Gorgeous day at Fort Macon! How beautiful is His Creation to behold!
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Thursday, November 26, 2015
“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!”
Psalm 118:1 ESV
Being thankful is a disposition of the heart, not merely a word spoken or a day of celebration sanctioned by the government. We are to give thanks because we are thankful! Thus being said, I not only give thanks but am thankful for who my Father is as well as what He has done & is going to do. Meditating on His works has been a necessity for me today as I feel compassed about by many of the waves of life. Such being said, I am grateful/thankful to the Father for the gospel of Jesus Christ. He, through His Son, has redeemed me from sin while presently working sin out of me and eventually will deliver me from its very presence. Who am I that He should do this for me? I am a nobody, but thankfully He is a somebody who cares for the "nobodies"of life. I am also grateful/thankful to the Father for my wife, my best friend, and help-meet whom God uses to encourage, exhort, and edify me daily. Praise & thanks be to Him who is worthy of our praise! O and she cooked a fabulous Thanksgiving meal for us to enjoy while at the beach. Have a great Thanksgiving!
Reading the Psalms often has the effect of mirroring my soul. While reading Psalm 77 this morning, I found myself identifying with the Psalmist when he states, "Will the Lord spurn forever, and never again be favorable? Has His steadfast love forever ceased? Has God forgotten to be gracious? Has He in anger shut up His compassion?" Despair best describes how I feel some days as the waves of life crash against me. Whether experiencing the self inflicting wounds of selfish decisions or the expected difficulties of obediently following Jesus, the waves seem to often overtake me, knock me on my behind, and relentlessly crash against me - wave after wave. Furthermore, it seems the harde I strive to obey, the more I fail or the more I am slammed by the waves of life. "O that He would show Himself compassionate in this day, in this hour, in this circumstance of life!" Is my souls cry. Where do I go when He, the compassionate One, the Faitfhful One, the Gracious One seems so distant & unconcerned? Where do I turn when the touch of the Father seems so cold & indifferent? Thankfully the Psalmist exhorted me this morning to "remember the deeds of hate Lord!" And he reminded me of the character of our Great God whose compassions fail not (Lamentations 3:22). Where then do I turn? I turn to His Word where I discover His works & His character. I trust in His truth that is unchanging despite my present feelings. I meditate upon what He has done in order to rest in what He is doing & will do. Fact is I need Him & He delights in me. In this I must trust despite my current feeling of despair, for my God is good & gracious and no circumstance can change this! Praise be to His name!
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Our first day of the 2015 hunting season scoping out some venison to "feed the hungry" Bradshers. Confessedly I look forward to being alone during hunting season; however, the Father is teaching me that there is such great joy & pleasure, more in fact, when spending this time with Bradsher nations next generation. Thanks be to the Father for granting us the joy of parenting. Love ya Nathan!
Friday, November 6, 2015
Thankful to have been encouraged & edified by these brothers today as we listened to Moncy Mammen share the church planting ministry of the PGT (Peniel Gospel Team). Ever desired to reach an unreached people group with the hope of the gospel? Partner with the PGT & watch God the Father use you to fulfill the Great Commission! Email me if you are interested: joelbradsher@gmail.com
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Food for thought concerning the typical local church and how community is founded and fostered. I am interested enough to read the book. One thing is certain, true gospel community can only and will only be built on the gospel which will be diverse ethnicities, societies, etc. May God grow His church, His way, for His Glory!
Food for thought concerning the typical local church and how community is founded and fostered. I am interested enough to read the book. One thing is certain, true gospel community can only and will only be built on the gospel which will be diverse ethnicities, societies, etc. May God grow His church, His way, for His Glory!
I am encouraged & exhorted by the Psalmists confidence in the Lord our God. In Psalm 2 the nations seek to rise up and overcome Him, to which the Psalmist states, "He who sits in the heavens laughs.." The Lord scoffs at His enemies attempts to overtake Him and thwart His plans. The best option of the wicked kings lies in their submitting to the sovereign rule of Lord. If they would be wise, serve the Lord with fear and rejoice in Him, then they would be blessed. Those who take refuge in the Lord will be blessed (made whole). We can have the same confidence as we meditate upon the Word and rest in His sovereign rule over every and all circumstances, if we chose to take refuge in Him we will enjoy the blessedness of His presence. How I need to be reminded in this day and hour our family is facing that He, our conqueror, laughs at the pseudo-strength of the enemy. Our God is Mighty indeed.
"Blessed is the man......[whose] delight is in the Law of the Lord, and on His law He meditates day and night." Psalm1:1
A simple truth that daily evades my thinking. I am appalled by my own mindset, though often unrecognized and unstated, that blessedness comes from mere hard work and being "a good guy." Ruminating upon the Word, not mere religious activity or hard work, brings blessedness to the believer, the worshipper of Yahweh. I have much to learn from the cows who ruminate or chew the cud. They chew, swallow, partially digest, regurgitate and being all over until all the goodness is consumed from the food. Blessedness, happiness, wholeness of life will come when I ruminate/meditate on the Word daily with the distinct purpose of knowing Him. Such involves more than merely reading the Word, I must chew on the Word which involves thinking then returning later to think deeply upon the text. The Psalmist says, "he [the one meditating upon the Word] is like a tree planted by the rivers of water [flourishing in life] that yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither." I am thankful that the Father so desires me/us to flourish that He has given us His written Word. Now, I must go to ruminate and meditate. Have a splendid day of worshipping the King!
A simple truth that daily evades my thinking. I am appalled by my own mindset, though often unrecognized and unstated, that blessedness comes from mere hard work and being "a good guy." Ruminating upon the Word, not mere religious activity or hard work, brings blessedness to the believer, the worshipper of Yahweh. I have much to learn from the cows who ruminate or chew the cud. They chew, swallow, partially digest, regurgitate and being all over until all the goodness is consumed from the food. Blessedness, happiness, wholeness of life will come when I ruminate/meditate on the Word daily with the distinct purpose of knowing Him. Such involves more than merely reading the Word, I must chew on the Word which involves thinking then returning later to think deeply upon the text. The Psalmist says, "he [the one meditating upon the Word] is like a tree planted by the rivers of water [flourishing in life] that yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither." I am thankful that the Father so desires me/us to flourish that He has given us His written Word. Now, I must go to ruminate and meditate. Have a splendid day of worshipping the King!
Saturday, October 3, 2015
"Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding." Job 28:28
Reverence and awe of the Lord is/brings wisdom which is not a mere "decision" but rather a way of thinking about matters. Walking in wisdom should be, must be the desire and passion of the follower of Jesus. I wish no longer to be a mere "church goer" who does some "Christian work," but rather one who lives with wisdom drawn from the Word cultivated in my heart and saturating my mind. May God grant me the grace to turn from evil today as temptations, and sometimes fierce temptations, arise.
Reverence and awe of the Lord is/brings wisdom which is not a mere "decision" but rather a way of thinking about matters. Walking in wisdom should be, must be the desire and passion of the follower of Jesus. I wish no longer to be a mere "church goer" who does some "Christian work," but rather one who lives with wisdom drawn from the Word cultivated in my heart and saturating my mind. May God grant me the grace to turn from evil today as temptations, and sometimes fierce temptations, arise.
Monday, September 21, 2015
Thanks Tim for a reminder of some things that will cause the follow of Jesus to "lose their zeal for" for Christ. You can read them here: http://www.challies.com/quotes/how-to-lose-your-zeal-for-christ. In my life I realize that my zeal is waned when I neglect a steady diet of ingesting and digesting the Scriptures. We need the Word to keep us zealous for Him! May you and I be zealous for the King today!
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Reminder #2
“My son, keep my words and treasure up my commandments with you; keep my commandments and live; keep my teaching as the apple of your eye; bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart. Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,” and call insight your intimate friend, to keep you from the forbidden woman, from the adulteress with her smooth words. For at the window of my house I have looked out through my lattice, and I have seen among the simple, I have perceived among the youths, a young man lacking sense, passing along the street near her corner, taking the road to her house in the twilight, in the evening, at the time of night and darkness. And behold, the woman meets him, dressed as a prostitute, wily of heart. She is loud and wayward; her feet do not stay at home; now in the street, now in the market, and at every corner she lies in wait. She seizes him and kisses him, and with bold face she says to him, “I had to offer sacrifices, and today I have paid my vows; so now I have come out to meet you, to seek you eagerly, and I have found you. I have spread my couch with coverings, colored linens from Egyptian linen; I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. Come, let us take our fill of love till morning; let us delight ourselves with love. For my husband is not at home; he has gone on a long journey; he took a bag of money with him; at full moon he will come home.” With much seductive speech she persuades him; with her smooth talk she compels him. All at once he follows her, as an ox goes to the slaughter, or as a stag is caught fast till an arrow pierces its liver; as a bird rushes into a snare; he does not know that it will cost him his life. And now, O sons, listen to me, and be attentive to the words of my mouth. Let not your heart turn aside to her ways; do not stray into her paths, for many a victim has she laid low, and all her slain are a mighty throng. Her house is the way to Sheol, going down to the chambers of death.”
Proverbs 7:1-27 ESV
Proverbs 7 provides a stiff warning concerning the "price" of "sexual freedom." Enamored with sexual innuendos and phonographic invitations, our society celebrates so called "free sex," however, such comes at a high cost. The greatest of those being separation from the very source of pleasure - Christ Himself. Be aware, the enemy will use any tactic to deter you from the greatest pleasure and treasure in life - God Himself. The writer of Proverbs, more than likely having paid the high price of falling to seduction and/or "free sexual living," waves a warning flag to us the reader. Give heed to the warning. Sexual pleasure is meant for the marriage bed alone and only there, in monogamy and commitment, will you experience its greatest pleasures.
An encouraging brother sent me this song, though a different singer, this morning as I am sitting in the hospital reading the Word & planning my limited day of work. What a fantastic reminder that my Father is indeed amazing, indescribable, unfathomable, uncontainable and yet we can talk of Him. No language completely does His character and majesty justice, however, we can speak of Him in language understandable to mankind. YES, my God is all this and much, much MORE!
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger. When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? (Psalm 8:1-4 ESV)
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Re-entry from a foreign land
This about sums it up - how wise Mama B was in her insight to short term and long term missional endeavors across the seas. Here is some wisdom for our team that truly sums up what Kimberly & I have faced over the past few days:
Orientation #5 for Spouses/Families
As you read this, your spouse and the rest of the Ethiopia Team is getting ready to board the plane to return back to USA. The Team will be reading their Orientation #5 on the airplane. This last orientation is designed to help "re-entry" and processing.
This year I want to include spouses in the Re-entry orientation. After 2 1/2 weeks in Ethiopia, your spouse is returning home. You might think you will pick up where you left off....but nothing could be further from the truth. So let me give you some hints that I hope will help you get back to normal.
1. Your spouse will likely be physically exhausted. He/she has been pushing physically, eating strange food, sleeping in strange beds, often going night after night without good sleep, etc. So....whatever you have been doing while he/she has been gone, please continue that for at least 3 days. Continue to wash the clothes, cook the meals, straighten the house, etc. Sleep and more sleep is what they need. So avoid any expectations of physical labor.
2. Your spouse will likely be mixed up in terms of when to sleep & when to be awake. At 3pm he/she will be looking for a bed to climb into....because their body thinks that it is 10pm! And when it becomes 10pm here, his/her body will be in the wee hours of the morning. So....don't expect the usual bedtime routine (whatever that involves). Whatever you are expecting can wait another few days.
3. Your spouse will be glad to see you, but realize that he/she is also in mourning. The Team has just formed tremendously deep & tight bonds with people on the other side of the globe. And they have had to say "goodbye" to them. So their rejoicing at being home is tempered with memories of those they left behind. So....give space for mourning. Don't become angry or discouraged if your spouse seems mellow, sometimes cries, talks incessantly of Ethiopia. He/she is happy to see you, but he/she is also mourning.
4. Your spouse will be overflowing with stories that are important to him/her. But you won't fully understand why those stories are important. No matter how much he/she tries, you just won't really 'get it'. So....allow him/her to talk & share. Try to appreciate the importance of the stories. Accept the difference between you and him/her. And next time, maybe you can go to Ethiopia together.....then you will really understand the stories!
Conclusion....Give Grace & Give Space. Hold things lightly for at least 5 days. After 5 days, the jet lag will be mostly settled, the fatigue will be largely erased, and the mourning will be soothed. For the next month, watch yourself & your family. The Evil One delights to do his one-two punch during the first 4-6 weeks after a tremendous mission trip. Guard yourself. Be in the Word. Give abundant grace. Nip attitudes of self-pity, indulgence, hostility, etc, in the bud. Pray with & for each other. Have times of fasting & prayer.
I hope all of this helps your Re-entry. Know that you are appreciated in your part of the Team!
Rejoicing in His goodnesses to us.....
Becky Lynn
Mortify the flesh pt. 1
In an effort to better understand the putting off of sin in order to live (Rom. 8:13), I am reading John Owens' Mortification of Sin in Believers. Though we must, as believers, take part in putting off sinful, fleshly things, let me first say that I am grateful that any putting off of sin is performed and accomplished solely by the grace of God in the power of His Spirit. The same grace that has redeemed me is the same grace that sanctifies me. With such being said, John Owen states, "the choicest believers, who are assuredly freed from the condemning power of sin, ought yet to make it their business all their days to mortify the indwelling power of sin." O God my Father, grant me the grace needed in this day, in which its evils exist and seek my attention, to mortify the sinful deeds of the flesh. How susceptible I am, even as your child, to give heed to fleshly desires, emotions, and passions. Your Spirit, which dwells in me, seeks my submission, my obedience, thus I pray for the wisdom and the grace to submit to His power and work in my life. There will be times this morning and throughout this day that I am tempted to be angry due to the treatment of others; however, I pray for a spirit of gentleness and mercy - one governed not by my own power but Thine, one readily recognizable to others as empowered by the Spirit not of human origin. O that Thy grace will overshadow me resulting in my loving others as you have loved me and the enjoying of freedom from sins bondage as you have surely set me free. That I may live to praise of glory, Amen.
Monday, April 27, 2015
As we sit at Marinas awaiting our Chinese & India meal for the evening, behind me is the sound of Hindu worship over the loud speaker in the streets. Weighing heavy upon my heart is the vast sea of lostness surrounding us. The conversation around the table this evening has been names & positions of some prominent Hindu gods. I am reminded of how bright the light of the gospel shines in a dark culture. I thank my God for the Peniel Gospel Team who is faithfully, creatively, lovingly, and boldly "shining the light of the gospel" in a dark world. What a joy & pleasure it is to serve alongside the indigenous missionaries. To God be the glory - Great things He is doing!
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Challenged, exhorted, and instructed by the biography of this great man to "live as a disciple of Jesus" in the midst of both flourishing and troubling circumstances. Though some of Bonhoeffers radical political decisions are cause for debate, his motives for doing such were to honor the King. I encourage any follower of Jesus to read this particularly biography due to Metaxas' gifted writing and ability to weave much detail into an intriguing biography. The book never grows stale or stagnate, though lengthy and detailed. Happy Reading!
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Constantly challenged and encouraged by the men in my weekly discipleship group. Our efforts to discuss the Scriptures, memorize/meditate on the Scriptures, and provide Biblical accountability cultivates maturity. I am grateful to the Father for these men being willing to strive together as we share our weaknesses, failures, and victories.
As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. (Proverbs 27:17 NKJV)
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Friday, March 20, 2015
Puritan Prayer of the week
Confession and Petition
Holy Lord, I have sinned times without number, and been guilty of pride and unbelief, of failure to find Your mind in Your Word, of neglect to seek You in my daily life. My transgressions and short-comings present me with a list of accusations, but I bless You that they will not stand against me, for all have been laid on Christ. Go on to subdue my corruptions, and grant me grace to live above them. Let not the passions of the flesh nor lustings of the mind bring my spirit into subjection, but rule over me in liberty and power.
I thank You that many of my prayers have been refused. I have asked amiss and do not have, I have prayed from lusts and been rejected, I have longed for Egypt and been given a wilderness. Go on with Your patient work, answering 'no' to my wrongful prayers, and fitting me to accept it. Purge me from every false desire, every base aspiration, everything contrary to Your rule. I thank You for Your wisdom and Your love, for all the acts of discipline to which I am subject, for sometimes putting me into the furnace to refine my gold and remove my dross.
No trial is so hard to bear as a sense of sin. If You should give me choice to live in pleasure and keep my sins, or to have them burnt away with trial, give me sanctified affliction. Deliver me from every evil habit, every accretion of former sins, everything that dims the brightness of Your grace in me, everything that prevents me taking delight in You. Then I shall bless You, God of jeshurun, for helping me to be upright.
Always challenged in my prayer life, particularly concerning confession, when reading the prayers of the Puritans. These past brothers had a passion for the Glory of God, which enabled a soul-searching that led to a very real sense of their fallenness. The church needs to recover this sense of self-awareness, I need to recover this sense of self-awareness and my deep, eternal need for Christ. O God grant to me/us a Vision for transformation. Awaken your church to your Holy character that we may live for your glory!
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need. Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:25-32 ESV)
Great reminder of the New Life we are to live empowered by Christ. Great text for meditation in the night hours as I sleep.
Friday, March 13, 2015
BBA Spring 2015 Meeting
"Where is God working and how will you join him?" Asked Layndon Warrren, church strategist for NAMB, to the 120 representatives of the Beulah Baptist Association at our Spring 2015 meeting. Warren exhorted the church representatives to follow the "call of God" by living a life of abandonment. Warren explained that we as followers of Jesus must continually abandon our way in order to live His way. Led by Warren, the Associational representatives investigated the message and call of Jesus recorded in Mark 1:14-20 being challenged by Jesus to "come follow" Him and He will make us fishers of men. We were reminded from the text that following Jesus in total abandonment is a a life of adventure and inconvenience. Warren stated, ""We are going to have to be inconvenienced in order to fulfill the Great Commission." The sons of Zebedee left "family, friends, familiarity, and financial stability" in order to follow the call of Jesus. Warren argued that Jesus is WORTH the abandonment and inconvenience for the furtherance of His kingdom. Thanks Layndon for your faithfulness to the text as well as a strong word of exhortation for the BBA to work side-by-side in the effort to reach our nation and the nations with the gospel. Layndon will be speaking at Clement Baptist Church for their Engaged 2015 Missions Conference through the weekend.
