Kingdom of God, the gospel, provides meaning, purpose, and satisfaction that nothing or no one else can provide. I pray that Kyle's generation will discover and understand the power of the Gospel to provide meaning, purpose, direction, and ultimate satisfaction. He who pursues satisfaction from this framework of thinking, a Christian Worldview, will discover that God satisfies to the deepest inmost parts of our being. 
Last night Kimberly & I hosted our 3G (Gospel Growth Group) small group. Last night Mike led us in a discussion on Acts 8:26-40 - the gospel to Ethiopia. We discussed how Philip had left a fruitful situation, many were coming to Christ, to travel into a desert area. However, one soon sees the fruitfulness of this Spirit led excursion as the Ethiopian eunuch confesses Christ as Lord, then, as was/is natural for the redeemed people of God, he took the message back to Ethiopia with him. Mike observed that Luke utilizes a literary tool to peak the interest of the reader. In vs. 32 he quotes Isaiah the prophet as saying, "so he [Jesus] opens not his mouth," and in vs. 35 Luke writes that Philip "opened his mouth" and preached Jesus. Mike stated that Jesus "kept his mouth closed to endure the suffering" so that we could open out mouths and proclaim His salvation. Philip was utilized by the Spirit to further the gospel message "to the ends of the earth." We, the church, must carry on the legacy of Philip, and more so, the mission of God by taking the gospel "to the ends of the earth." Where is the ends of the earth for us? I suggest looking at the 10/40 window - you can find more info. about this window here as well as how to get involved. Here are a few pics from our time of fellowship last night.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Presently reading through Numbers and often finding my mind wandering to matters of "work," "ministry," and "household duties." However, I was just reminded via email from a fellow-believer that the Word, due to its focus being on Jesus, is always lively and refreshing. I must savor the moments of reading the text, not necessarily for because it is always "adventurous" or because I am discovering "new" insight, but rather because all of the text all of the time is pointing me upward to Him, the One who satisfies my deepest longings and fulfills my greatest desires. Father, help me see Jesus in every text in a refreshing and lively manner. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Focused Investment

Burdened this morning as I consider the vast need of a Christian witness in the 10/40 window (pictured below). This area encompasses the greatest amount of unengaged/unreached people groups in all the globe. Throughout the book of Acts we encounter the advancement of the church propelling from Jerusalem outward. The Mission of the church had be given to them by Jesus Himself (Acts 1:8). They were to go to the ends of the earth testifying of Him. The Mission of God, commanded by Jesus, remains the same for the church in 2014. We are to be expending our resources (time, money, energy, etc.) carrying the gospel to the ends of the earth. Every job we work, every company we own, and every investment we make should be aiming at fulfilling the Great Commission. Evaluation in the church is necessary! Are we giving and going with intentionality and focus? Is our passion the same as that of Jesus? I am challenged this morning to focus my investment, the investments of my family, on reaching the unengaged/unreached peoples in the 10/40 window. The Father has opened the door in the past two years for me to partner with an indigenous church planting ministry (The Peniel Gospel Team) in NE India. Though in recent days I have been laced in my praying and planning concerning my partnership with them, today I seek to refresh my Focused Investment. Have you discovered an unengaged/unreached areas where you can make a focused investment for the Kingdom of God that has eternal returns? If not, I encourage you to pray and plan to embrace a people group in the 10/40 window to build a kingdom partnership. Need some direction? Below are some resources you can utilize in partnering with a people group.

Peniel Gospel Team -

IMB Embrace:

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Pray for Ram Mohan as he seeks to proclaim the gospel among the Santali people of NE India. Here is a profile of the Santali people to whom he is ministering.

Reading articles such as this reminds me of how intentional I must be in fulfilling the Great Commission. The darker the day the brighter the light shines, thus the darker our culture grows, if it can get darker, the brighter the church glows. Though I am saddened by the seeming victory won by sam sex marriage today, the kingdom of which I am a part is not of this world. My joys and hopes do not rest in the US of A, but rather in God's eternal, glorious kingdom which will never pass away or be overcome by the darkness. Fret not dear brother or sister, the King is remains on the throne!!