Thursday, January 30, 2014

Unexpected Exhortation

“And let us continue to consider how to stimulate one another to love and good works,” Hebrews 10:24

            Exhorting other followers of Jesus serves as a necessary practice of the Christian life. In our effort to further the gospel of Jesus Christ and make disciples, we must diligently seek to “stimulate” fellow believers to love one another and others as well as perform good works that glorify God.
            I assert that the above text concerns intentional stimulation, that is, a follower of Jesus purposefully exhorting other believers to “love and good works.” However, I also assert that this can be done in an indirect manner as we live out the gospel. By our “love and good works” we influence folk we did not even know were watching or listening.
Recently I experienced this in an unusual way and an unusual place. Ted’s Electrical & HVAC, the company I co-own with my father, needed me to troubleshoot an Electric Steam Generator, which I had never worked on before, for a retirement center in Chapel Hill. After having discovered the problem on the Generator, I stood in the lobby to call for parts. While on hold I overheard a conversation between two employees. What I heard exhorted me to “love and good works.” A fellow follower of Jesus was sharing boldly, kindly, compassionately, and clearly how Jesus Christ arose from the grave to redeem us from sin. When being questioned about those in church who live unfaithfully, he responded by sharing how following Jesus concerned his obedience and was not measured by how others lived. In other words, he gathered on Sunday with the body to worship Jesus and not to please others. The conversation soon ended; however, the seed was planted. I finished my duty and when leaving I met the individual who had been witnessed to by a co-worker. I shared with Hosea my testimony and exhorted him to listen to his co-worker; for, Jesus alone can satisfy the longings of his heart.
            God’s wonderful work occurred in 2 clear ways: 1 man heard the clear message of redemption, I was “stimulated to love and good woks.” Our faithfully living for the gospel either directly or indirectly stimulates other believers to love and good works. My encouragement to you is be faithful; for, even when you are not aware your faithful service to the King is working for His glory.  

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


In my quest to better understand the NT, I desire to read an accurate and informative history of the Roman Empire. What suggestions do you have? You can email me at Looking forward to your suggestions :)

I recently wrote a post about a Global challenge I received from Dave Black's "Will You Join the Cause of Global Missions." Here you can find three convictions that undergird the book. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Is there a cost to obediently following Jesus? Is death a great possibility for those who faithfully proclaim Him as Lord? Are there very few Christians today who suffer and die for the gospel? According to this report the amount of Christians (obedient followers of Jesus) who died for the gospel this past year, doubled from 2012. More will be to come, I am sure, as we await the coming of our Savior. The world and its ways are militant against God's kingdom, thus we must not be surprised by the persecutions, rejections, and martyrdoms we face. By the way, our hope is not in safety or in world peace, but rather in the truth, the promise of God, that we will share in the resurrection experience of Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:20-21). You can read the article here

Friday, January 10, 2014

This is what occurs when your buddies front wheel drive car gets stuck in your yard and you attempt to push him out. What did I have for lunch today? Mud :) Thanks Jughead. 

Papa B and Nigussie stopped in for a visit today for a time of fellowship and encouragement. The kids are always excited to see Papa B and Nigu :) And O yea, they brought some delicious chocolate pie for dessert after lunch! 

Meet Philip

Meet Philip. He was born a few days before Christmas, a beautiful and blessed Christmas gift indeed. His mother, Amber Austin, lost her husband Sean Austin, Philips dad and my dear friend, this past year to a tragic car accident. Sean had experienced the new birth a few years prior to my arrival as a family member at Clement Baptist Church. Sean and myself quickly bonded as we were in the same Sunday School class. Sean was a kind, gentle spirited young man who was maturing in Christ as he and Amber read and studied Scripture together, as well as, faced the challenges of life together with Christ as their Lord. In fact, only hours before Sean lost his life, Sean, Amber, and their daughter Georgia were reading Acts 8, which we had been discussing in SS, when they were struct by Philip the Evangelist's boldness to preach the gospel. It was then they decided to name their son Philip, after the "global missionary" Philip in Acts 8. I cannot describe for you the blessing I experienced when I was finally able to hold this beautiful young boy that we had prayed for and anxiously awaited to arrive. Philip, I wish you would have had the privilege of meeting your daddy, Sean Austin. He hungered for intimacy with the Father like few men I have met. He longed to understand the Scriptures with a great fervency. He would be one proud "papa" to hold you and then to teach you to follow the Lord he loved dearly. My prayer for you Philip is that you will quickly meet and embrace the Savior your daddy knew and that you would pick up where he left off, seeking to proclaim the greatness of King Jesus to the nations. I look forward to seeing you grow into a fine young man :) 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Global challenge