Look to the North
The love of God compels us, followers of Jesus, to abandon all in order to make disciples of all nations, including our own. Growing up in the south, I envisioned the US as a place where gospel-preaching churches were plentiful. Due to my limited experience in traveling abroad, I was under the wrongful impression that everyone, especially in the US, knew who Jesus was and is. My perspective came crashing down about 10 yrs. ago upon discovering the many people groups around the world, summing millions of people, who had never heard the gospel nor the name of Jesus. My "eye opening" experience did not stop there as I discovered the vast lostness in the US alone. I was a victim of the "Bible-belt" mentality, as some of you reading the blog were or still are. Needless to say I was shocked when learning the lack of gospel witness in the Northern Territories of the US. Over the past 3 yrs. I have had the opportunity to travel to Vermont 3 times and Lord willing will take a 4th trip this July. I am amazed by two things: 1) The low percentage of Evangelical Christians in Vermont; 2) The amazing manner in which the Father is working to bring light into the region. God is calling many to the region to either plant churches or join with church planters to spread the Good News of Redemption through Jesus Christ in that region. Are you praying about where God is calling you to make disciples? Are you seeking to discover where God is at work so you can join Him (Henry Blackaby)? I exhort you to Look to the North. Follow the below link to discover more of how God is working in Vermont and how you can join in reaching this state with the gospel.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Daniel Devine provides some helpful insight concerning parents "passing down their faith" to their children. His research, though needing to be peer reviewed, seems to fit my experience in ministry concerning those of the millennial generation who remain faithful to the faith. His research reveals that parents who disciple their children provide a life-long foundation of faith and a since of identity that pays great dividends. What a great reminder that, as a father, I am personally responsible to disciple my children. You can read his research and findings on the link below.
Thinking & praying for followers of Jesus who are being captured by Isis. How do you pray in these times? 1) Pray in faith that the Father is able to do what glorifies His name and furthers His kingdom, 2) pray for their release. The church prayed for the release of Peter & John in Acts 4. God releases them and they rejoice!, 3) Pray for their faithfulness to proclaim the name of Christ. They are in need now more than ever for the Spirit to embolden them to remain steadfast in faith, 4) Pray for them to rest in God protecting, sustaining, and providing for their families. God will utilize the faithful praying of His church to strengthen the persecuted to remain steadfast in faith. Will you pray with me?
Thursday, February 26, 2015
IMB Strategy Change
I am glad to see an IMB strategy change evoked and spear headed by the new IMB President, David Platt. Evident by his writing, preaching, and lifestyle, Platt seeks to reach the nations with the gospel as mandated by the Scriptures utilizing every resource available. His desire to empower missionaries in a manner that is not limited by finances as he states, "We need a strategy that doesn't cap our number of missionaries merely based upon how much money we have," is commendable. Considering the mission of the church to the reach the nations as well as the new strategy of the IMB I have a few thoughts, as elementary as they may be, concerning the strategy of each local church in cooperation with the IMB strategy. 1) We must recover the Biblical ideology of "every member a missionary" as is evident throughout Acts. Every follower of Jesus must envision his/her life as primarily a disciple-maker. Until we recover such an idea, the church will struggle to reach the nations. 2) We must be willing to "pick up and go until God says no." Paul persistently sought to reach the nations with the gospel and at times the Holy Spirit hindered him only to redirect him (Acts 16). Money must not hinder the willing and obedient follower of Jesus from going to the nations. Though the IMB is a great resource, the door is open for believers, seeing themselves as missionaries, to move across seas, find or create a job while making disciples. 3) along with the above 2, reaching the nations MUST NOT be left to the Professionals. God did not call professionals to make disciples, but rather the meager worker like you and I. Professionalizing mission work to "Missionaries" greatly hinders the reaching of our communities, our nation, and the nations. While I commend the IMB for their work, and support them in many ways, followers of Jesus must embrace the reaching of the nations as much an individual believers responsibility as well as the responsibility of the church and the IMB. The passion, commitment, and pleasure of reaching the nations must be internalized to every believer, which in turn results in the church passionately partnering in the gospel to reach the nations.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Greatly encouraged and challenged by the faithfulness of 21 Egyptian brothers slain by Isis. As tragic as such is, we can rejoice in a few matters: 1) God is glorified when His saints are martyred for the name of Jesus; 2) their faithfulness to the gospel is heard 'round the world' shining the light of hope in a hopeless world; 3) the church is built on the "blood of the martyrs," thus such will serve for the "Word of God to increase," as Luke would say. Do we mourn for and with their families? Yes. But, we rejoice in the fruitfulness of their faithfulness. The redeemed community, due to the power of the cross and the hope of redemption, can both mourn and rejoice simultaneously because He lives, these our brothers live also. May God be glorified! Father, by your power may we be known as "people of the cross" due to our resilience to live and proclaim the name of the King. To Him be praise, honor, and glory throughout all eternity! Amen!
