Wednesday, April 24, 2013

2nd Night of Spring bible Conference

During our second night of Spring Bible Conference, Jason Engle from Westwood Baptist Church, Roxboro, NC, taught concerning: "Christian Growth & the Knowledge of God's Will." Christians often seem confused concerning the will of God for their lives, when in essence we make trivial what is clear in Scripture. Furthermore we Christians highlight the lesser (occupational decisions, living conditions, etc.) while ignoring the greater (making disciples of all nations). Jason taught that God's will and agenda is clear: we are "to speak the word of God to others, in prayerful dependence on God's Spirit in prayer" for then "lives are changed." God's will is for His people to proclaim His Word which results in 1) that unbelievers are delivered out of the kingdom of darkness and transferred into the kingdom of the Son of God, the kingdom of light, 2) that believers are transformed into the image of Jesus Christ, they mature. Thus, "God's agenda is to tranfer & transform." Regardless of where the believer lives, works, etc. God's agenda remains the same, speak the Word in prayerful dependence on the Spirit. God's mission is to redeem the world to Himself using the church as the vehicle for the gospel to move forward. Do you/we recognize God's mission? Are we living for His mission? Have we surrendered to His agenda? Here are a few "take away" quotes: ""It is not so much that God's Church has a mission, but that God's mission has a Church." "It's not so much that I have a mission, but rather that God's mission has me." Jason closed with this question in mind, "How can I continually and intentionally move myself & others further toward the Kingdom of the Son by word and prayer in the places God has sovereignly placed me? (1:28-29)." Thanks bro. for your straighforward preaching of the Word.

1 comment:

  1. Man! I want to hear this sermon now! Pastor, is there a way to get the teaching deliver by the brothers?