Are you faithfully and intentionally involved in reaching the nations? Are you a "global" Christian who seeks to expend his/her energies to proclaim the gospel to the world? Whether you currently are or aren't, you will find Dave Blacks book "Will You Join The Cause Of Global Missions" insightful, challenging, instructive, and exhortative. And, it is brief to boot :) You can find it here: 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Free School for the Gospel

I am thinking about and praying for the Luxambari school in West Bengal, India. The Peniel Gospel Team operates a Free School in the village of Luxambari in order to educate the children as well as teach them the gospel. All in an effort to plant churches in NE India. Due to the poor educational system for the village people, many villagers either never attend school or are poorly educated. PGT strives to provide education for the villagers while evangelizing the students. They teach young children in the morning - math,literature, etc. - while older students attend state schools. In the afternoon they attract the older students with a free meal given they first listen Biblical teaching. Many come to be fed of the bread that will fill temporarily, while also being fed the Bread of Life that satisfies eternally. Pictured below is Mammen Joseph, founder of PGT, along with the teachers, leaders, and students at Luxambari. Bicycles are being presented to the students who have faithfully attended and excelled in the school. This also provides incentive for the students to attend and learn. Join with me in praying for to the he furtherance of God's kingdom in NE India through the many venues. 
Group picture of those who received a bicycle for their excellence. 

Mammen presenting a bicycle to a young man. 

Woody Jacobs challenging the students to live for the gospel faithfully. 

"Mama hen" teaching little man how to use the iPad. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Reading through the Bible

Though I am not an advocate of reading through the Bible in a Year for merely the accomplishment of doing so, I am advocate of reading through the Bible routinely for the purpose of filling the mind with Scripture. Reading consistently through the Bible will inform your theology while constantly providing you an understanding of the entire context in which all Scripture has been written. One of the premier "Read through the Bible in a Year" plans I have encountered can be found here. The plan was designed for the reader to view the Scripture as one unfolding story with Christ at the center. Whatever plan of reading through the Scripture you use, I urge you to consistently read it thoroughly for in it "are the words of life." 

Daddy/Daughter Time

Time with my daughters is precious. Approximately once a month we have "Daddy/Daughter dates" that Rachel practically begs for, probably because she gets Ice Cream :) Anyhow, we eat, play, and laugh together. My greatest desire in this is to teach her to follow Jesus with some one on one time. In the years to come, I pray that she will learn from her daddy how a godly man should lead her and care for her. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Thanks Kevin Deyoung for an exhortative and instructive word concerning "budgeting for missions that fulfill the Great Commission." Fact is, I fail at strategizing my giving to fit Kingdom purposes when such comes to missions. Do I give to missions? Yes. Do I desire to give more to missions? Absolutely. However, I must be strategic in planning to give in the days and years ahead, as well as leading my church family to do the same. Kevin's article "Questions for Your Missions Budget," which can be found here will provide some food for thought as I pray and consider our next budget year both in my immediate family and local church family. 

Philippians Exhortation

Presently our church family is studying through Philippians on Sunday mornings. Paul instructs the Philippians to "live lives worthy of the Gospel" - better translation awaits as my brother Dave Black points out, "who can live a life worthy of the gospel?" What does this look like? What challenges come with seeking to live this life? I was challenged this evening when reading Black's Blog post and though you too, especially my church family, would be challenged as well. So here ya go, and thanks Dave for the needed exhortation. BTW, his blog can be found here.

