Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Due to the sinfulness of my heart (though redeemed), I am grateful yea rejoice in this truth, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Quote of the day

"But Scripture is clear: There is no legitimate conquering of sin without a pursuit of Christ in its place (2 Timothy 2:22Romans 13:14John 6:35). Jesus is a good meal for our soul. The battle for purity is really a battle to delight in God." Jimmy Needham

What a reminder that repentance is not merely "turning away" from sin, but married to "turning toward" Christ. 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

“Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.”
Acts 4:13 ESV

Mere lip service to Jesus compares nothing to experiencing an intimate walk with Jesus. Those not in the family can distinguish the imposter from the genuine. Many are educated; however, few resonate with His beauty & glory. I desire to be the latter. 
“And as they were speaking to the people, the priests and the captain of the temple and the Sadducees came upon them, greatly annoyed because they were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection from the dead. And they arrested them and put them in custody until the next day, for it was already evening. But many of those who had heard the word believed, and the number of the men came to about five thousand.”
Acts 4:1-4 ESV

I find a few details interesting & encouraging in this text:

1) the reason for the arrest - they were preaching Jesus. The proclamation of Jesus as the good news to mankind is annoying to those who delight in their own fancies or pursue high places of ruler ship & authority. 

2) the fruit of gospel preaching - many believe the Word thus, by implication, were birthed into the family of God. Followers of Jesus who experience persecution due to preaching need be reminded of the fruit that such bears. 

Monday, May 30, 2016

Just received the following message from a sincere, humble brother in Christ. If you are longing & praying for a place to invest your resources, I would ask u consider this opportunity to meet a dire need. Gifts for to YFC Roxboro 80 Danwin Ln Roxboro, NC 27573


A bold appeal from a humble heart
Timothy Bowes
10 minutes ago
Friends of the Gospel,

As the Lord leads you, share this need with others.
I know I have called on you many times when we have been experiencing need, and I humbly come to you now, doing that again. The ministry here at Youth For Christ is woefully short of funding at this time. It happens every year around this time, and though I do not have an explanation, I have been here long enough to say it’s consistently true that we run short in May / June or June / July.
Our fiscal year ends June 30, and we are currently $38,718.86 behind budget to close out May and June at $0.00. In addition, we will have three weeks of summer camp by the end of June / into the first week of July, and we will not turn students away on the basis of money. We are pressing on in full faith, trusting God to supply all our needs.
As is our custom, we are fasting and praying, seeking God’s face and appealing to God’s people. 

The clubs and other ministries that run concurrent with the school year are all closing, and we are gearing up for our summer ministries and we do not plan to cancel one single camp, retreat, or any ministry! Praise the Lord, we are pressing on!
Please, consider a gift to the Gospel through Youth For Christ. Consider asking others to join you in the joy of giving. I know these numbers are big, and I say this often, but it’s much like eating an elephant… we simply do it one bite at a time! Do not disdain a small gift, but rejoice in a free-hearted one! I love the words of 2 Corinthians 9:6-7, which say, “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” See that? As you decide I your heart, give; not under human compulsion or from human guilt. Rather, make giving a responsible act of stewardship, a humble act of worship, a free will offering of love, and a conscious investment in the gospel.  

I would love to hear from you all! Respond; encourage my heart by praying and letting me know you are praying. I appreciate the community of God's people and trust you all to make petitions with the Father on our behalf. 
Whether to tell me you are praying, or to field your questions, I look forward to hearing from you. Till then…
Grace and peace to you from God the Father and Jesus the Son,
Tim Bowes
Executive Director, Youth For Christ Roxboro
Roman 12:1-2

Why Homeschool

Though I am not an apologist for homeschooling, I am a homeschooler & an advocate of such for many reasons. Sam Sorbo, wife of actor Kevin Sorbo, says it well here: https://vimeo.com/166567924?outro=1

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Participating in the War on Cancer

