Tuesday, December 30, 2014
A little taste of a "Bradsher" Christmas! Pop shared the Word, we shared some grub, and then open some gifts. Thankful for the family God has placed me in that enjoys being together and celebrating the birth of the KING!
Christmas at "Papa B's" this year was full eating and singing! Thanks "Papa B" for a great meal and a great time of fellowship. We read the Christmas story from Hebrews, Ate a hearty lunch, and sang some Christmas Carols.
Mailed these off yesterday for the families of our persecuted brothers & sisters in various nations. Our 3G (Small Group) collected many items like soap, hoods, gloves, blankets, towels, etc. Prayerfully the Father will use these items to encourage them to remain faithful to the gospel! If you desire to partake of this blessing go here.
I am eternally grateful this morning that God is "a God ready to forgive, gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love..." Nehemiah 9:b. The battle between the flesh and the Spirit for the believers affections is intense. The flesh is weak, but the Spirit is willing; however, we often fall prey to the temptations "of the moment." Before we know it we have given in to the flesh, failed, and sinned against God. O do I long for the day when sin is no more and the Evil One is burning in the flames of eternal torment, while the followers of Jesus bask in His glory forever. But, for now the battle rages on and I/we must push forward. What then are we to do WHEN we fail, when we sin, when we give in to the flesh? John the Apostle provides us with great theology when he states, "If we confess [agree with God that we have sinned against Him] our sin, HE is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness" 1 John 1:9. The God Nehemiah speaks of is the same God John speaks of who postures Himself in such a manner that He is "ready to forgive" based not on our goodness, but on His justness and faithfulness. How is He just in forgiving sin? He has dealt justly with sin in His Son Jesus Christ, "He who knew no sin became sin for us..." and "He [Jesus Christ] is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also of the sins of the whole world" 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 John 2:2. In my failures, in my "caving to the flesh" God stands ready to forgive. O such grace in the face of such an intense battle for my affections that rages forward daily and intensely. God, thank you for being ready to forgive me this morning, for being gracious and merciful towards me - a great sinner. Thank you for not merely forgiving, but cleansing, purging, restoring, and transforming me. Now I pray O Father use the beauty of your Word to increase my affections for You and You alone! To the praise of your glory! Amen.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Great "Resolution" Advice
Here is some great advice from Tim Challies on how to make New Year's Resolutions "stick." Considering my past experiences with resolutions, his advice seems sound and helpful. I often try to resolve too much with little specificity and no real plan. I will pray over the next few days as to what 1-3 resolutions I can make that matters and I can place in practice for His glory. Happy New Year!!
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Finished reading Al Mohlers Conviction to Lead last week. I will post a summary of the book and some pointers at a later date; however, one characteristic described by Mohler that "hits home" - "The Leader Knows that Time Is the Great Equalizer of Humanity." Mohler goes on to state, " I find myself constantly humbled by the fact that I am limited to the same twenty-four-hour days that Abraham and Jacob knew. The scarcity of time is the great level of humanity, affecting the rich and the poor, the powerful and the powerless." No matter where we lead or who we lead we are all limited by the same amount of time. The question remains, "what will I do with the time God has allotted for me today in order to fulfill His mission?" Time is indeed a valuable resource to be used for the Glory of God. If I, as a leader, desire to leave a legacy I must utilize every moment to further the mission given me by God. I desire to recognize "key moments" in time to communicate my convictions in each area of leadership God has graciously given me. More on time later, but for now I want to cultivate a "tender loving care of time" in my life as a leader that I may lead impressionably for the kingdom of God. I urge every leader to read Mohler's Conviction to Lead for great practical insight into effective leading.
Saddened by the murder of officers Ramos and Wenjian Liu on the streets of New York. First, as men created in the image of God and then as men who sought to protect the citizens of New York, Ramos and Wnejian Liu should have been valued and respected. Their deaths are tragic due to the nature in which they were taken and the flagrant disregard for those who "protect and serve." Though the death of every officer in the line of duty is tragic, this "execution style" death causes us to morn even deeper as those who represent the law where targeted. Evident from the funeral of Officer Ramos, he was a man of honor who found pleasure in serving others. Those close to him say he "loved God" above all else and sought to serve on an even greater level by pursuing an education in chaplaincy. His pastor stated, "He was a man of great faith, and his faith informed his worldview, not just as a police officer, but as a husband and as a father." What Ramos believed informed they way he lived. What a challenge to the follower of Jesus. Would this be said of me? Would this be said of you?