"9:08 AM On Monday night I'll be speaking to a group of young professionals who are studying the book of Philippians in their pastor's home. My question to them will be this: Will it make any difference in your lives? We cannot treat the New Testament as a collection of intellectual insights. We distort its message when we use it merely as an exegetical tool. Truth alone, not knowledge, leads to lasting change in our lives. In Philippians, Paul is not offering us a philosophy. Read 1:27. Think about what Paul is saying here. It's not, "I have great kids! I got that job!" It's about putting the Gospel first and not allowing our lives to be hijacked by other agendas (homeschooling, "Christian" agrarianism, conservative politics, etc.).
The sad fact is that we can read and even exegete Philippians and still not be biblical in the way we live. We simply don't understand its message or, if we do, we refuse to obey it. Personal fulfillment remains our number one goal in life, and our lives remain unchanged. Need-driven, we rob the Scriptures of their vitality. We must opt for something better. If the entire goal and orientation of our lives is wrong, we need more than Bible study to make things right. We need Someone who will change us from the inside out, a Savior who will empower us to do what He calls us to do. There is no hope or power for change in education. Let me repeat that: There is no hope or power for change in education. None. Our only true hope is in a personal, daily encounter with the risen Christ. I am amazed at how often we have so little sense of the God of the Gospel whose love for the world should cause us to gladly accept suffering as a tool of His redemptive love. Suffering? Not for me!
Two things always hit me when I teach the book of Philippians. First, I am struck by the sheer simplicity of Christianity. It is not complicated at all. It is simply a call to have the selfless mind of Christ and to serve others. It is living in humble obedience as good citizens of a heavenly kingdom. It is loving as Christ loved -- sacrificially and even scandalously. It is basically a call to die.
At the same time, I am struck by the utter impossibility of anyone ever living this way. Our hearts are closed to such a way of living, our eyes blinded to its beauty. But opening blind eyes is at the heart of the Spirit's work in us. I sympathize with people who are caught up in the rat race of being "good Christians." I hope the message of Philippians will penetrate to the core of their beings.
Students, I will be holding you accountable. The book of Philippians is nothing less than a call to live a daily life of serving and suffering for the sake of others. This lifestyle doesn't require any more knowledge. It calls for a response. Like all true educational endeavors, Bible study must be incarnational. God is calling us to the same incarnational ministry that Christ had by the power of the same Holy Spirit. We must not merely claim to be followers of Jesus. We must love people like He did. Students, that's what Ill be asking you to do."

Reaching NE India with the gospel

Though riddled with our financial issues and times of crisis, our nation still resides among the richest nations in the world. God, in His divine plan, has allowed us to prosper financially. The poorest in our nation would be among the richest in "Developing" countries (third world countries). This prosperity is not without purpose. Our prosperity, I speak to the people of God, serves as a resource to fulfill God's mission to proclaim His name among the nations. He has appointed us as stewards over His resources to be utilized for kingdom purposes, for His glory. Padding our own wallets and building our own kingdoms are not an option for the follower of Jesus. All we have is to be used for His kingdom and His glory. How are you investing internationally into His kingdom purposes? How are you utilizing your God give prosperity and resources for His glory? Are you looking for an opportunity? I invite you, then, to consider partnering with the Peniel Gospel Team of NE India. PGT seeks to glorify God by planting churches throughout the State of West Bengal, India in order to make followers of Jesus. PGT utilizes orphanages, Free schools in villages, a Missionary children's home, a Bible college (seminary), and other avenues of ministry in an effort to plant a church in every village throughout West Bengal. Below are some ways you can utilize the "riches" given to us by God to further the gospel through partnering with PGT (the Peniel Gospel Team).

Missionary/evangelist support - $50/per month

Seminary student support - $35/per month

Seminary/school project per class room - $5000.

Books for library for seminary - $3000

Motorbike for missionary - $1550

Cycle for missionary - $100

Literature for evangelist/missionary for distribution - $800

Mosquito nets for children in orphanage and children home -$5 per mosquito net for 122 students.

Winter clothes for children - $15 for per students for $58 students for missionary children 

Winter blankets for children - $12 for per students for 122 students.

Purchase of new books for the children for new session - $120 per students for 58 children 

If you are interested, you can email me: joelbradsher@gmail .com and I will gladly provide you with the information needed to support the above ministries of the PGT.