Thursday, May 9, 2013

Just had a crying spell after reading an email from a "mother in the faith" to Kimberly and I. She has been battling stage 4 cancer for quite sometime now; however, her attention and energy has been focused like a laser on God's kingdom work in the world. Though various treatments have been used with some success resulting in the extension of her life, her hope is not in the science of overcoming cancer nor in the mere extension of her days; but rather, her hope and prayer has been that God would keep her faithful to the task of "Making Disciples" until her last day. The Mission of God consumes her time, efforts, and energies. I have seen days that she was weak and weary from treatments, yet not one word of complaint while endeavoring to be obedient to her calling. She recently received a bad report from a Pet Scan and she stated the following:

 "We've finished processing the latest PET scan results, and can now fully report to you.  The 'good news' is that one bone spot has 'died' and the cancer has not spread to my abdomen.

The 'other news' is that there are new spots in my lungs, and the old spots are bigger, and 2 chest lymph nodes have it, and there are now 4 bone spots.  And I now have some pleural effusion (a collection of fluid between the right lung and the rib cage), with a new cancer spot in the midst of that area.

As my oncologist says "This is significant progression of the disease."

Is the electro-medicine working?  Maybe.  But it's obviously not working enough.

The only thing medically available to me is a return to the Gemzar chemo that I was taking last Fall.  Radiation cannot offer anything except pain control.

So that's for the PET report.    But I forgot to tell you the bottom line in the report (legible only to Christ-followers): "God is still on His Throne ordering the affairs of man in love & goodness."

I'm feeling good..only a little dull discomfort from the pleural effusion.   Looking at me,  you'd never guess the PET results.

We've discussed & prayed about things....and feel that we will continue onward with the electro-medicine.  But we will increase the exposure & change the settings.   The next scan will be the mid/end of July.

In other news, our Ethiopia Team continues to be prepared for its July trip.  Maple Ridge (a shelter for those in ministry) is almost ready for service.  The India work moves forward; we are really looking forward to our trip there in October!

Keep on praying for us, that we will faithfully use each day and each speck of energy for His service.  He is worthy of such!"

Such has been her mindset from the beginning. Do I cry this morning due to her bad health, maybe some, but what really caused me to weep this morning is my lack of resilience in the gospel. I am challenged by her insistence upon living every moment, with every ounce of energy for the gospel. What a reminder that our life here is brief and purposeful; thus, we must use every moment and utilize every effort to further His kingdom. Will you pray that I will be resilient in the gospel? Will you pray that I will not be distracted or discouraged by trivial, temporary matters but rather consumed with Him and His kingdom work? 

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