Friday, February 27, 2015

Daniel Devine provides some helpful insight concerning parents "passing down their faith" to their children. His research, though needing to be peer reviewed, seems to fit my experience in ministry concerning those of the millennial generation who remain faithful to the faith. His research reveals that parents who disciple their children provide a life-long foundation of faith and a since of identity that pays great dividends. What a great reminder that, as a father, I am personally responsible to disciple my children. You can read his research and findings on the link below.
Thinking & praying for followers of Jesus who are being captured by Isis. How do you pray in these times? 1) Pray in faith that the Father is able to do what glorifies His name and furthers His kingdom, 2) pray for their release. The church prayed for the release of Peter & John in Acts 4. God releases them and they rejoice!, 3) Pray for their faithfulness to proclaim the name of Christ. They are in need now more than ever for the Spirit to embolden them to remain steadfast in faith, 4) Pray for them to rest in God protecting, sustaining, and providing for their families. God will utilize the faithful praying of His church to strengthen the persecuted to remain steadfast in faith. Will you pray with me?

Thursday, February 26, 2015

IMB Strategy Change

I am glad to see an IMB strategy change evoked and spear headed by the new IMB President, David Platt. Evident by his writing, preaching, and lifestyle, Platt seeks to reach the nations with the gospel as mandated by the Scriptures utilizing every resource available. His desire to empower missionaries in a manner that is not limited by finances as he states, "We need a strategy that doesn't cap our number of missionaries merely based upon how much money we have," is commendable. Considering the mission of the church to the reach the nations as well as the new strategy of the IMB I have a few thoughts, as elementary as they may be, concerning the strategy of each local church in cooperation with the IMB strategy. 1) We must recover the Biblical ideology of "every member a missionary" as is evident throughout Acts. Every follower of Jesus must envision his/her life as primarily a disciple-maker. Until we recover such an idea, the church will struggle to reach the nations. 2) We must be willing to "pick up and go until God says no." Paul persistently sought to reach the nations with the gospel and at times the Holy Spirit hindered him only to redirect him (Acts 16). Money must not hinder the willing and obedient follower of Jesus from going to the nations. Though the IMB is a great resource, the door is open for believers, seeing themselves as missionaries, to move across seas, find or create a job while making disciples. 3) along with the above 2, reaching the nations MUST NOT be left to the Professionals. God did not call professionals to make disciples, but rather the meager worker like you and I. Professionalizing mission work to "Missionaries" greatly hinders the reaching of our communities, our nation, and the nations. While I commend the IMB for their work, and support them in many ways, followers of Jesus must embrace the reaching of the nations as much an individual believers responsibility as well as the responsibility of the church and the IMB. The passion, commitment, and pleasure of reaching the nations must be internalized to every believer, which in turn results in the church passionately partnering in the gospel to reach the nations. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Greatly encouraged and challenged by the faithfulness of 21 Egyptian brothers slain by Isis. As tragic as such is, we can rejoice in a few matters: 1) God is glorified when His saints are martyred for the name of Jesus; 2) their faithfulness to the gospel is heard 'round the world' shining the light of hope in a hopeless world; 3) the church is built on the "blood of the martyrs," thus such will serve for the "Word of God to increase," as Luke would say. Do we mourn for and with their families? Yes. But, we rejoice in the fruitfulness of their faithfulness. The redeemed community, due to the power of the cross and the hope of redemption, can both mourn and rejoice simultaneously because He lives, these our brothers live also. May God be glorified! Father, by your power may we be known as "people of the cross" due to our resilience to live and proclaim the name of the King. To Him be praise, honor, and glory throughout all eternity! Amen!


Looking forward to Lyandon Warren teaching the church how to understand and engage our culture & community with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Lyandon serves as NAMB's Church Planting Coordinator for the New England Territory of the US, planting churches in Vermont. You are cordially invited to join our church family. We will have supper Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday night @ 6pm followed by worship including singing, sharing, and teaching @ 7pm. Lyandon will also be teaching Sunday morning @ 10:45. Have questions? Email me:

Sunday, February 22, 2015

"True Religion"

Need an exhortative story to begin your day of gathering with the family for worship? The story of "The Drop Box" will render you speechless. The church desperately needs men who will place themselves in the "throws of life" in order to "practice what they preach." Pastor Lee Jong-rak of Seoul's passion to rescue children in Seoul, South Korea will indeed challenge and encourage  fellow believers to live out the gospel. His family's story will invite you to practice "true religion that is pure and undefiled" (James 1:26-27) as stated by James. Please, go worship today with the intent of listening and OBEYING the Word that God be glorified!

Friday, February 13, 2015

"Quote of the day (John Frey): 
I think the evangelical tendency to obsess over the Apostle Paul and his letters for local church life has created this visionless, pastoral inwardness. Pauline-obsessed pastors may demonstrate this “I’m-in-my-study-don’t bother me” ivory tower view of the pastor more than anything you will find in the life and ministry of Jesus. Shepherds, pastors worth their salt, leave the flock, weather the storms, fend off the dangers, even laying own their lives if necessary. Pastors are, in essence, risk-takers.
Pastors: You can't lead by words only. Get involved in missions personally and lead the charge."

Great reminder from a brother and fellow blogger concerning the ministry of Elders (Pastors). 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The President would do well to read his history before utilizing such in his public speeches. Those who write and speak are responsible to be well informed concerning the subject of which they speak especially when utilizing such for illustrative or comparative purposes.  

Blinded to Beauty

Question of the day. What "god" does/is Katy Perry listening too? The answer can be found in the lyrics of her music as well as the content of her videos. Katy has been blinded by the same "god of this world" countless others in the music industry have. Katy is explicit concerning her commitment to and willingness to follow the evil one, other ungodly music artist and singers are blinded by and led by the same "god of this world," yet are couched in a more subtle cloak. Our response? Pray that the God of glory would shine the light of the beauty of Jesus Christ into their blinded eyes, for truly seeing the beauty of Christ will result in one savoring Him, and thus following Him obediently.


Monday, February 9, 2015

Daddy/daughter dates

Great observations concerning the importance and fruit of dating my daughters. Our culture provides an ungodly perspective concerning dating and marriage. Manhood and womanhood is downplayed as a "freedom" rather than God's design for society. Fathers must be committed to modeling for their DAUGHTERS Biblical Manhood leading to their waiting on a godly man to marry. Fathers must instill in their daughters a healthy security prayerfully protecting them from looking in the wrong directions for a husband. I committ to dating my daughters, will you? 

Friday, February 6, 2015


Great reminder concerning the Priesthood of all believers and the privileges/responsibilities associated with such. I am reminded and challenged by the privilege, pleasure, and responsibility of prayer. Think I will take part in this great Christian privilege now.