Sunday, October 11, 2015

"Blessed is the man......[whose] delight is in the Law of the Lord, and on His law He meditates day and night." Psalm1:1

A simple truth that daily evades my thinking. I am appalled by my own mindset, though often unrecognized and unstated, that blessedness comes from mere hard work and being "a good guy." Ruminating upon the Word, not mere religious activity or hard work, brings blessedness to the believer, the worshipper of Yahweh. I have much to learn from the cows who ruminate or chew the cud. They chew, swallow, partially digest, regurgitate and being all over until all the goodness is consumed from the food. Blessedness, happiness, wholeness of life will come when I ruminate/meditate on the Word daily with the distinct purpose of knowing Him. Such involves more than merely reading the Word, I must chew on the Word which involves thinking then returning later to think deeply upon the text. The Psalmist says, "he [the one meditating upon the Word] is like a tree planted by the rivers of water [flourishing in life] that yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither." I am thankful that the Father so desires me/us to flourish that He has given us His written Word. Now, I must go to ruminate and meditate. Have a splendid day of worshipping the King!

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