Looking forward to Lyandon Warren teaching the church how to understand and engage our culture & community with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Lyandon serves as NAMB's Church Planting Coordinator for the New England Territory of the US, planting churches in Vermont. You are cordially invited to join our church family. We will have supper Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday night @ 6pm followed by worship including singing, sharing, and teaching @ 7pm. Lyandon will also be teaching Sunday morning @ 10:45. Have questions? Email me: joelbradsher@gmail.com.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
"True Religion"
Need an exhortative story to begin your day of gathering with the family for worship? The story of "The Drop Box" will render you speechless. The church desperately needs men who will place themselves in the "throws of life" in order to "practice what they preach." Pastor Lee Jong-rak of Seoul's passion to rescue children in Seoul, South Korea will indeed challenge and encourage fellow believers to live out the gospel. His family's story will invite you to practice "true religion that is pure and undefiled" (James 1:26-27) as stated by James. Please, go worship today with the intent of listening and OBEYING the Word that God be glorified!
Friday, February 13, 2015
"Quote of the day (John Frey):
I think the evangelical tendency to obsess over the Apostle Paul and his letters for local church life has created this visionless, pastoral inwardness. Pauline-obsessed pastors may demonstrate this “I’m-in-my-study-don’t bother me” ivory tower view of the pastor more than anything you will find in the life and ministry of Jesus. Shepherds, pastors worth their salt, leave the flock, weather the storms, fend off the dangers, even laying own their lives if necessary. Pastors are, in essence, risk-takers.
Pastors: You can't lead by words only. Get involved in missions personally and lead the charge."
Great reminder from a brother and fellow blogger concerning the ministry of Elders (Pastors).
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
The President would do well to read his history before utilizing such in his public speeches. Those who write and speak are responsible to be well informed concerning the subject of which they speak especially when utilizing such for illustrative or comparative purposes.
The President would do well to read his history before utilizing such in his public speeches. Those who write and speak are responsible to be well informed concerning the subject of which they speak especially when utilizing such for illustrative or comparative purposes.
Blinded to Beauty
Question of the day. What "god" does/is Katy Perry listening too? The answer can be found in the lyrics of her music as well as the content of her videos. Katy has been blinded by the same "god of this world" countless others in the music industry have. Katy is explicit concerning her commitment to and willingness to follow the evil one, other ungodly music artist and singers are blinded by and led by the same "god of this world," yet are couched in a more subtle cloak. Our response? Pray that the God of glory would shine the light of the beauty of Jesus Christ into their blinded eyes, for truly seeing the beauty of Christ will result in one savoring Him, and thus following Him obediently.
Question of the day. What "god" does/is Katy Perry listening too? The answer can be found in the lyrics of her music as well as the content of her videos. Katy has been blinded by the same "god of this world" countless others in the music industry have. Katy is explicit concerning her commitment to and willingness to follow the evil one, other ungodly music artist and singers are blinded by and led by the same "god of this world," yet are couched in a more subtle cloak. Our response? Pray that the God of glory would shine the light of the beauty of Jesus Christ into their blinded eyes, for truly seeing the beauty of Christ will result in one savoring Him, and thus following Him obediently.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Daddy/daughter dates
Great observations concerning the importance and fruit of dating my daughters. Our culture provides an ungodly perspective concerning dating and marriage. Manhood and womanhood is downplayed as a "freedom" rather than God's design for society. Fathers must be committed to modeling for their DAUGHTERS Biblical Manhood leading to their waiting on a godly man to marry. Fathers must instill in their daughters a healthy security prayerfully protecting them from looking in the wrong directions for a husband. I committ to dating my daughters, will you?
Friday, February 6, 2015
Great reminder concerning the Priesthood of all believers and the privileges/responsibilities associated with such. I am reminded and challenged by the privilege, pleasure, and responsibility of prayer. Think I will take part in this great Christian privilege now.
Great reminder concerning the Priesthood of all believers and the privileges/responsibilities associated with such. I am reminded and challenged by the privilege, pleasure, and responsibility of prayer. Think I will take part in this great Christian privilege now.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Qualifying degree: Walking with the King
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus. (Acts 4:13 ESV)
When I find myself being concerned with accolades, rewards, and status, Acts 4:13 reminds me that God uses the willing, submitted heart not the "so called" gifted brain, though He can us the gifted brain that is submitted to Him. The Scriptures, contrary to the church in the Westen world, present to us men who were uneducated yet used to lay the foundation of the church. What does this mean to us? God is less concerned, if not unconcerned, with degrees and accolades. His expectation is that His people have submitted hearts to His purposes, pursues His kingdom, and thus walks obediently with Jesus. Elders, pastors, and overseers, we must train and lead our people to understand that we are all ministers. The qualifying characteristic of such is a changed heart, a submitted will, and surrendered life which walks with Jesus.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Looking Forward
Looking forward the seeing these two gentlemen in approx. 11 weeks. On the left is Abishek and on the right is Joel (pronounced Hoel), though I must say his name, as it is spelled, speaks of Greatness :). Anyhow, these two serve as young leaders in the Missionary Home at PGT (Peniel Gospel Team) in NE India. Pray that I/we will be encouragers, exhorters, and mentors in our time with these brothers. The need for the gospel in NE India remains to be one of the greatest in the world as they are in the 10/40 window. According to the Joshua Project, in West Bengal, the state in India to which we are traveling, .7% are Christian with 539 people groups remain unreached with the gospel. O that God would call out His church, embolden them with the gospel, break the chains of materialism, enflame us with a passion for His glory, engulf our hearts with His love, and launch us into an age of sacrificially, passionately, lovingly, relentlessly, and resiliently investing our time and resources, exhausting all that He has given us to reach His world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! O God Let the Church ARISE!!
Saturday, January 24, 2015
The "Wolf" of Capitol Hill
Looking for someone on Capitol Hill who seeks to "live out the gospel" through the position of leadership entrusted to him by God and the American people? Check out Frank Wolf. Frank has served 17 yrs. as a Congressman championing international human and religious rights. Though Frank retried in 2014, this reminds me that there are leaders in Congress and the Senate who follow the Lord Jesus utilizing their positions of influence to further His kingdom. Thanks Mr. Wolf for serving so valiantly, and many times dangerously, for this United States but more so for the gospel. I am challenged and encouraged to hear that your retirement years will be utilized to "do the works of Jesus" championing human and religious rights from a Christian worldview.
Friday, January 23, 2015
India Mission
Brothers & Sisters, in approximately 12 weeks from now Kimberly & I will be boarding a plane to NE India with 5 others. Our purpose - encourage & exhort the Church in India as they seek to reach the unreached people of India with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This will be my 4th time flying the friendly skies to India to serve alongside the Peniel Gospel Team in planting churches; however, this will be Kimberly's first time in India. I, for one, am thrilled to have my beloved wife, closest friend, and greatest partner in the gospel with me. The PGT (Peniel Gospel team) has served NE India for some 40 yrs. planting some 400 churches in this region. In addition to church planting, PGT operates an orphanage, whose sole purpose is to reach orphans with the gospel and send them back into their villages with the gospel, operates a Mission Home, where indigenous missionary families can send their children to be educated while they serve in the field on rough terrain, operates a College/Seminary, where missionaries are trained to reach unreached villages, and operates a local Christian school (Hebron School) which provides a Gospel-centered education to many Hindu children, which in return utilizes its funds to support church planting. PGT is nearing the dedication of their new School facilities which will provide more Gospel-centered education, which in return will provide funds for more church planting. Needless to say the Father is greatly using the PGT to plant & establish churches for the glory of God! It is the 2015 Mission Teams pleasure to serve alongside of the them in both planting & establishing churches in this unreached region of the world. We invite you to partner with us in this endeavor. How can you partner with the 2015 Team and the PGT:
1) Pray for our diligent preparation prior to our leaving. We desire the Father to go before us preparing both our hearts & theirs.
2) Partner with us financially. The cost of each one traveling is $2800.00, while we each take responsibility to "pay our way," it is costly for some families who are carrying more than one individual. Furthermore, we desire to give abundantly to the PGT leaving behind a substantial financial gift to aid in furthering the gospel.
3) Give graciously & abundantly to the PGT. They are in need of funds for the finishing of the new school facility. The school will be a source of "self-supporting" funds for the PGT in training & sending missionaries, pastors, and evangelists into unreached villages.
How to give:
If you desire to give to the finishing of the school - Make checks payable to "Bethel Hill Baptist Church" with "School Project" in the memo and mail to Leigh Humphries 47 Appaloosa Trail, Roxboro, NC 27574.
If you desire to financial give for the India Mission Team: make checks payable to "Bethel Hill Baptist Church" with "2015 India Team" in the memo and mail to Leigh Humphries 47 Appaloosa Trail, Roxboro, NC 27574.
1) Pray for our diligent preparation prior to our leaving. We desire the Father to go before us preparing both our hearts & theirs.
2) Partner with us financially. The cost of each one traveling is $2800.00, while we each take responsibility to "pay our way," it is costly for some families who are carrying more than one individual. Furthermore, we desire to give abundantly to the PGT leaving behind a substantial financial gift to aid in furthering the gospel.
3) Give graciously & abundantly to the PGT. They are in need of funds for the finishing of the new school facility. The school will be a source of "self-supporting" funds for the PGT in training & sending missionaries, pastors, and evangelists into unreached villages.
How to give:
If you desire to give to the finishing of the school - Make checks payable to "Bethel Hill Baptist Church" with "School Project" in the memo and mail to Leigh Humphries 47 Appaloosa Trail, Roxboro, NC 27574.
