Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Distinguished People

The idea of being "distinct" and/or "different" troubles us at the core of our being. We, as Americans, desire to be accepted. We strive with all or our might to "fit in" with our peers, be they co-workers or friends. We shape our clothing style, vehicle purchases, house designs, and calendar events based on what others are participating in or talking about. As I prepare to teach this coming Sunday, I am reminded that we, as the church, must be a "distinct" people. According the the Apostle Paul, all who are "in Christ" were once "alienated from God" and "having no hope." But now, being "in Christ," we have been brought near to God by His sacrificial death, the shedding of His blood. Paul goes on to argue in Ephesians 5,
 For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not become partners with them; for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), 10 and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. 11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. 12 For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. 

Those who are "in Christ", being distinct from the world of darkness, now are children of Light and thus walk in the Light. We are, thus, "distinct and different" from the world. Our passions and pursuits have changed. Our concerns in life are no longer "what others think" but rather, "what delights God who is Light and in whom is no darkness at all." I pray that the Father will free me from the bondage of "seeking to please others," as well as, "the troublesomeness of being distinct and different." I desire, for the gospel, to embrace "distinction" as a "good" and not a "bad," as a "pleasurable pursuit," and not "a troublesome endeavor." May the American church realize and embrace being "distinct IN CHRIST!" 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Concerning the need for the follower of Jesus, from all walks of life, to be diligent and persistent in prayer, Bonhoeffer provides an exhortative word for the mechanic, "Even routine mechanical work will be performed more patiently when it is done with the knowledge of God and His command. Our strength and energy for work increases when we have prayed God to gives the strength we need for our daily work." Bonhoeffer correctly argues that the Christian should be engaged in "work" and "prayer." One must not be neglected but both are to be kept in balance. God created man to work, yea I said it - WORK - the dreaded word of our culture, thus working glorifies Him. The follower of Jesus will be better suited and prepared to work to the glory of God both in energy and attitude if he keeps such in balance with prayer. 
Here is an encouraging article that reminds us of how the reading of the Scriptures are vital to the Christian life and satisfying for the Christian. I pray that the Word of God will continue to flourish in Asia and the US. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

"Verse of the Day?"

Dietrich Bonhoeffer has this to say concerning the ideology of the Verse of the Day often used by Christians, "But there can equally little doubt that that brief verses cannot and should not take the place of reading the Scripture as a whole. The verse for the day is still not the Holy Scripture which will remain throughout all time until the Last Day. Holy Scripture is more than a watchword. It is also more than "light for today." It is God's revealed Word for all men, for all times. Holy Scripture does not consist in individual passages; it is a unit and is intended to be used as such."  Instructive word from the great German scholar who gave his life preaching the gospel. In our "McDonald's" Christian culture that desires "fast spiritual food" through the "verse of the day," many are anemic for they are not digesting the entire meal delivered up by the Father. We need a "full course spiritual meal" only enjoyed by devouring the entirety of Scripture. The Word must be taken as an entire unit, OT and NT, not as individual passages disconnected and unrelated. Sit down at the table and feast until your spiritual belly is satisfied :) 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Check out this delicious Chicken Curry dish my beautiful wife prepared this evening! The smell and taste reminds me of India. As the aroma arose into my "smeller" this evening I prayed that the Father would further the gospel in NE India though the Peniel Gospel Team. After eating this, I am looking forward to February 2015 when I can return to edify the church as well as be edified by the church there. Please pray for our brothers and sisters as they face much spiritual opposition to the furtherance of the gospel in NE India. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

Reading Dietrich Bonhoeffer's book Life Together afresh and anew seeing as it has been a while since doing so. I am refreshed by his deep thought concerning God's community/church. He argues that mankind, apart from God, seeks an unattainable ideal community; however, God, in and through Christ, provides realistic community. According to Bonhoeffer, satisfying community is a Divine reality "in and through Christ," a Biblical truth I wholeheartedly agree with! In discussing this "Divine Reality," Bonhoeffer compares Human love and spiritual love (love produced in the human through Christ that only those "in Christ" possess) in the following way: "Human love lives by uncontrolled and uncontrollable dark desires; spiritual love lives in the clear light of service ordered by the truth. Human love produces human subjection, dependence, constraint; spiritual love creates freedom of the brethren under the Word. Human love breeds hot house flowers; spiritual love creates the fruits that grow healthily in accord with God's good will in the rain and storm and sunshine of God's outdoors. The existence of any Christian life together depends on whether it succeeds at the right time in bringing about the ability to distinguish between human ideal and God's reality, between spiritual and human community." If the church is to experience true, genuine community that satisfies the human longing, she must live by spiritual love, love produced "in and through Christ" only. Acts 2:42-27 & Acts 4:32-37 describe what the Church looks like that operates on spiritual love. This church devotes herself to the teaching of the Word and fellowship in the Word, and to serving one another sacrificially. You desire genuine community? You desire satisfying relationships that are "genuine and transparent?" These will only be found in a church that understands her community is "in and through Christ" and not in merely embracing a document called "The Constitution and By-Laws." The church that experiences true community will seek to love one another in the way that Christ has loved us. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

"Stay Awake"

Exhortative word from Mark's Gospel, "Stay awake," or "Stay alert!" Reminds me that the life of a follower of Jesus is the life of a soldier. We each have a defense post to maintain which the enemy seeks constantly and aggressively to overtake and destroy. Alertness or sober mindedness must characterize the ready mind of the believer. Our enemy is most often difficult to detect for he flies constantly under the radar. He is crafty, intelligent, evasive, and strategic, thus the follower must be ready; for, we do not know the hour our Commander and Chief will return, and when He returns, we desire to be found faithfully defending our post. So, STAY ALERT brother! No time for sleepy heads in the kingdom!