Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Meet Charley Dalebout, a young lady who is passionate about serving King Jesus in her home state of Utah. I had the distinct pleasure of Charley and her mom, Gloria, stopping by my office last week so I could ask them some questions about Christianity in a primarily Mormon context. Charley recently finished a year of studies at Bob Jones University, and is now moving home in order to pursue training in Education. Charley has a desire to be a Public School Teacher in her home state of Utah. She models what I would consider to be the Christian endeavor, "living out the gospel wherever I am in order to influence my culture with the gospel." Every believer is a missionary, one who is on Mission for God, regardless of your location or occupation. Our mission is to Make disciples of Jesus Christ, thus we are on mission. Charley and I discussed how Matthew 28:19 states, "While you are going, you make disciples..." She stated that though being in the "Southern Bible Belt" was comfortable, she desired to be back home influencing her family and friends with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Charley provided me with much insight into the Mormon faith and how growing up in a Mormon context resulted in a deepening of her faith in Christ. I asked Charley how we as followers of Jesus Christ can best influence Mormons with the gospel. Here are a few take aways:

1) Build relationships. Charley has friendships that began as a young child that exist to this day in which they converse about the diversity of beliefs between Christians and Mormons.

2) Know and understand the difference in terminology. Though terms like "grace," "salvation," "redemption," etc. may sound the same they do not carry the same meanings. She strongly encouraged followers of Christ to understand the difference when conversing with Mormons.

3) Live out the gospel wherever you are. Charley reminded me by her decision to purposely move home to Teach school that we as followers of Christ must recognize our DNA as missionaries. Did Charley see or describe herself as a missionary? No. But has she and is she living out the missionary life? Yes! I call her a missionary to Utah because she is seeking to make followers of Jesus Christ in her home state amongst her peers.

Thanks Charley for stopping by to encourage and exhort a fellow follower of the King!!!

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