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Though we grieve with our brothers & sisters who are facing physical torture & death for the sake of the gospel, we rejoice that Christianity provides hope that extends well beyond buildings & relics. I am challenged this morning by this article to pray for the boldness of my brothers & sisters as their are imprisoned & tortured for their exclusive faith in King Jesus. May the eternal hope & pleasure of the gospel sustain them, strengthen them, and satisfy them in these days. I am furthered challenged to pray for the conversion of some if not all of the ISIS religious "psychopaths." The Apostle Paul once zealously murdered Followers of Jesus, but the grace of God rescued, redeemed, and redirected Him. May the beauty & glory of Christ shine in the eyes & souls of these militants that they may find true hope. You can read the article here.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Life Transforming Power - Reminder
How often we need reminding that Jesus Christ, who is alive from the Dead, has life transforming power. He came that we may have life and have it to the FULL. Here is a reminder of how He transforms the lives of those we as society may consider beyond help. David Wood WAS a sociopath who was found by the Author of Life. A powerful display of how ones philosophy of life leads to decisions making as well as how the Christ of God displays the power of the Resurrection today as He did some 2,000 years ago. Watch here
"Winning the Battle"
Enamored with sexual innuendos and images, many Christian men (and women) fall prey to the "sexually free" ideology of the day. Many Christian leaders, some well known and some unknown, sacrifice their character and leadership positions due to sexual temptation. The Scriptures are clear that no even a hint of immorality is to be present in the life of the believer; however, the temptation to succumb to such remains powerful. Randy Alcorn provides good insight and instruction in his short booklet called Sexual Temptation: Establishing Guardrails and Winning the Battle. He provides good guardrails in the life of the believer in overcoming sexual temptation, while pointing the Christian to the Scriptures as the main source of transformation. Some Guardrails like: "counting the cost of sin," "accountability," and "confession and repentance" are highlighted by Alcorn, all Biblical concepts, to aid the Christian in overcoming the powerful temptation. In an age of "easy access" to much pornography, I urge men and women to Battle this great temptation, which if heeded, can destroy your family and render you "cripple" in God's kingdom work. You can find Alcorn's booklet here.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Here is an article worth reading in our "sexually explicitly charged" culture. Tim Challies reminds us of the high cost of engaging ones mind in pornography. Sexual immorality comes with a high cost, a cost we must not be willing to pay for such a temporary "fix." Christians are not exempt to this grave and costly temptation, thus we, the church, must be aware.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Francis Schaeffer states, "[Psalm 36] forms an excellent backdrop against which to see the unfolding of biblical history. It sets the conception of God as Creator in proper relation to man as creature and worshiper."
136:1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever.
2 Give thanks to the God of gods,
for his steadfast love endures forever.
3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
4 to him who alone does great wonders,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
5 to him who by understanding made the heavens,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
6 to him who spread out the earth above the waters,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
7 to him who made the great lights,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
8 the sun to rule over the day,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
9 the moon and stars to rule over the night,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
10 to him who struck down the firstborn of Egypt,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
11 and brought Israel out from among them,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
12 with a strong hand and an outstretched arm,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
13 to him who divided the Red Sea in two,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
14 and made Israel pass through the midst of it,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
15 but overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
16 to him who led his people through the wilderness,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
17 to him who struck down great kings,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
18 and killed mighty kings,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
19 Sihon, king of the Amorites,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
20 and Og, king of Bashan,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
21 and gave their land as a heritage,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
22 a heritage to Israel his servant,
for his steadfast love endures forever.
23 It is he who remembered us in our low estate,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
24 and rescued us from our foes,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
25 he who gives food to all flesh,
for his steadfast love endures forever.
26 Give thanks to the God of heaven,
for his steadfast love endures forever.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
The case of Ayahuasca and True satisfaction
Stories such as these burden my heart for todays generation. I often engage in conversations with young adults who wonder what they are to do with their life. Sometimes this question, left unanswered, leads to anxiety and can lead to depression. In the case of Kyle Nolan it led to his seeking direction in a drug found in Peru which seemingly resulted in his death, though such has not been proven. Can a drug provide the answer? No. Can marriage provide the answer? No. Can the pursuit of the "American Dream" provide the answer? No. What then can provide meaning, purpose, and direction to ones life? In short, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God created us for Himself and in Him can we find satisfaction and fulfillment. Jesus once told a Samaritan woman that He is the Living Water that, if believed in, will be a well of water springing up into everlasting life (John 4). She was seeking satisfaction and meaning through relationships with many men; however, such never provided the meaning and satisfaction she sought. Jesus invited her to drink of the well that forever satisfied. I once asked a young man what his goals in life are. His response was nothing short of worldly passions and pursuits that lead to no real satisfaction. I exhorted him to pursue the Kingdom of God as his primary passion, then he could be, by trade, anything he desired. The Kingdom of God, the gospel, provides meaning, purpose, and satisfaction that nothing or no one else can provide. I pray that Kyle's generation will discover and understand the power of the Gospel to provide meaning, purpose, direction, and ultimate satisfaction. He who pursues satisfaction from this framework of thinking, a Christian Worldview, will discover that God satisfies to the deepest inmost parts of our being.
Stories such as these burden my heart for todays generation. I often engage in conversations with young adults who wonder what they are to do with their life. Sometimes this question, left unanswered, leads to anxiety and can lead to depression. In the case of Kyle Nolan it led to his seeking direction in a drug found in Peru which seemingly resulted in his death, though such has not been proven. Can a drug provide the answer? No. Can marriage provide the answer? No. Can the pursuit of the "American Dream" provide the answer? No. What then can provide meaning, purpose, and direction to ones life? In short, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God created us for Himself and in Him can we find satisfaction and fulfillment. Jesus once told a Samaritan woman that He is the Living Water that, if believed in, will be a well of water springing up into everlasting life (John 4). She was seeking satisfaction and meaning through relationships with many men; however, such never provided the meaning and satisfaction she sought. Jesus invited her to drink of the well that forever satisfied. I once asked a young man what his goals in life are. His response was nothing short of worldly passions and pursuits that lead to no real satisfaction. I exhorted him to pursue the Kingdom of God as his primary passion, then he could be, by trade, anything he desired. The Kingdom of God, the gospel, provides meaning, purpose, and satisfaction that nothing or no one else can provide. I pray that Kyle's generation will discover and understand the power of the Gospel to provide meaning, purpose, direction, and ultimate satisfaction. He who pursues satisfaction from this framework of thinking, a Christian Worldview, will discover that God satisfies to the deepest inmost parts of our being.
Last night Kimberly & I hosted our 3G (Gospel Growth Group) small group. Last night Mike led us in a discussion on Acts 8:26-40 - the gospel to Ethiopia. We discussed how Philip had left a fruitful situation, many were coming to Christ, to travel into a desert area. However, one soon sees the fruitfulness of this Spirit led excursion as the Ethiopian eunuch confesses Christ as Lord, then, as was/is natural for the redeemed people of God, he took the message back to Ethiopia with him. Mike observed that Luke utilizes a literary tool to peak the interest of the reader. In vs. 32 he quotes Isaiah the prophet as saying, "so he [Jesus] opens not his mouth," and in vs. 35 Luke writes that Philip "opened his mouth" and preached Jesus. Mike stated that Jesus "kept his mouth closed to endure the suffering" so that we could open out mouths and proclaim His salvation. Philip was utilized by the Spirit to further the gospel message "to the ends of the earth." We, the church, must carry on the legacy of Philip, and more so, the mission of God by taking the gospel "to the ends of the earth." Where is the ends of the earth for us? I suggest looking at the 10/40 window - you can find more info. about this window here as well as how to get involved. Here are a few pics from our time of fellowship last night.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Presently reading through Numbers and often finding my mind wandering to matters of "work," "ministry," and "household duties." However, I was just reminded via email from a fellow-believer that the Word, due to its focus being on Jesus, is always lively and refreshing. I must savor the moments of reading the text, not necessarily for because it is always "adventurous" or because I am discovering "new" insight, but rather because all of the text all of the time is pointing me upward to Him, the One who satisfies my deepest longings and fulfills my greatest desires. Father, help me see Jesus in every text in a refreshing and lively manner.
Friday, October 10, 2014
Focused Investment
Burdened this morning as I consider the vast need of a Christian witness in the 10/40 window (pictured below). This area encompasses the greatest amount of unengaged/unreached people groups in all the globe. Throughout the book of Acts we encounter the advancement of the church propelling from Jerusalem outward. The Mission of the church had be given to them by Jesus Himself (Acts 1:8). They were to go to the ends of the earth testifying of Him. The Mission of God, commanded by Jesus, remains the same for the church in 2014. We are to be expending our resources (time, money, energy, etc.) carrying the gospel to the ends of the earth. Every job we work, every company we own, and every investment we make should be aiming at fulfilling the Great Commission. Evaluation in the church is necessary! Are we giving and going with intentionality and focus? Is our passion the same as that of Jesus? I am challenged this morning to focus my investment, the investments of my family, on reaching the unengaged/unreached peoples in the 10/40 window. The Father has opened the door in the past two years for me to partner with an indigenous church planting ministry (The Peniel Gospel Team) in NE India. Though in recent days I have been laced in my praying and planning concerning my partnership with them, today I seek to refresh my Focused Investment. Have you discovered an unengaged/unreached areas where you can make a focused investment for the Kingdom of God that has eternal returns? If not, I encourage you to pray and plan to embrace a people group in the 10/40 window to build a kingdom partnership. Need some direction? Below are some resources you can utilize in partnering with a people group.
Peniel Gospel Team - joelbradsher@gmail.com
IMB Embrace: http://www.imb.org/main/lead/embracedefault.asp?StoryID=9651
Peniel Gospel Team - joelbradsher@gmail.com
IMB Embrace: http://www.imb.org/main/lead/embracedefault.asp?StoryID=9651
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Reading articles such as this reminds me of how intentional I must be in fulfilling the Great Commission. The darker the day the brighter the light shines, thus the darker our culture grows, if it can get darker, the brighter the church glows. Though I am saddened by the seeming victory won by sam sex marriage today, the kingdom of which I am a part is not of this world. My joys and hopes do not rest in the US of A, but rather in God's eternal, glorious kingdom which will never pass away or be overcome by the darkness. Fret not dear brother or sister, the King is remains on the throne!!
Reading articles such as this reminds me of how intentional I must be in fulfilling the Great Commission. The darker the day the brighter the light shines, thus the darker our culture grows, if it can get darker, the brighter the church glows. Though I am saddened by the seeming victory won by sam sex marriage today, the kingdom of which I am a part is not of this world. My joys and hopes do not rest in the US of A, but rather in God's eternal, glorious kingdom which will never pass away or be overcome by the darkness. Fret not dear brother or sister, the King is remains on the throne!!
Monday, September 29, 2014
3 Circles
Looking for a great sedge way to share the gospel over lunch or other venues that offer little time? Found this method, of many available, interesting. The 3 Circles, though can be limited in some ways as others, provides a full orbed summarization of God's redemptive plan. Check it out and place in your tool box if you find such helpful.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Presently reading Michael Green's Thirty Years that Changed the World, his commentary on the book of Acts. His approach is profound, enlightening, instructive, and creative bringing the life of the early church alive. I would recommend anyone who desires to understand the life of the early believers to devour his book :)
I am challenged by how he describes the vitality of the early church. He states, "It seems to have been white-hot for many of them much of the time," when describing their vitality. I find myself growing cold and indifferent at times losing my thirst for the Scriptures. Would that the Father grant to me, and I pursue such, a deep thirst for the text that consumes my energy and my time ending in my being "poured out as a drink offering" for others to know and grow in Him. White-Hot is where I desire to be!
I am challenged by how he describes the vitality of the early church. He states, "It seems to have been white-hot for many of them much of the time," when describing their vitality. I find myself growing cold and indifferent at times losing my thirst for the Scriptures. Would that the Father grant to me, and I pursue such, a deep thirst for the text that consumes my energy and my time ending in my being "poured out as a drink offering" for others to know and grow in Him. White-Hot is where I desire to be!
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Happy Anniversary
8 yrs ago yesterday the Father gave unto me a woman of virtue, beauty, and wisdom. She is my wife, best friend, and greatest partner in the gospel. Her passion and love for King Jesus inspires and encourages me to go to the ends of the earth with His name. Our love for one another today is greater than it was on Sept. 16th 2006. Thank you Father for Kimberly Bradsher, for she excels in her virtuous pursuit of knowing and serving the King! I love you Kimberly!
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Below is a letter from Dheeraj, a missionary in NE India, whom our church family had the opportunity and privilege to provide funds to purchase a motorbike. I have had the personal privilege of meeting and talking with him multiple times. As evidenced by the letter, the Father continually uses Dheeraj to reach the unreached in India. Please pray that he will be bold to preach the gospel and fruit will continue to arise from his labors. To God be the Glory!!!
Dear sponsor,
Greetings in His marvelous name,
My wife and I are very much delighted to have this new Bike
which we were praying for last few years. Whenever we were riding bi-cycle a
long distance through the forest we were praying for this blessing. Our God is
so good and has given the answer for our prayer through all of you.
Presently I have concentrated my outreach ministry in six
different villages and altogether with different 9 people groups. After getting
the Motor Bike I have added two more people group to preach the gospel. Because
we are able to save much travel time.
All together 89 new converts are ready for water baptism. As
per their request we are arranging their baptism at their respective villages.
In India, Baptism is a witness among the public that now I am a Christian.
Therefore they want to witness Jesus at their villages among their people. Now
this is the monsoon time we cannot reach easily many of these villages. So we
are waiting and once the rain season will be over we will arrange baptism
services at these villages.
Picture # 1.
Dheeraj and family with new Motorbike. He is very grateful for the blessing which is a great asset
for the ministry.
Picture # 2.
From a family 4 brothers and their families accepted Christ as their
personal savior. They were very drunken and always fighting with each other. This
is a joint family therefore they were facing lot of problems. Due to the bad
life they lost their land property and many belongings. At their village there
were no Christians. When I got the new bike I have decided to work and
establish a church there. Now these people are regularly gathering to worship
Lord and decided to follow Jesus. Other people are also attending the evening
meetings in which we are sharing gospel. Our plan is to visit each house of
this village and share gospel. When we visit we will verbally share gospel and
distribute literatures. Once we complete the door to door evangelism then we
will show Jesus film and preach gospel. Always the film show will bring a good
crowd and we are getting good response.
This village ministry is the reason of New Motor Bike.
We assure our prayers.
Thank you.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Peace in the Land
There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit. And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide disputes by what his ears hear, but with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; and he shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall kill the wicked. Righteousness shall be the belt of his waist, and faithfulness the belt of his loins. The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together; and a little child shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall graze; their young shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. The nursing child shall play over the hole of the cobra, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adder’s den. They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. (Isaiah 11:1-9 ESV)
Reading Isaiah this morning is a reminder that we, as followers of the King, are living in the "already, but not yet" age of the kingdom. The kingdom of God is in the heart of believers. We experience peace, rest, and joy in the midst of turbulous times, this we "already" taste and experience something of what the kingdom will be like. But, we have "not yet" experienced the fullness of the coming of the Kingdom. Isaiah describes the peace and rest that will be realized when Jesus Christ is recognized as the King of all Age. In the consummation of the Kingdom, we will experience the fullness of His promised redemption and restoration.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
I am deeply challenged by my brothers and sisters at Bethel Hill Baptist concerning their willing and immediate response to send relief to the Iraqi's. Being immersed in my own affairs, I allow opportunities to give and minister for the kingdom to pass by - all the while I am oblivious. The world around me/us is needy both physically and spiritually. The church, the family of God, as a whole must respond to the needs like our King, our Savior - selflessly and sacrificially giving! The good news that Jesus is King should stir us, His followers, to social action in His name. O that the Father will teach me to be more attentive to the needs here and abroad! Thanks BHBC for your willingness to selflessly and sacrificially give in order to relieve the oppression in Iraq. May God get the glory!
Read below for the story:
Read below for the story:
So how was your church meeting this
morning? Like soggy oatmeal? My sympathies if that was the case. As for
me, I feel like I just came home from a rollicking banquet and a wedding
feast all rolled into one. Joy is serious business at The Hill! And
we're all Bible students. I know I can't ever get enough of the teaching
of God's word.
Not that
anyone is interested, but I sit in the front row along with my iPad open
to the Scripture passage, my notebook, and my Greek New Testament.
teaching from Matthew 9-10 was both deep and simple to follow. Friends,
if you want to know more about God, all you have to do is open your
Bible. Before Jason spoke I was given permission by the elders to share
about the need for the refugees in Iraq and guess what -- $1,340 was
given today! This means that our church will send BGR a check tomorrow
for $2,680 to prevent kids from dying from dehydration and starvation
(someone matched it). I love my church. I love giving whenever I can.
Compared to the Bible's standards, my love and self-abnegation seem
pretty puny. And then it struck me: this money wasn't mine to give. It
all belongs to Him. When you have the potential to do something, just do
it. This is the challenge that each of us must face: How will I manage
what belongs to God? That's the question that you face every day in a
myriad of ways. Giving to charity doesn't make you a Christian any more
than climbing a tree makes you a monkey. Really, God doesn't need our
money. As head of the church, He owns it all anyway. That said, He wants
us to experience the joy of giving. What you can do, do. What you can't
do, God will do. Either way, He gets all the glory. As Philippians puts
it, the fellowship of the church is a fellowship in contributing to each
others' needs (1:5). We remember the poor, no matter what race they are,
no matter who they are, no matter where they live. In our hearts there
is room for others. Whatever pertains to the advancement of the Gospel
and the glory of our Lion-Lamb -- this we will do, and we will do it
So I ask:
How long? How long before the church in America comes alive to the needs
in Iraq? How long do babies have to starve to death before their parents
have groaned enough? I'm coming to realize again and again that this is
what the church looks like. For a child in Iraq, you and I are the one
small hope to hold on to. All we have to do is hold out our hearts.
Friday, August 1, 2014
Hubbardton Church Planter
Meet Chris and Michelle Poluikis (on right in red and blue shirt). Chris and Michelle are planting a church in Hubbardton, VT a rural area that desperately needs gospel witness. Some members of our team spent the week readying their parsonage for their soon occupancy. Pray that the parsonage will be completed soon and they will be able to live among the folk they seek to reach. More info. To come on Chris and Michelle.
Here is the team pictured in front of the parsonage.
Project Hubbardton Parsonage
Seeking to plant a church in Hubbardton, Vermont, a rural area near NY, our team worked diligently on some finishing touches of the parsonage for a church planter. The cost of paying a contractor is double what such would be in NC, thus providing materials and labor serves by providing a church planter and his family the opportunity to "live among the people."

Randy Reed teaches William Dallas, a Farm Bureau Insuarance salesman, to cut and hang Sheetrock.
Tommy McDuffie and Ted strive to "get some power" on the house before we finish for the week.
Ted Bradsher, Nathan's Papa Ted, instructs Nathan on how to reach in the wall, find, and then move a wire. Small arms can be beneficial :)

William doing what he enjoys most - "grabbing a snack" :)
More pics and descriptions to come.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Rapture or Not?
Found this short interview with Craig interesting. I grew up thinking and believing that the Rapture was a Biblical doctrine that must be believed and defended. What do I know now? One must be diligent to research the Scriptures before being dogmatic concerning this issue; furthermore, followers of Jesus must expect great persecution regardless of whether the Rapture occurs. Persecution and tribulation is a fact of life for the one who preaches the Kingdom of Light in a world subdued to the Kingdom of Darkness. What are your thoughts? Do you have clear Biblical evidence for supporting your view?
Monday, July 28, 2014
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of ones youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! he shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate." Psalm 127:3-5
In a culture which views children as a "burden" in many ways, I am reminded by the Psalmist of the blessedness of having ones "quiver full." I have often said that training children is the hardest yet most rewarding work a parent engages in. We, as believing parents, have the distinct opportunity to train children, who will become adults participating in culture, who worship the one true God resulting in being "Culture Makers" for the kingdom of God. The way they think and thus live will impact the surrounding culture for the gospel, thus how we influence and shape them today impacts the world in the years to come, even in our physical absence. May the Father restore the Christian desire to have multiple children for the purpose of filling the earth with worshippers of Himself!
In a culture which views children as a "burden" in many ways, I am reminded by the Psalmist of the blessedness of having ones "quiver full." I have often said that training children is the hardest yet most rewarding work a parent engages in. We, as believing parents, have the distinct opportunity to train children, who will become adults participating in culture, who worship the one true God resulting in being "Culture Makers" for the kingdom of God. The way they think and thus live will impact the surrounding culture for the gospel, thus how we influence and shape them today impacts the world in the years to come, even in our physical absence. May the Father restore the Christian desire to have multiple children for the purpose of filling the earth with worshippers of Himself!
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Quote of the day
"The word of God written from Genesis to Revelation comes alive in the hand of the Spirit as he applies it to the minute-by-minute issues of daily living." Becky Lynn Black "Mama B" Great way to state what it means to be led by the Spirit. He indeed desires to lead us step by step in all of lives circumstances.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Fathers Day
Happy Fathers Day to the greatest Father one can know, our Heavenly Father. We had a great time as the church in Hurdle Mills, Clement Baptist Church, gathered and testified to His goodness, grace, mercy, and loving-kindness. Multiple brothers and sisters testified to what they had learned about the "Fatherliness" of our Heavenly Father this year. How about you? What have you learned? A few of my observations:
1) He, in His fatherliness, sustains His children. Kimberly and I have faced multiple changes this year from building a new home, adopting two children (one with FASD), discovering Caleb has a minor case of Cerebral Palsy, and He took "Mama B" home to see the beautiful face of her Savior. In the midst of all the changes and heartaches, He has faithfully sustained us.
2) He, in His fatherliness, places others in our lives to encourage, instruct, support, and comfort in life changes. He has given Kimberly and I three Dads who are always available, encouraging, and supportive - Thanks HL, Ted, and Dave! You are wonderful to us, and though we were not able to spend time with either of you today - know that you are loved and appreciated.
3) He, in His fatherliness, has given to us a loving and supportive church family. Praise Him for placing us in a community of faith that seeks to glorify Him!
My celebration of Fathers Day included - teaching Sunday School and Corporate worship, eating a quick lunch, taking a hearty nap, replacing a leaking outdoor faucet, installing an underground drain pipe for the AC unit, washing dishes, and drying clothes. O how good the Father is to us! Marvelous are His ways! Thank you Father for your goodness and mercy!
No more leaking faucet!
Hopefully the water will now run underground
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Science and Religion
Want to read a well written, well informed article, on Science and Religion? You can find one I highly recommend here. Stephen M. Barr speaks way over my scientific understanding; however, he does a superb job at utilizing scientific discovery to debunk the materialistic philosophical argument against religion.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Instructive Read
Gene Veith in his book God at Work provides helpful and exhortative insight as to how God is at work in every vocation. Followers of Jesus in every vocation are being used by the Father to glorify Himself. Many feel "less useful" to God due to their vocation seeming unimportant in His kingdom; however, such is far from true. God does just want to use you in your vocation, but He sees your vocation as eternally useful for His kingdom purposes. You can find this easy and informative read here.
The Bible and Art
As a follower of King Jesus, I hold that He created all things "good," pleasing to Him. Though man, though sin and rebellion, have corrupted creation, he has not completely removed the beauty and wonder of such. Thus being said, I for many years was uninterested in the Arts and did not embrace its "goodness" in creation; however, the Arts are a wonderful part of God's good creation whereby man can exhibit his creative nature. Music, Painting, Cinema, Poetry, and Literature, to list a few, are a wonderful part of culture that God has given man the privilege of partaking in creatively. Due to such, I now argue that Christians should be love and appreciate the Arts using such for the glory of God. However, such needs redemptive direction and godly discernment. Francis Schaeffer in his book Art and the Bible provides wonderful insight as to the how the Arts exist in God's creation by His design and how the Christian can judge Art effectively and fruitfully. His insightful book can be found here. Read and enjoy.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Got the word yesterday, the adoption is FINAL!!! And then there were 7 in the Bradsher nation! Rejoicing in the gift of children that the Father has given Kimberly and me. Thanks for those who have prayed, encouraged, and exhorted us. May God use our family to further His glory to the nations!
At home today with 3 of the 5 precious children the Father has given us. My conclusions:
1) My wife is a Diamond, a precious jewel worth far more than I can describe
2) My wife is the hardest worker I know
3) My wife deserves a 3 month, all paid vacation :) (donations excepted for this venture)
4) God, in His sovereign grace and mercy, gave me a woman I do not deserve whose heart yearns to obey Christ her King, while serving her husband and discipling her children
1) My wife is a Diamond, a precious jewel worth far more than I can describe
2) My wife is the hardest worker I know
3) My wife deserves a 3 month, all paid vacation :) (donations excepted for this venture)
4) God, in His sovereign grace and mercy, gave me a woman I do not deserve whose heart yearns to obey Christ her King, while serving her husband and discipling her children
What is man, that you make so much of him, and that you set your heart on him, visit him every morning and test him every moment? (Job 7:17, 18 ESV) Wonderful reminder from Job of Gods gracious character in that He, unmeritoriously, lavishes His love and attention on us. Thank you Father, that you "set your heart" on me, even though I often set up idols in my life. You, O God, are worthy of my worship and praise all the day long! May I ever praise you!
Friday, May 30, 2014
"Early Childhood Career Training"
Say hello to our professional painters! Our new home is a "family project" which is providing a great education in our homeschool endeavor.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Great Article on Sexual Morality and the Church
I encourage each follower of Jesus to read this insightful and exhortative article from Russell Moore, President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the SBC. http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/tgc/2014/05/06/can-we-trade-sexual-morality-for-church-growth/
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Reminded by John Calvin this morning that we are at war with a formidable foe, the Devil, a powerful fallen angle who seeks to lead man to destruction and more so darken the glory of God. Calvin argues, "One thing which ought to animate us to perpetual contest with the devil is, that he is everywhere called both our adversary and the adversary of God. For, if the glory of God is dear to us, as it ought to be, we ought to struggle with all our might against him who aims at the extinction of that glory. If we are animated with proper zeal to maintain the Kingdom of Christ, we must wage irreconcilable war with him who conspires its ruin. Again, if we have any anxiety about our own salvation, we ought to make no peace nor truce with him who is continually laying schemes for its destruction. But such is the character given to Satan in the third chapter of Genesis, where he is seen seducing man from his allegiance to God, that he may both deprive God of his due honour, and plunge man headlong in destruction." May we as followers of King Jesus be ver conscious of the war in which we are engaged. He, the enemy takes no vacation, no holiday, and no time of peace. He seeks at every moment to devour and destroy. Be vigilant brothers and sisters, to wage warfare against him in the power of God for the kingdom of Christ.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Distinguished People
The idea of being "distinct" and/or "different" troubles us at the core of our being. We, as Americans, desire to be accepted. We strive with all or our might to "fit in" with our peers, be they co-workers or friends. We shape our clothing style, vehicle purchases, house designs, and calendar events based on what others are participating in or talking about. As I prepare to teach this coming Sunday, I am reminded that we, as the church, must be a "distinct" people. According the the Apostle Paul, all who are "in Christ" were once "alienated from God" and "having no hope." But now, being "in Christ," we have been brought near to God by His sacrificial death, the shedding of His blood. Paul goes on to argue in Ephesians 5,
5 For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. 6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. 7 Therefore do not become partners with them; 8 for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light 9 (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), 10 and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. 11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. 12 For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret.
Those who are "in Christ", being distinct from the world of darkness, now are children of Light and thus walk in the Light. We are, thus, "distinct and different" from the world. Our passions and pursuits have changed. Our concerns in life are no longer "what others think" but rather, "what delights God who is Light and in whom is no darkness at all." I pray that the Father will free me from the bondage of "seeking to please others," as well as, "the troublesomeness of being distinct and different." I desire, for the gospel, to embrace "distinction" as a "good" and not a "bad," as a "pleasurable pursuit," and not "a troublesome endeavor." May the American church realize and embrace being "distinct IN CHRIST!"
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Concerning the need for the follower of Jesus, from all walks of life, to be diligent and persistent in prayer, Bonhoeffer provides an exhortative word for the mechanic, "Even routine mechanical work will be performed more patiently when it is done with the knowledge of God and His command. Our strength and energy for work increases when we have prayed God to gives the strength we need for our daily work." Bonhoeffer correctly argues that the Christian should be engaged in "work" and "prayer." One must not be neglected but both are to be kept in balance. God created man to work, yea I said it - WORK - the dreaded word of our culture, thus working glorifies Him. The follower of Jesus will be better suited and prepared to work to the glory of God both in energy and attitude if he keeps such in balance with prayer.
Here is an encouraging article that reminds us of how the reading of the Scriptures are vital to the Christian life and satisfying for the Christian. I pray that the Word of God will continue to flourish in Asia and the US.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
"Verse of the Day?"
Dietrich Bonhoeffer has this to say concerning the ideology of the Verse of the Day often used by Christians, "But there can equally little doubt that that brief verses cannot and should not take the place of reading the Scripture as a whole. The verse for the day is still not the Holy Scripture which will remain throughout all time until the Last Day. Holy Scripture is more than a watchword. It is also more than "light for today." It is God's revealed Word for all men, for all times. Holy Scripture does not consist in individual passages; it is a unit and is intended to be used as such." Instructive word from the great German scholar who gave his life preaching the gospel. In our "McDonald's" Christian culture that desires "fast spiritual food" through the "verse of the day," many are anemic for they are not digesting the entire meal delivered up by the Father. We need a "full course spiritual meal" only enjoyed by devouring the entirety of Scripture. The Word must be taken as an entire unit, OT and NT, not as individual passages disconnected and unrelated. Sit down at the table and feast until your spiritual belly is satisfied :)
Monday, April 14, 2014
Check out this delicious Chicken Curry dish my beautiful wife prepared this evening! The smell and taste reminds me of India. As the aroma arose into my "smeller" this evening I prayed that the Father would further the gospel in NE India though the Peniel Gospel Team. After eating this, I am looking forward to February 2015 when I can return to edify the church as well as be edified by the church there. Please pray for our brothers and sisters as they face much spiritual opposition to the furtherance of the gospel in NE India.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Reading Dietrich Bonhoeffer's book Life Together afresh and anew seeing as it has been a while since doing so. I am refreshed by his deep thought concerning God's community/church. He argues that mankind, apart from God, seeks an unattainable ideal community; however, God, in and through Christ, provides realistic community. According to Bonhoeffer, satisfying community is a Divine reality "in and through Christ," a Biblical truth I wholeheartedly agree with! In discussing this "Divine Reality," Bonhoeffer compares Human love and spiritual love (love produced in the human through Christ that only those "in Christ" possess) in the following way: "Human love lives by uncontrolled and uncontrollable dark desires; spiritual love lives in the clear light of service ordered by the truth. Human love produces human subjection, dependence, constraint; spiritual love creates freedom of the brethren under the Word. Human love breeds hot house flowers; spiritual love creates the fruits that grow healthily in accord with God's good will in the rain and storm and sunshine of God's outdoors. The existence of any Christian life together depends on whether it succeeds at the right time in bringing about the ability to distinguish between human ideal and God's reality, between spiritual and human community." If the church is to experience true, genuine community that satisfies the human longing, she must live by spiritual love, love produced "in and through Christ" only. Acts 2:42-27 & Acts 4:32-37 describe what the Church looks like that operates on spiritual love. This church devotes herself to the teaching of the Word and fellowship in the Word, and to serving one another sacrificially. You desire genuine community? You desire satisfying relationships that are "genuine and transparent?" These will only be found in a church that understands her community is "in and through Christ" and not in merely embracing a document called "The Constitution and By-Laws." The church that experiences true community will seek to love one another in the way that Christ has loved us.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
"Stay Awake"
Exhortative word from Mark's Gospel, "Stay awake," or "Stay alert!" Reminds me that the life of a follower of Jesus is the life of a soldier. We each have a defense post to maintain which the enemy seeks constantly and aggressively to overtake and destroy. Alertness or sober mindedness must characterize the ready mind of the believer. Our enemy is most often difficult to detect for he flies constantly under the radar. He is crafty, intelligent, evasive, and strategic, thus the follower must be ready; for, we do not know the hour our Commander and Chief will return, and when He returns, we desire to be found faithfully defending our post. So, STAY ALERT brother! No time for sleepy heads in the kingdom!
Monday, March 31, 2014
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Missions Conference session 1
Her are some takeaways from Matthew Lawrence (IMB Missionary to the Middle East) last night:
1) it is our responsibility to sow the seed both locally and globally, and because we do not know the soils, we must share often and broadly
2) the work of the gospel is "blue collar" shared organically as we live we share and show with persistence.
3) like the mustard seed, the message has to bring change; though it seems small, it has unimaginable, incomprehensible potential
4) "investments in international missions has unbelievable returns"
Matthew needed with four well know challenges:
1) Pray with a knowledge of the nations
2) Give sacrificially
3) Go to the nations (no better way to get a vision for the nations)
4) Personally involved with a missionary (contact them and pray for them)
Looking forward to this evening as we gather again to celebrate God's global plan to reach the nations! Come celebrate with us this evening - supper @ 6pm for everyone and service @ 7pm.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
I am anxiously looking forward to this weekend as our church family is hosting a Missions Conference. We desire for the Father to illuminate our hearts to His Global Plan of reaching the nations with His glory. We desire the Father to urge us to pursue His kingdom work with greater intensity, commitment, and resilience. Someone asked me, "Are we not having "revival" as we have always had? Will this replace our Spring revival?" Yes and No. This time of gathering to hear of God's Global purpose for His church is replacing our traditional revival services. However, such is not replacing a time of cultivating revival. I hold that revival occurs when God's people obey His word. If we will obey His purpose of utilizing all our resources (time, money, education, etc.) to proclaim the Gospel to the nations, we will experience an outpouring of God's goodness, mercy, and grace. By the way, I do hope that we do not have revival as we have always had, especially if such was limited to an emotional experience that did not lead to a "life change" which furthered the gospel and glorified God. I desire that we experience the presence of God in such a fashion that our lives are forever altered by His glorious presence! Will you join us this weekend? Will you come willing to join His Global Cause? By the way, if you do, we have a FREE BOOK for you! How is that for an invitation :) Details below.
Friday & Saturday Night: 6pm- supper for all; 7pm - Matthew & Amy Lawrence, missionaries to the Middle East, to teach and Share.
Sunday Morning: 11am - Dr. David Alan Black, Greek Professor @ Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Missionary to Ethiopia, Asia, and the US :)
Sunday Evening: Supper for all at 5pm; 6pm - Dr. David Alan Black
Questions: Email me at joelbradsher@gmail.com
Friday & Saturday Night: 6pm- supper for all; 7pm - Matthew & Amy Lawrence, missionaries to the Middle East, to teach and Share.
Sunday Morning: 11am - Dr. David Alan Black, Greek Professor @ Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Missionary to Ethiopia, Asia, and the US :)
Sunday Evening: Supper for all at 5pm; 6pm - Dr. David Alan Black
Questions: Email me at joelbradsher@gmail.com
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Gospel Giving Opportunity
Below is an email I read this morning from Brother Dave Black concerning a building project in India to further the gospel. I personally believe this to be a God-honoring, gospel opportunity to give to the building up of God's kingdom in highly unreached India. Having had feet on the ground there in Bagdogra numerous times, I testify that what you give will indeed be utilized to further the gospel. Kimberly and I are most definitely going to seek the Spirits direction on how we can give, Will you? If you have any questions over and above what is stated below, feel free to email me at: joelbradsher@gmail.com. Thanks in advance for your graciously giving (2 Cor. 8-9).
Greetings, friends!
What is the Gospel? It is giving. The early church radically cared for each other. It wasn't a social club. They went without to meet the needs of others. I should be willing to live in a smaller house if that would help a brother or sister. I should be wiling to give away one of my cars if a fellow believer needs transportation to and from work. Christianity is not proven by the books I write but by the number of strangers I invite into my home to sit on my sofa and open my refrigerator. If we're going to display the beauty of the kingdom, we're going to have to rebel against the world's values. We should be people seeking to serve others just as our Master was willing to serve.
As you know, I am intensely devoted to missions and evangelism. It wasn't always that way, but it is now. As you may also know, my good friend Mammen Joseph is trying to complete an important Gospel-centered project in northern India. God appointed Becky and me to help the Peniel Gospel Team establish a large private (meaningtuition-based) school that will generate the income needed to sustain this ministry for many decades to come. There are many benefits to this plan:
1) The community gains a benefit through education; this endears the work to them and opens their hearts to the Gospel.
2) The 2,500 Muslim and Hindu students coming daily to learn their ABCs will also have exposure to the Lord who loves them.
3) The ministry gains a stable income source for its outreaches; in fact, we expect that the vast majority of the needs for the evangelists, orphans, and seminary will be met through the school tuition income.
The project is well underway but needs our assistance for it to be completed. It will take only $200,000 to finish the construction. I am writing to ask for your help. I am asking that God would lay on someone's heart a willingness to help me complete the funding for this project. With eyes of faith, I believe the time is now for us to come alongside brother Mammen.
If the Lord so directs you, you can send me a check for any amount at 2691 White House Rd. Nelson VA 24580. Make your check payable to "Bethel Hill Baptist Church." Please write "India School" in the subject line. You will eventually receive a tax-deductible receipt from Bethel Hill. I will personally match any gift up to $100,000. If a hundred people gave $1,000, the need would be fully met (your 100,000 plus my 100,000). Ditto if two hundred of you gave $500.
Please commit the matter to the Lord. He will show you what to do :)
I love all of you!
In the precious Lamb,
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