Friday, January 23, 2015

India Mission

Brothers & Sisters, in approximately 12 weeks from now Kimberly & I will be boarding a plane to NE India with 5 others. Our purpose - encourage & exhort the Church in India as they seek to reach the unreached people of India with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This will be my 4th time flying the friendly skies to India to serve alongside the Peniel Gospel Team in planting churches; however, this will be Kimberly's first time in India. I, for one, am thrilled to have my beloved wife, closest friend, and greatest partner in the gospel with me. The PGT (Peniel Gospel team) has served NE India for some 40 yrs. planting some 400 churches in this region. In addition to church planting, PGT operates an orphanage, whose sole purpose is to reach orphans with the gospel and send them back into their villages with the gospel, operates a Mission Home, where indigenous missionary families can send their children to be educated while they serve in the field on rough terrain, operates a College/Seminary, where missionaries are trained to reach unreached villages, and operates a local Christian school (Hebron School) which provides a Gospel-centered education to many Hindu children, which in return utilizes its funds to support church planting. PGT is nearing the dedication of their new School facilities which will provide more Gospel-centered education, which in return will provide funds for more church planting. Needless to say the Father is greatly using the PGT to plant & establish churches for the glory of God! It is the 2015 Mission Teams pleasure to serve alongside of the them in both planting & establishing churches in this unreached region of the world. We invite you to partner with us in this endeavor. How can you partner with the 2015 Team and the PGT:

1) Pray for our diligent preparation prior to our leaving. We desire the Father to go before us preparing both our hearts & theirs.

2) Partner with us financially. The cost of each one traveling is $2800.00, while we each take responsibility to "pay our way," it is costly for some families who are carrying more than one individual. Furthermore, we desire to give abundantly to the PGT leaving behind a substantial financial gift to aid in furthering the gospel.

3) Give graciously & abundantly to the PGT. They are in need of funds for the finishing of the new school facility. The school will be a source of "self-supporting" funds for the PGT in training & sending missionaries, pastors, and evangelists into unreached villages.

How to give:
If you desire to give to the finishing of the school - Make checks payable to "Bethel Hill Baptist Church" with "School Project" in the memo and mail to Leigh Humphries 47 Appaloosa Trail, Roxboro, NC 27574.

If you desire to financial give for the India Mission Team: make checks payable to "Bethel Hill Baptist Church" with "2015 India Team" in the memo and mail to Leigh Humphries 47 Appaloosa Trail, Roxboro, NC 27574.

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