Eye opening blog post from the Gospel Coalition - great resource you can find here - concerning Planned Parenthood. The atrocious, murderous act of abortion should repulse every follower of Christ due to its devaluing and destruction of human life. Read it, be repulsed, then be moved to action in an effort to defend the God-given right for all babies to live and glorify God. http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/tgc/2013/04/26/9-things-you-should-know-about-planned-parenthood/
Saturday, April 27, 2013
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also may love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." - Jesus
"I Love you" are mere empty words on fleshly lips if actions do not follow. From simple acts of kindness to sacrificial service, the love of Christ compels us to serve others. Men from our Clement church family said they loved a fellow family member today as they spent most of the day building a handicap ramp for Kathy Whitfield's mother. I thank God for allowing my family to serve alongside a body of believers who love one another in word and deed.
Cecil White and others watch on as HL Newton prepares for the final landing board.
Gene Moore, HL Newton, Ted Bradsher (my pops) and Cecil White look on as Randy Reed cuts the post for the top hand boards.
Nathan and Rachel "cheese it" as they watch the men work (though they aided later in the final touches).
Randy Reed, our fearless leader and safety conscious carpenter. You da man!!!
The final product, minus a few boards that will come later. Thanks men for your diligent care of a family member.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
3rd Sermon of Spring bible Conference
My brother, fellow-servant, and fellow-soldier of Christ Tim Bowes challenges us Sunday to recognize "Missions Between Our Feet" - "where every believer stands there missions is being done." The mission field exists wherever an obedient follower of Jesus stands, works, lives, and plays. Active involvement in Missions is necessary in order to protect the follower of Jesus from growing stagnant and worldly. Tim stated that "everything turns to the natural without work." Old cars will rust, old houses and structures will be overtaken by weeds and trees if someone does not work to keep them up. In like manner, "where missions is not vibrant, worldly ideas and philosophies will take over to such an extent that where once a bright light for the gospel shown, now only a flicker of light exist." Tim argued that Jesus has given us a mission to which all believers are called - preaching/proclaiming the gospel to the world. God's method is "flinging His followers out into the unreached regions of the world." Sound familiar? Sounds like the Early Church described in Acts to me. In fact, we find there that God used persecution to "fling" His followers beyond their comfort zone to propel the gospel out into the world. Tim summed up our mission by stating, "Our mission in life is not to build our own castles but to serve our King." Where is missions happening? Wherever the obedient follower of Jesus is standing, sitting, or serving.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
the Furtherance of the gospel by technological development
Here is a video reminder of how the advancement of technology has enabled Christians to reach millions around the world. I am reminded that technology is not evil, but rather many who use such are evil and sinful using such for their wicked and ungodly purposes. One of the elements of being human is developing culture for the glory of God. All of Creation is His. Technological advancement displays some of what it means for mankind to be created in God's image; for, we are "creators," thus discovering, designing, and developing is in our DNA. Therefore, it behooves us to utilize the developments of culture to advance His kingdom. You can view the video here and the helpful Christ centered website from which it originates from here.
Great parenting advice from a John Witherspoon, Scottish Presbyterian Pastor (1768-1794). Thanks Kevin DeYoung for pointing these statements out. http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/kevindeyoung/2013/04/24/advice-for-raising-godly-children/
2nd Night of Spring bible Conference
During our second night of Spring Bible Conference, Jason Engle from Westwood Baptist Church, Roxboro, NC, taught concerning: "Christian Growth & the Knowledge of God's Will." Christians often seem confused concerning the will of God for their lives, when in essence we make trivial what is clear in Scripture. Furthermore we Christians highlight the lesser (occupational decisions, living conditions, etc.) while ignoring the greater (making disciples of all nations). Jason taught that God's will and agenda is clear: we are "to speak the word of God to others, in prayerful dependence on God's Spirit in prayer" for then "lives are changed." God's will is for His people to proclaim His Word which results in 1) that unbelievers are delivered out of the kingdom of darkness and transferred into the kingdom of the Son of God, the kingdom of light, 2) that believers are transformed into the image of Jesus Christ, they mature. Thus, "God's agenda is to tranfer & transform." Regardless of where the believer lives, works, etc. God's agenda remains the same, speak the Word in prayerful dependence on the Spirit. God's mission is to redeem the world to Himself using the church as the vehicle for the gospel to move forward. Do you/we recognize God's mission? Are we living for His mission? Have we surrendered to His agenda? Here are a few "take away" quotes: ""It is not so much that God's Church has a mission, but that God's mission has a Church." "It's not so much that I have a mission, but rather that God's mission has me." Jason closed with this question in mind, "How can I continually and intentionally move myself & others further toward the Kingdom of the Son by word and prayer in the places God has sovereignly placed me? (1:28-29)." Thanks bro. for your straighforward preaching of the Word.