I am a product of 2 mothers :). Mother 1, Linda Bradsher, gave birth to me, nurtured me in the admonition of the Lord and to this day models for me how to follow Jesus. Mother 2, Becky Lynn Black, spiritually adopted my wife and me for the purpose of investing in us. She strongly exhorted us, encouraged us, and edified us in the faith while gently urging us on to good works. These two mothers have invested in me so faithfully that I can truly say that I am blessed man beyond measure. Both have their strengths and weaknesses that they shared with me to make me the man I am today. Where are these dear l aides now? Linda lives approx. 900 ft. in front of me on the same farm and continues to this day exhorting me in the faith. Becky Lynn Black, affectionately known as Mama B, is worshipping at the feet of Jesus in His physical presence. She graciously and tenaciously battled Endometrial Cancer until her last breath upon this earth was drawn. I remember the days that she was in pain yet wore a genuine smile due to the joy that she was experiencing founded in Jesus. I remember her tenaciously utilizing every breath, every ounce of energy until her dying day to reach the nations with the gospel. She graciously, joyfully, and tenaciously battled this dreaded disease. Though the cancer won her earthly, temporary physical battle, she is victorious for through Christ she is alive & well with Him and one day will experience the physical resurrection in which her body will rise free of cancer! Praise the King for the gospel! Such being said, we remain behind to fight for life and to overcome the ills afforded by a fallen world. In an effort to battle Endometrial Cancer, a fund has been set up that I ask for you to consider providing a donation as you feel led. Though this is not the answer to all of life's ailments or struggles, only the gospel is, such will serve to battle a dreaded disease that may extend the life of someone else. Follow the link below to learn more and to give as you are lead. Thanks in advance for considering this matter.


PGT Newsletter May 2016



  1. Pray for missionaries as they seek to travel as far as possible to reach the unreached prior to monsoon season in July 
  2. Need for church buildings - consider giving to build worship centers which will testify to a Hindu culture of the presence of the gospel in their midst
  3. Praise for the passion & desire for Dheeraj to reach the unreached Mathura village 

Exhortative insight on how the church should live based on the "serving" lifestyle of our Lord & Chief Shepherd. 

Friday, May 6, 2016

Currently reading The Jesus Paradigm by David Alan Black which is challenging my thinking on a few different levels. One, am I truly seeking to live life through the perspective of Jesus or has and is cultural Christianity shaping the way I "do life?" Two, in my frustrations with the current state of the church, do I still love the church as Jesus does? I am reminded that though there is much about the church that needs reforming, reshaping, and revitalizing, I must love her as Jesus loves her. Three, am I cultivating an attitude of "mutual edification" in the body as is espoused in the NT? By my teaching & living am I promoting deeper Christ-like intimacy and "every-member" ministry or am I embracing the widely held & practiced "super-minister" mentality? I am grateful for books that probe my mind and heart to think deeply about the gospel and the church. If I can take time, I will write my thoughts on the book when I finish. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Exhortative poem from John Owen concerning the dangers of sin. 

"SIN is a prison, hath its bolts and chains,
Brings into bondage who it entertains;
Hangs shackles on them, bends them to its will,
Holds them, as Samson grinded at the mill,
‘Twill blind them, make them deaf; yea, ‘twill them gag,
And ride them as the devil rides his hag.
Wherefore look to it, keep it out of door,
If once its slave, thou may’st be free no more."

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Quote of the day - "Love that goes upward is worship; love that goes outward is affection; love that stoops is grace." Donald Grey Barnhouse 

Monday, April 4, 2016

"Back in the day," as many say, when I was in HS we called times that our performance was at an all-time low "being in a funk." Well I confess that in recent months I have been in a "funk" due to various reasons. My study of Scripture has been neglected along with my Biblical Greek studies, philosophy reading, and yes teaching my family the Word. Yes, I have often blamed it on busyness; however, I have less commitments now than I have in years. The fact of the matter is I have not faithfully disciplined myself in these areas.  Paul instructed young Timothy to train/discipline himself for godliness. In an age where discipline is at an all-time low, I am asking the Father to empower me to be disciplined. I am in need of training that leads to godliness/holiness. O to enjoy the pleasure of godliness through discipline. 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Quote of the day

