Saturday, December 7, 2013

Laying it all down

A Must Read!

Jamie obviously saw his gift of teaching and his training, as a teacher, as an opportunity to proclaim Christ to a nation in desperate need of the Light of the Gospel. We should and must be willing to utilize all our gifts, talents, resources, and training as an opportunity to serve the King both here and abroad. However, I will say, that now more than ever we need occupationally trained teachers, mechanics, engineers, architects, electricians, etc. to trade in the supposed comforts and safety of the US to serve in a country, such as Lybia, for the greater purpose of the King. Are you willing? What hinders you? Why not spend your life glorifying the King in this manner. I pray, that God will raise up from the church young men and women who pursue their education for the purpose of laying it all down for the gospel. (Philippians 3:1-11).

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