My brother and fellow reader, Tim Bowes, noticed a mistake in my latest post, which I have corrected. I had stated that David Brainerd traveled 3,000 miles on horse back to preach the to India. I have corrected such to say, "to preach the gospel to the Indians." Sorry for the confusion and thanks Timbo for the critique.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
David Brainerd was a missionary to the North American Indians in the mid to late 1700's. His passion for the gospel led him to a life of selfless and sacrificial living that God may be glorified among them through their embracing Christ. He endured through physical and mental ailments that often hinder or restrict us from serving. I read in his journal this morning a very challenging description of his travels, "I have now ridden more than three thousand miles [on horseback] that I have kept an exact amount of, since the beginning of March last [now October/November of same year]. Almost the whole of it has been in my own proper business as a missionary, upon the design (either immediately or more remotely) of propagating Christian knowledge among the Indians." The love of Christ compelled Brainerd to ride horseback 3,000 miles in 6 months to preach the gospel to the Indians. How far are we willing to go? How uncomfortable are we willing to be? In order for the nations to know Christ.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
One more thing on India for now. If you desire to read some good articles on the Peniel Gospel Teams ministry in India and their present and future work, you can go here. Thanks brother Dave for your making the need and work known around the world.
Looking anxiously forward to returning to Bagdogra, West Bengal, India in November. The Peniel Gospel Team (http://www.gospelteam.org/), stationed in Bagdogra, works diligently to plant churches in the NE Region of India. I am astonished at the amount of unreached tribes in this Hinduistic land. The two times I have visited the Father has placed in my heart to equip the missionaries and pastors of the area to proclaim His name and plant churches. Each visit I am challenged by their faithfulness to the gospel in their social poverty and religious oppression. Though I may teach them the Scriptures, they teach me to live the Scriptures. I am grateful that the Father has granted me the opportunity to travel to "the ends of the earth" with His message of Redemption. Here is a brief description of the governmental, societal, and culture landscape of India. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-12557384
Saturday, April 20, 2013
1st night of Spring Bible Conference
My brother and fellow-worker, Ben Durand, pastor of North Roxboro Baptist Church, opened our Bible Conference last night with the text 2 Corinthians 5:11-15. Ben exhorted us to be "missionary Christians" who are persuading men to believe as a result of two motives: 1) the coming judgment of Christ where all will be held accountable as to the work done in the body, 2) the love of Christ which constrains us, compels us to be like Christ - inviting others to be reconciled to God. As Ben taught, God spoke to me concerning my motives and passions. I often lack the passion to be "poured out as a drink offering" on the sacrifice and service of the faith others. The love of Christ must consume me in such a manner that I, like Jesus, expend my energies, finances, intelligence, education, emotions, etc. that others may be reconciled to God. Earlier in 2 Corinthians Paul states, "For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal." Living to reconcile others to God is an eternal work, while living for earthly gain and recognition (what is seen) is temporary. O that each believer will live having the end in mind, the judgement seat of Christ, and the gospel at heart, compelled by the love of Christ, that others may be reconciled to God. Thanks Ben for preaching a much needed Word.
The stealth of pride
I would encourage every believer at sometime in their life to read the devotional "My Utmost for His Highest," written by Oswald Chambers. Chambers wrote intellectually and poignantly to the Christian thinker. As my family prepared to depart for our Spring Bible Conference I "snuck" away to read today's devotional thought, "Is It Not in the Least Likely." Chambers argues in this devotional to be weary of the "least likely" areas of life. The "least likely" areas of life are the areas where we are superficially confident that we will not "sin" or fall to temptation. Following a great victory over temptation we often become vulnerable in the "least likely" areas due to the pride of our hearts. Be cautious! As Solomon states in Proverbs 16:18, "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." Chambers further states that "the Bible characters fell on their strong points, never on their weak ones." Never assume from whence comes the temptation, but always be on guard finding your security in God alone. Pride lurks in our hearts stealthily awaiting an opportunity to overtake our motives. Do not be overtaken by the stealth of pride, rather be certain that on God Himself can deliver us from temptation.