"The resurrection is the vindication of Christ in His humility, the revelation of Christ in His present glory, and the guarantee that Christ will come in power."Donald Grey Barnhouse 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Warren Wiersbe wrote in his book Real Worship, while arguing for preaching that is worship, that "if the experience of the Emmaus disciples is a pattern for believers today, then the blessing of true Bible exposition (expository perching/teaching) is an ignited heart, not an inflated head - reference Luke 24:32. How often do we as church goers view preaching as a time to fill our heads with ideas from "the preacher" rather than viewing such as an opportunity to worship resulting in a heart ignited for the gospel. O that the church, God's people, would hunger for the Word to ignite their hearts to be valiant witnesses of the King of Kings to the world. Listening & receiving expositional preaching is worship for the Word of God will ignite the heart of the willing believer. 

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Pray for an unnamed brother

Below is a report from a missionary brother in the Sudan. I simply plead that you would pray for our brother, whose name I do not know, but who is very much a part of our family - a brother in Christ. O may God use such tragedy to grow the Word there rapidly & show His beauty, power, and glory! 

 "We sat and listened as he made a plan to reach his home village. We discussed the desperate need to take the Gospel to his family who had never hear the stories of Jesus. But yesterday we received a message. His village was attacked on 8 sides. Most of his people were slaughtered and their bodies thrown in the well, the houses were burned, his village is no longer. Those who were not killed are now trying to escape on foot. He talked with his sister, who in now alone, running for her life with an infant in her arms, and an AK-47  on her back. Her husband was already killed. I am not trying to shock you; what is happening to this village is not uncommon in this part of the world. I only wanted you to know how desperately quick we must move. Oh church, we speak with urgency not because people are getting old and dying without Jesus but because they are being killed before we can get to them. Also, I am writing this because my friend asked me to let people in America know so they can pray."

Insight from Newbigin

Challenged this morning by Leslie Newbigin in The Gospel in a Pluralistic Society when he argues that the "gospel is to be understood as the clue to history, to universal history and therefore to the history of each person, and therefore the answer that every person must give to the question, Who am I?" He further notes, and I would agree, that much writing in the Christian sector takes "the individual person as its starting point for the understanding of salvation and then extrapolates form that to the wider issues of social, political, and economic life." Adversely, he argues, that the Bible should be the reference point, the starting point as the "unique interpretation of human and cosmic history" which moves forward to provide mankind a meaningful meaning to "personal life." To whom or what are you looking for meaning? From what framework do you derive your purpose in life? If it is anything other than the Gospel, the Bible, then such will end in futility. True meaning must be derived from the Scriptures where we discover the meaning of all history which moves to an end which is the glory of God. I am passionate about being a professional HVAC business owner and service provider from the framework of the glory of God being the meaning behind what I do and how I do it. Furthermore, I am passionate about utilizing my education in both HVAC (Applied Science) and Biblical Studies to further God's kingdom. They are not separate duties or practices but rather both are a part of God's global plan to redeem the nations. My past, present and future "history" encompassing my education and vocation serves the greater purpose of glorifying God in all the world. Who am I? A man created in the image of God, redeemed by the Gospel of God being utilized for the Glory of God. He has given me purpose which undergirds everything I do. Who are You? 

Friday, January 15, 2016

Missions Conference at the "Bird"

Pleased and excited to hear that my brother, friend, and co-worker in the gospel, Robert "Bobby" Lane will be speaking at the Missions Conference at Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters. Robert & his family have been serving amongst the unreached Dinka people in the South Sudan. I strongly encourage those who consider reaching the unreached taking advantage of this great privilege. Bobby Lane will challenge, encourage, and edify you in the faith. Follow this link for the announcement and further information. My only regret - I will be aiding with the care of our new baby boy (due in late March early April) Gabriel Long.

Check it HERE