Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Concerning the need for the follower of Jesus, from all walks of life, to be diligent and persistent in prayer, Bonhoeffer provides an exhortative word for the mechanic, "Even routine mechanical work will be performed more patiently when it is done with the knowledge of God and His command. Our strength and energy for work increases when we have prayed God to gives the strength we need for our daily work." Bonhoeffer correctly argues that the Christian should be engaged in "work" and "prayer." One must not be neglected but both are to be kept in balance. God created man to work, yea I said it - WORK - the dreaded word of our culture, thus working glorifies Him. The follower of Jesus will be better suited and prepared to work to the glory of God both in energy and attitude if he keeps such in balance with prayer. 

1 comment:

  1. Joel, I'm thankful for you brother! Keep up the hard work. You're always an encouragement.

