Sunday, October 27, 2013

Christmas Exhortation

Great exhortation and challenge for the intentional follower of Jesus this Christmas season. Let's invest in the eternal work of God's kingdom rather than hording up those things that only possess temporal value. Thanks Dave for the stark reminder of the need of the nations and the willingness of the indigenous Christians to plant churches.

"7:28 PM Shopping season is upon us. Perhaps this is a good time to remind my readers that the body of Christ in Asia and Africa is looking for Christians in the West to partner with them and link hands in this time of harvest. God has showered material blessings upon the church in America. I feel that God has called me to speak up for the brethren in Asia and Africa because many of them cannot speak for themselves. The day of the indigenous Christian movement has come. Foreign nationals can do the work of church planting much better than we can. Several hundred thousand native missionaries in the Two-Thirds World are awaiting our support. Paul teaches in 2 Cor. 8-9 that those who have are obligated to help those who do not have. Are you a wealthy or affluent Christian? Are you ready to follow Jesus' example into a sacrificial lifestyle? A lady once wrote a check for $100 and sent it to us at Christmas. She attached a note that said, "No longer will I be buying my grandchildren Christmas presents. They hardly need more things anyway. This year I am sending you a check for the needy in Ethiopia in the name of my grandchildren. They will receive a Christmas card from me telling them where 'their' Christmas money was spent."
DBO exists to remind affluent Americans that there is a needy world of people out there whom Jesus loves and for whom He died. Will you join Becky and me in ministering to them?" from

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Reaching New England with the Gospel

The endeavor to reach the nations with the gospel is NOT limited to crossing the great Seas, but encompasses the US as well. We, as followers of King Jesus, must have a "both and" vision for the Great Commission. Our efforts must include both the nations and our own nation. Thus being stated, I urge you to pray about intentionally involving you and your family in reaching the New England Territory of the United States with the gospel of Jesus Christ. God may very well invite you to be involved in His mission to plant Biblical churches in the New England Territory through financial giving or through your uprooting your family to plant a church. The gospel centered life calls us to willing and sacrificially give and go that the world may know and worship King Jesus. Below is a website that can help you get plugged in - check it out: