Saturday, January 31, 2015

Qualifying degree: Walking with the King

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus. (Acts 4:13 ESV)

When I find myself being concerned with accolades, rewards, and status, Acts 4:13 reminds me that God uses the willing, submitted heart not the "so called" gifted brain, though He can us the gifted brain that is submitted to Him. The Scriptures, contrary to the church in the Westen world, present to us men who were uneducated yet used to lay the foundation of the church. What does this mean to us? God is less concerned, if not unconcerned, with degrees and accolades. His expectation is that His people have submitted hearts to His purposes, pursues His kingdom, and thus walks obediently with Jesus. Elders, pastors, and overseers, we must train and lead our people to understand that we are all ministers. The qualifying characteristic of such is a changed heart, a submitted will, and surrendered life which walks with Jesus. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Looking Forward

Looking forward the seeing these two gentlemen in approx. 11 weeks. On the left is Abishek and on the right is Joel (pronounced Hoel), though I must say his name, as it is spelled, speaks of Greatness :). Anyhow, these two serve as young leaders in the Missionary Home at PGT (Peniel Gospel Team) in NE India. Pray that I/we will be encouragers, exhorters, and mentors in our time with these brothers. The need for the gospel in NE India remains to be one of the greatest in the world as they are in the 10/40 window. According to the Joshua Project, in West Bengal, the state in India to which we are traveling, .7% are Christian with 539 people groups remain unreached with the gospel. O that God would call out His church, embolden them with the gospel, break the chains of materialism, enflame us with a passion for His glory, engulf our hearts with His love, and launch us into an age of sacrificially, passionately, lovingly, relentlessly, and resiliently investing our time and resources, exhausting all that He has given us to reach His world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! O God Let the Church ARISE!!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The "Wolf" of Capitol Hill

Looking for someone on Capitol Hill who seeks to "live out the gospel" through the position of leadership entrusted to him by God and the American people? Check out Frank Wolf. Frank has served 17 yrs. as a Congressman championing international human and religious rights. Though Frank retried in 2014, this reminds me that there are leaders in Congress and the Senate who follow the Lord Jesus utilizing their positions of influence to further His kingdom. Thanks Mr. Wolf for serving so valiantly, and many times dangerously, for this United States but more so for the gospel. I am challenged and encouraged to hear that your retirement years will be utilized to "do the works of Jesus" championing human and religious rights from a Christian worldview.

Friday, January 23, 2015

India Mission

Brothers & Sisters, in approximately 12 weeks from now Kimberly & I will be boarding a plane to NE India with 5 others. Our purpose - encourage & exhort the Church in India as they seek to reach the unreached people of India with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This will be my 4th time flying the friendly skies to India to serve alongside the Peniel Gospel Team in planting churches; however, this will be Kimberly's first time in India. I, for one, am thrilled to have my beloved wife, closest friend, and greatest partner in the gospel with me. The PGT (Peniel Gospel team) has served NE India for some 40 yrs. planting some 400 churches in this region. In addition to church planting, PGT operates an orphanage, whose sole purpose is to reach orphans with the gospel and send them back into their villages with the gospel, operates a Mission Home, where indigenous missionary families can send their children to be educated while they serve in the field on rough terrain, operates a College/Seminary, where missionaries are trained to reach unreached villages, and operates a local Christian school (Hebron School) which provides a Gospel-centered education to many Hindu children, which in return utilizes its funds to support church planting. PGT is nearing the dedication of their new School facilities which will provide more Gospel-centered education, which in return will provide funds for more church planting. Needless to say the Father is greatly using the PGT to plant & establish churches for the glory of God! It is the 2015 Mission Teams pleasure to serve alongside of the them in both planting & establishing churches in this unreached region of the world. We invite you to partner with us in this endeavor. How can you partner with the 2015 Team and the PGT:

1) Pray for our diligent preparation prior to our leaving. We desire the Father to go before us preparing both our hearts & theirs.

2) Partner with us financially. The cost of each one traveling is $2800.00, while we each take responsibility to "pay our way," it is costly for some families who are carrying more than one individual. Furthermore, we desire to give abundantly to the PGT leaving behind a substantial financial gift to aid in furthering the gospel.

3) Give graciously & abundantly to the PGT. They are in need of funds for the finishing of the new school facility. The school will be a source of "self-supporting" funds for the PGT in training & sending missionaries, pastors, and evangelists into unreached villages.

How to give:
If you desire to give to the finishing of the school - Make checks payable to "Bethel Hill Baptist Church" with "School Project" in the memo and mail to Leigh Humphries 47 Appaloosa Trail, Roxboro, NC 27574.

If you desire to financial give for the India Mission Team: make checks payable to "Bethel Hill Baptist Church" with "2015 India Team" in the memo and mail to Leigh Humphries 47 Appaloosa Trail, Roxboro, NC 27574.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Young Adult Retreat

My class for this past weekend. They were patient and attentive as we explored Romans 1-4 concerning God's justifying work through Jesus Christ. Only wish I could have went tubing, but had to refrain due to my recent bout with the flu. Thanks ladies & gents for a great weekend of laughin, eatin, fellowshippin, and studyin. O, by the way Peyton, I owe you one for the Big Scare - I ain't forgot! Thanks to the "older adults" for their hard work in planning & preparing. You all are Great in my eyes and I thank the Father for you all! 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Winning against Busyness

Here is a great post by JD Greear on practical ways to win the battle against busyness. As someone once stated, "busyness has killed more Christians than bullets ever have." Subconsciously I am one that feels like I am more faithful if I am "mo" busy; however, this myth has often left me & my wife on the brink of a major breakdown. Greear's article reminds me that in the Kingdom busyness does not equal faithfulness. Resting in Jesus as provider & sustainer is essential to my fulfilling Kingdom priorities. We are to expend ourselves for the Kingdom of God; however, merely being busy is not expenditure. I have found that churches are filled with "busy" ministries without lasting fruit, and I have often been the perpetrator of such. If I am going to "live long and prosper" in the Kingdom, I must cease being busy and start resting in Christ. I/you will find kingdom living and serving much more pleasurable and fruitful in seeking to be less busy. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Thought Provoking & Informative Article

Al Mohler writes a thought provoking & informative or flag raising article here concerning the battle between "Religious & Erotic Liberty." I am reminded that the church must be faithful to proclaim the gospel verbally & actively. The church is the "pillar and ground of truth" providing the world with a moral plumb line in an age of staunch immorality. Our resilience to live out the gospel will invite persecution; however, we must be valiant, of course empowered by the Spirit, to herald the truth of the gospel lovingly, compassionately, and boldly that King Jesus may be seen as the Great Redeemer. Though I love the nation in which I live, I am reminded in these times that America is not our hope, but rather a mere vessel in the hands of God to provide the church with Religious Liberty, if not only for a limited amount of time, to fulfill the Great Commission. Christians in America must defend their Religious Liberty with the greater desire to utilize that Liberty to funnel resources into furthering the gospel of Jesus Christ into the nations. The church's mission remains the same regardless if our national liberties wane - "Therefore, as you go, disciple all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, [20] teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you each and every day until the end of the age." - (Matthew 28:19-20)."  

Thursday, January 8, 2015

"Slight of Hand?"

Can you say "slight of hand?" How sad that those in the legal system preyed on the ignorance of a young lady who had no idea the gravity of her decision. Though judging by the condition of the heart of our nation the permissiveness of abortion would probably have occurred anyway, the Roe vs. Wade case is a tragedy that should have never occurred. Having five children of my own, 3 biological and 2 adopted, I am deeply saddened by the murderous approval of our nation in aborting children at will. The Scriptures teach that we are "created in the image of God," thus we are all Image Bearers giving to each human inherent value and significance. Utilizing legal tactics as these men used on "Roe" should be punishable by law resulting in them being disbarred.

A "Must Read" response to Ferguson

Great response from Voddie Baucham concerning Ferguson. Voddies assessment provides a Biblical perspective to the tragedy that occurred in Ferguson. Thankful for my African American brother in Christ who provides such a balanced Biblical view while also sharing his own struggles and experiences with racial profiling. I myself long for the day that we gather around the throne, as representative from every ethnic group, worshipping the King. Concerning racist acts, no one has the right to "be prejudice" for all men are God's image bearers, thus having equal value. As followers of Jesus, we must strive to view each man, regardless of ethnicity and color, through the eyes of equality loving and serving others for the sake of the gospel. My prayer is that we, as the church, will experience this unity and thus influence our current culture in this manner. 

NE India Persecution

Praying this morning for my brothers & sisters in Jharkhand, NE India. The state of Jharkhand neighbors West Bengal where I have had the privilege of serving the past 3.5 yrs. As our team plans to return to West Bengal this April, pray that we will be wise in our preparations and that the Father will go before us to prepare Missionaries, Evangelists, and Pastors as we seek to instruct and encourage. Persecution in India from the Hindu's is on the rise, thus our team desires to encourage our family there as they face uncertain days. The words of our Lord in Matthew 28:20, "lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age," provides encouragement and boldness to those who seek to make disciples of all nations under the pressure of persecution. May our family in Jharkhand experience the abiding presence of King Jesus in these days.