Sunday, May 3, 2015

Mortify the flesh pt. 1

In an effort to better understand the putting off of sin in order to live (Rom. 8:13), I am reading John Owens' Mortification of Sin in Believers. Though we must, as believers, take part in putting off sinful, fleshly things, let me first say that I am grateful that any putting off of sin is performed and accomplished solely by the grace of God in the power of His Spirit. The same grace that has redeemed me is the same grace that sanctifies me. With such being said, John Owen states, "the choicest believers, who are assuredly freed from the condemning power of sin, ought yet to make it their business all their days to mortify the indwelling power of sin." O God my Father, grant me the grace needed in this day, in which its evils exist and seek my attention, to mortify the sinful deeds of the flesh. How susceptible I am, even as your child, to give heed to fleshly desires, emotions, and passions. Your Spirit, which dwells in me, seeks my submission, my obedience, thus I pray for the wisdom and the grace to submit to His power and work in my life. There will be times this morning and throughout this day that I am tempted to be angry due to the treatment of others; however, I pray for a spirit of gentleness and mercy - one governed not by my own power but Thine, one readily recognizable to others as empowered by the Spirit not of human origin. O that Thy grace will overshadow me resulting in my loving others as you have loved me and the enjoying of freedom from sins bondage as you have surely set me free. That I may live to praise of glory, Amen. 

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