Friday, April 19, 2013
When Wartime enemies become Gospel partners
War stories from all periods of history intrigue me due to their show of loyalty and valiance. Men who willingly suffer and die to defend their countries land or "namesake" inspire me to loyalty and valiance. However, I am intrigued most when I read a war-time story that manifest the magnificence grace of God. The story of Japenese war pilot Mitsuo Fuchida and American war pilot Jacob DeShazer reveals how the grace of God reconciles enemies making them brothers. The short of the story is that Fuchida was an American hating Japanese who served as a leader in the attack on Pearl Harbor. Jacob DeShazer was an American pilot who, while bombing Japan, was captured, imprisoned, and tortured for approximately 40 months. Jacob despised and hated the Japanese, but while imprisoned by them, someone gave him a copy of the Scriptures. Upon his reading the Word He was converted which led to his heart being warmed and softened to the enemy. Jacobs inordinate hatred had been converted to gospel love in such a manner that, having been released, he returned to Japan as a Christian missionary to plant churches. Fuchida, in like manner, hated America/Americans in such a manner that he took pleasure in bombing Pearl Harbor. However, following the War he to encountered the Word of God which led to his conversion from Buddhism to Christianity. Fuchida had also read and been inspired by DeShazer's testimony, which inspired his reading and acceptance of the gospel. In 1950, DeShazer the missionary met Fuchida the new convert at which time DeSahzer spent some time discipling Fuchida in the faith. According to the Christianity Today article, Fuchida became an evangelist who spent the rest of his days preaching the gospel in his homeland of Japan. Christianity Today quoted Fuchida as saying, ""That morning [December 7] … I lifted the curtain of warfare by
dispatching that cursed order, and I put my whole effort into the war
that followed. … [But] after buying and reading the Bible, my mind was
strongly impressed and captivated. I think I can say today without
hesitation that God's grace has been set upon me."The grace of God dispensed through the gospel reconciled enemies making them brothers who both spent their last days proclaiming the message of peace in Jesus. Has the grace of God been "set upon you?" Has your heart been warmed and softened to your enemies? How inspiring to read of how God took such a tragic event in history and used such for the manifestation of His glorious grace.
You can find the Christianity Today article here
You can find the Christianity Today article here
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Are you a Missional Father?
Great post by Josh Cousineau concerning what it looks like to be a Father on Mission with God. I have said often that the greatest training ground for followers of Christ is the Christian homes. Josh provides 7 characteristics of a Missional father. I am listening Josh and with the help of the Spirit, evaluate my fatherliness and then surrender to the Spirits work. You can find his post here: http://cbmw.org/men/fatherhood/5-characteristics-of-a-missional-father/
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Turkey season has finally arrived! Man I love the early mornings in the woods awaiting the sounds of Turkey gobbles. Yesterday morning Jason Hatley and I found ourselves surrounded by gobblers, man does that get my blood pumpin, so we set up to call one in. Not long following, two emerged from the woods across the field. Wary of danger they moved ever so slowly. As they inched towards us I got anxious. One had a big white bead and a long beard. Biggest bird I have ever looked down the barrel at in hopes of taking home. However, I succumbed to anxiety and pulled the trigger too soon. Lesson Learned! Succumbing to anxiety will rob you both is the simple pleasures of life, like taking the Turkey, or the eternal pleasures intended by God. Waiting on The Lord provides the child of God the opportunity to experience God in a most astounding and pleasure able way. Wait, Wait I say on The Lord!!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
I am currently preparing/reviewing my Sunday sermon/teaching for the body. The title is: "The Value of the gospel," in which I argue that
"The supreme value of the Gospel warrants our willingness to suffer even
to the point of death that God’s mission may be fulfilled." In a culture in which we know the "cost of everything and the value of nothing," we Christian Americans have become convinced that we have the "God-given" right to enjoy safety and comfort at all cost. In fact we are so convinced of such that many of us "Baptist" would rather give "our hard earned dollar" to Missions rather than face the uncomfortable, dangerous, inconvenient, and costly conditions of traveling within or without the US to proclaim the message of redemption. Giving, only as a means to preserve ones "comfort and safety" while "being involved," is inadequate and insufficient to glorify God. The mission of God, the gospel to the world, warrants our total abandonment both physically and financially. My concern here is that we value "comfort and safety" more than the gospel of Jesus Christ. We treasure Christ somewhat but not supremely. Not all can travel, but all can value or treasure the gospel leading to being abandoned to God's missionary endeavor. The supreme joy of the Christian residing in American will NOT be found in "comfort and safety," but rather in Christ, in fully participating in God's Mission to make worshipers of Himself in all nations, even our own. The Value of the Gospel warrants this.
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