I am a product of 2 mothers :). Mother 1, Linda Bradsher, gave birth to me, nurtured me in the admonition of the Lord and to this day models for me how to follow Jesus. Mother 2, Becky Lynn Black, spiritually adopted my wife and me for the purpose of investing in us. She strongly exhorted us, encouraged us, and edified us in the faith while gently urging us on to good works. These two mothers have invested in me so faithfully that I can truly say that I am blessed man beyond measure. Both have their strengths and weaknesses that they shared with me to make me the man I am today. Where are these dear l aides now? Linda lives approx. 900 ft. in front of me on the same farm and continues to this day exhorting me in the faith. Becky Lynn Black, affectionately known as Mama B, is worshipping at the feet of Jesus in His physical presence. She graciously and tenaciously battled Endometrial Cancer until her last breath upon this earth was drawn. I remember the days that she was in pain yet wore a genuine smile due to the joy that she was experiencing founded in Jesus. I remember her tenaciously utilizing every breath, every ounce of energy until her dying day to reach the nations with the gospel. She graciously, joyfully, and tenaciously battled this dreaded disease. Though the cancer won her earthly, temporary physical battle, she is victorious for through Christ she is alive & well with Him and one day will experience the physical resurrection in which her body will rise free of cancer! Praise the King for the gospel! Such being said, we remain behind to fight for life and to overcome the ills afforded by a fallen world. In an effort to battle Endometrial Cancer, a fund has been set up that I ask for you to consider providing a donation as you feel led. Though this is not the answer to all of life's ailments or struggles, only the gospel is, such will serve to battle a dreaded disease that may extend the life of someone else. Follow the link below to learn more and to give as you are lead. Thanks in advance for considering this matter.
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