If you desire to financial give for the India Mission Team: make checks payable to "Bethel Hill Baptist Church" with "2015 India Team" in the memo and mail to Leigh Humphries 47 Appaloosa Trail, Roxboro, NC 27574.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Young Adult Retreat
My class for this past weekend. They were patient and attentive as we explored Romans 1-4 concerning God's justifying work through Jesus Christ. Only wish I could have went tubing, but had to refrain due to my recent bout with the flu. Thanks ladies & gents for a great weekend of laughin, eatin, fellowshippin, and studyin. O, by the way Peyton, I owe you one for the Big Scare - I ain't forgot! Thanks to the "older adults" for their hard work in planning & preparing. You all are Great in my eyes and I thank the Father for you all!
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Winning against Busyness
Here is a great post by JD Greear on practical ways to win the battle against busyness. As someone once stated, "busyness has killed more Christians than bullets ever have." Subconsciously I am one that feels like I am more faithful if I am "mo" busy; however, this myth has often left me & my wife on the brink of a major breakdown. Greear's article reminds me that in the Kingdom busyness does not equal faithfulness. Resting in Jesus as provider & sustainer is essential to my fulfilling Kingdom priorities. We are to expend ourselves for the Kingdom of God; however, merely being busy is not expenditure. I have found that churches are filled with "busy" ministries without lasting fruit, and I have often been the perpetrator of such. If I am going to "live long and prosper" in the Kingdom, I must cease being busy and start resting in Christ. I/you will find kingdom living and serving much more pleasurable and fruitful in seeking to be less busy.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Thought Provoking & Informative Article
Al Mohler writes a thought provoking & informative or flag raising article here concerning the battle between "Religious & Erotic Liberty." I am reminded that the church must be faithful to proclaim the gospel verbally & actively. The church is the "pillar and ground of truth" providing the world with a moral plumb line in an age of staunch immorality. Our resilience to live out the gospel will invite persecution; however, we must be valiant, of course empowered by the Spirit, to herald the truth of the gospel lovingly, compassionately, and boldly that King Jesus may be seen as the Great Redeemer. Though I love the nation in which I live, I am reminded in these times that America is not our hope, but rather a mere vessel in the hands of God to provide the church with Religious Liberty, if not only for a limited amount of time, to fulfill the Great Commission. Christians in America must defend their Religious Liberty with the greater desire to utilize that Liberty to funnel resources into furthering the gospel of Jesus Christ into the nations. The church's mission remains the same regardless if our national liberties wane - "Therefore, as you go, disciple all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, [20] teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you each and every day until the end of the age." - (Matthew 28:19-20)."
Thursday, January 8, 2015
"Slight of Hand?"
Can you say "slight of hand?" How sad that those in the legal system preyed on the ignorance of a young lady who had no idea the gravity of her decision. Though judging by the condition of the heart of our nation the permissiveness of abortion would probably have occurred anyway, the Roe vs. Wade case is a tragedy that should have never occurred. Having five children of my own, 3 biological and 2 adopted, I am deeply saddened by the murderous approval of our nation in aborting children at will. The Scriptures teach that we are "created in the image of God," thus we are all Image Bearers giving to each human inherent value and significance. Utilizing legal tactics as these men used on "Roe" should be punishable by law resulting in them being disbarred.
A "Must Read" response to Ferguson
Great response from Voddie Baucham concerning Ferguson. Voddies assessment provides a Biblical perspective to the tragedy that occurred in Ferguson. Thankful for my African American brother in Christ who provides such a balanced Biblical view while also sharing his own struggles and experiences with racial profiling. I myself long for the day that we gather around the throne, as representative from every ethnic group, worshipping the King. Concerning racist acts, no one has the right to "be prejudice" for all men are God's image bearers, thus having equal value. As followers of Jesus, we must strive to view each man, regardless of ethnicity and color, through the eyes of equality loving and serving others for the sake of the gospel. My prayer is that we, as the church, will experience this unity and thus influence our current culture in this manner.
NE India Persecution
Praying this morning for my brothers & sisters in Jharkhand, NE India. The state of Jharkhand neighbors West Bengal where I have had the privilege of serving the past 3.5 yrs. As our team plans to return to West Bengal this April, pray that we will be wise in our preparations and that the Father will go before us to prepare Missionaries, Evangelists, and Pastors as we seek to instruct and encourage. Persecution in India from the Hindu's is on the rise, thus our team desires to encourage our family there as they face uncertain days. The words of our Lord in Matthew 28:20, "lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age," provides encouragement and boldness to those who seek to make disciples of all nations under the pressure of persecution. May our family in Jharkhand experience the abiding presence of King Jesus in these days.
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